expedientskies:nansheonearth:earthshaker1217:outforhealth:Yep. Plaster this all over fo
expedientskies:nansheonearth: earthshaker1217: outforhealth: Yep. Plaster this all over folks who were mad at HERO There have been numerous assault cases. This post is bs gaslighting. Reporting false statistics to women to scare them into letting transwomen in our bathrooms. Not My Post, I hope this is okay: http://randomstabbing.tumblr.com/post/144989720467/the-tip-of-the-iceberg-please-add-to-this-listFrom evolution-thru-revolution The Tip of the IceBerg (please add to this list). Women harmed by rape in bathrooms by Males: Woman raped in Vermont courthouse bathroom | Local News Phoenix man raped woman in park bathroom - AZCentral.com Woman Raped in Downtown Annapolis Restroom: Police … Cross-dresser arrested in bath house Stranger Grabs Woman by Throat, Rapes Her in Bathroom … Woman Was Raped In Flatiron District Bar Restroom, Police … Woman Raped in Bathroom of Gramercy Bar, Police Say … Man arrested in bathroom stall assault at Circle Centre Mall … Union Square Park bathroom rape attempt on woman, 63 … Police Warn of Attempted Rapes in Downtown LA Restrooms Sexual predator jailed after claiming to be ‘transgender’ to assault women in shelter Women get raped in public toilets in shopping malls. - Belle … Man Hiding In Bar Bathroom Rapes Woman - Huffington Post Woman, 23, raped in busy Manhattan sports bar restroom … Cross-dressing Peeper Infiltrates Cal Women’s Locker Room Police: Cross-Dressing Peeping Tom Arrested Again Woman (50) raped in toilet at her work in Chloorkop … Man at-large who lured 12 year old into CVS bathroom … 12-Year-old Raped By Stranger in Public Bathroom - Jezebel Texas police hunt man who lured a girl into a restroom and … 10-Year-Old Girl Raped in Restroom of California Denny’s … The Threat to Women and Girls Presented by Bathroom Bills The story of biological male sexual predators who used nondiscrimination laws protecting gender identity to sexually assault women. Here is a site documenting 250 cases regarding transwomen harming women and girls over a five year time span. And here’s some more: A transwomen rapes and kills a six year old girl. Man, Dressed as Woman, Charged With Sexually Assaulting of Boy | NBC 10 Philadelphia. Crossdresser cabbie convicted of rape The ‘Cambridge Rapist’ is dead Transgender Woman: Convictions Irrelevant to Citation California: Male rapist claiming “transgender” status placed in CA WOMEN’S prison: David Megarry (“Sandy Jo Battista”), a convicted sex offender who has molested girls, expects tax payers to pay for his feminizing hormones. Male-to-Female transgenders are 18 times more likely than women to be convicted of violent crime Regarding any crime, male-to-females had a significantly increased risk for crime compared to female controls (aHR 6.6; 95% CI 4.1–10.8) but not compared to males (aHR 0.8; 95% CI 0.5–1.2). This indicates that they retained a male pattern regarding criminality. The same was true regarding violent crime. In other words, MtF’s were seven times more likely to be convicted of violent crimes than women, and just as likely as “cis” males to be convicted of a violent crime. Trans-women violence against females and children:Sex offender sentenced after dressing as a woman and going in women’s locker room Cross-dressing cab driver convicted of rape Man dressed as woman beats up mother-in-law Man dressed in women’s clothes flashes children Man dressed as woman arrested for sexual assault Transvestite arrested for groping women while seeking “fashion tips” Cross-dressing suspect arrested for raping woman Cross-dressing child molester will serve 15 years in prison Cross-dressing fake nurse targets the elderly Man disguised as a woman takes pictures in women’s locker room Male transgender exposes his genitals in a maternity store Man dressed as a woman solicits child for sex Man wearing female mask & wig spies on women in public toilets Male transgender exposes his genitals to women and children Male trannsgender exposes his genitals to students Male transgender spies on women in university restroom A transsexual killer who tried to rape a woman must be moved to a female prison because holding her with men breaches her rights, a judge has ruled. Transwoman rapes 13 yr old boy, is identified in press as a woman Transwoman sex offender arrested for not registering as a sex offender after befriending and moving in with a woman with young child A cross dresser and sex offender sneak in elementary school Cross dresser arrested for being a serial child rapist Male child sex predator identifies as a woman in prison and is allowed to change name Child rapist is arrested and found to be living as “a woman” Convicted sex offender sues over sex change operation Plymouth transgender sex offender jailed after coming into contact with child Dothan Man Sentenced for Child Pornography Christopher Hambrook, who claimed to be a woman in order to gain entrance to a woman’s shelter, where he raped two homeless women. Cross-dressing man arrested for exposure at Walmart Purdue police investigate report of man taking photographs in women’s restroom Police: Man in bra and wig found in women’s bathroom - admitted to other offense where he showered in the girls’ locker room for sexual gratification Police: Sex offender posed as woman, went into women’s locker room Cross-dressing man allegedly videotaped women in restroom Police: Predatory Sex Offender Entered Girls Locker Room … Man dressed as woman arrested in Central stabbing … Australia - Registered sex offender dressed as woman busted … Predator who claimed to be transgender declared dangerous offender… There is research documenting shame and narcissistic rage in autogynephilic MtF transgenders. The few studies that have examined personality disorders among transsexuals usually have found that these disorders in general—and disorders in Cluster B, which includes Narcissistic Personality Disorder (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2000), in particular—are more common in transsexuals than in nontranssexuals Founder of the “TERF TRACKER” outed as a violent sexual offenderTransgender MtF’s use status as “women” to try and receive lighter sentences on crimes committed; avoid registration as sex offenders:Suspected Transgender Serial Killer Donna Perry Defense Says She Shouldn’t Be Punished For Alleged Crimes Committed As A Man Philadelphia man who dressed as woman to scam bank … FBI investigating two Monday bank robberies in Oak Park Cleveland Heights fraudster who sought leniency for being transgender gets 14 years One In Six Sex Offenders Change Names To Avoid Registration: Study Child sex offenders who secretly change their names to try and hide their past face five years in jail Dodging Google? Convicted rapist Jeffrey Kitze’s name change draws attention of victims rights advocates Thousands come off sex offender list months after new law Convicted of sex crimes, man gets pardon, changes name to … Sex Offenders Employ Simple Techniques to Change Identity Violent Offenders Seeking or Granted Sex Reassignment Surgery: James Randall Smith – kidnapping and raping a 17-year-old girl Luis Morales/Synthia China-Blast – rape and murder of a teen girl: Wolfgang “Beate” Schmidt – serial rapist and murderer Rodney Quine/Shiloh Quine – murder, kidnapping and robbery Jeffrey Bryan Norsworthy/Michelle-Lael Norsworthy – murder Steve “Nikkas” Alamillo – murder Lyralisa Stevens – killing a San Bernardino County woman with a shotgun in a dispute over clothes Noel Crompton/Maddison Hall – murder of a 28 year old hitchhiker, charged with rape after he was moved to a women’s facility Michelle Kosilek – killed his wife by nearly decapitating her with a piano wire Dillon Andrew Shadle/Riley Nicole Shadle – sexual assault of a child Peter Laing/Paris Green – beat, tortured and murdered a man, moved to another women’s prison after having sexual relations with female inmates Vance Egglestone/Shauna Taylor – serial rapist James Elliot Wolfe/Jessica Elaine Wolfe – child rapist Mark Brooks/Jessica Brooks – murder Violent Offender’s and Women’s prison (expressed interest in or already moved): Tania Veilleux – sexually assaulting a young girl for 4 years: Luis Morales/Synthia China-Blast – rape and murder of a teen girl David Wesley Birrell/Bella-Christina Birrell – murder Michelle Kosilek – killed his wife by nearly decapitating her with a piano wire Christopher “Kitty” Grey – molested a child for 5 years Phillip “Sabrina” Trujillo – stabbed a man, theft and robbery Pre-op placement: Cheyenne Lamson – privacy complaints due to pre-op status Noel Crompton/Maddison Hall – murder of a 28 year old hitchhiker, charged with rape after he was moved to a women’s facility Peter Laing/Paris Green – beat, tortured and murdered a man, moved to another women’s prison after having sexual relations with female inmates Tara Hudson – assault Jaris Lovado/Bianca Sawyer – robbery, possession of stolen property and fraud Stuart Kelly/Katelyn Findlay – robbery and assault, registered sex offender Richard Chaperon/Richard Kavanagh/Synthia Kavanagh – brutally murdered his ex roommate, a transsexual male prostitute, with a knife and hammer Jade Follett – stabbed a man who stalked and threatened after they met through a dating website Post-op placement (includes prison transition and self-castration):Peter Rogers/Debbie Vincent – ex-military animal rights extremist charged with intimidation, threats, placing car bombs, arson, disturbance of personal remains and theft of ashes:http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/10772486/Debbie-Vincent-Former-soldier-turned-animal-rights-extremist-jailed-for-six-years.html Melissa Young – killed neighbor by stabbing him 29 times over rejecting a gift:https://archive.is/C3QK8 Robert Hilton/Rebecca Hilton – murder: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/jailed-as-a-man-released-as-a-woman-robert-hilton-becomes-rebecca-hilton-in-prison-8496049.html Richard Masbruch – serial rapist: https://archive.is/0MpQX#selection-1223.0-1223.16 Douglas Wakefield/Tai Pilley Wakefield – strangled his uncle, beat him with a hammer and stabbed him 48 times with a garden fork. While incarcerated, he strangled, stabbed, beat and killed an inmate, held prison officers hostage twice and attempted to kill one of them:http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/293991/Sex-swap-lag-s-wedding-chop Glenn Nelson/Leslie Ann Nelson – killed a police officer and investigator with an AK-47 assault rifle: http://www.njpen.com/20-years-after-leslie-nelson-shooting-haddon-heights-police-grieve-reflect-rededicate-themselves/ Granted surgery, awaiting placement:Rodney Quine/Shiloh Quine – murder, kidnapping and robbery:http://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-inmate-transgender-20150810-story.html David Cross/Kelly Denise Richards – armed robbery: http://www.irishtimes.com/news/armed-robber-has-sex-change-1.1110904 Alan Baker/Sarah Baker – kidnapped and tortured his step-mother’s brother, attempted to kill another inmate: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2383992/Violent-inmate-Alan-Baker-given-10-000-sex-change-NHS.html Will constantly be updated. evolution-thru-revolution A little late, but as promised, here is a part two to this post.Men (cis or otherwise) invading female-only spaces for harmful intentions: Police: Man caught peeping in bathroom at UW Medical Center A Knoxville man was convicted Wednesday of secretly recording video of a 12-year-old girl as she got ready to take a shower. SAPD: Man hid camera in bathroom at senior living facility San Jose State: Man arrested after reportedly assaulting woman in bathroom University Of Toronto Gender-Neutral Bathrooms Reduced After Voyeurism Reports Purdue police arrest man for alleged voyeurism in sorority house Transwoman convicted of voyeurism in 2012 for taking photos of two neighbor girls using the bathroom. MAN IN WOMEN’S LOCKER ROOM CITES ‘RIGHT’ TO BE THERE Gender-Neutral Restrooms Experience Voyeurism At Toronto University New law forces homeless women and girls to bunk and bathe with males who claim to feel “psychologically female” to respect their gender-identity. Gender-Critical Trans Voices:TRANSAVANT: “TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN” IS A LIE THAT IS AS DANGEROUS TO TRANSWOMEN AS IT IS TO WOMEN” Gender Apostates: It is important you know who are Gender Apostates; we are real people living real lives, some of us trans some of us not, and this and our experience give our voices authority. Miranda Yardley on being a gender critical transwoman Gender-Critical People Banned from Speaking on Accusations of Transphobia: No platform: my exclusion proves this is an anti-feminist crusade Julie Bindel The Lie That There is Little-to-No Crimes from Transgender Women: A Mass Media Cover-up: “The surge in Irish referrals in the past two years can be linked to a broader acceptance of gender dysphoria. High-profile gender transition stories like that of Caitlyn Jenner and Orange is the New Black star Laverne Cox have pushed term transgender into the mainstream.”Children denying sex-roles being treated for gender-dysphoria: Number of British kids treated for gender confusion jumped 1000% in last five years Transgender Children: “The Transgender Taboo is a Threat to Academic Freedom” Transgender Activists campaign against ‘Puberty Blockers’ for transgender children The Pharmaceutical Industry’s role in patient care (how the pharmaceutical industry is making money off of gender dysphoria and why SRS and HRT is being pushed): The Highest-Paid “Female” CEO is a Transgender Founder (Who Built a Robot Version of Her Wife). She also created a SuperPac to support her son during the 2014 elections. Pharmaceutical industries have increased marketing strategies that are specifically targeting LGBT communities. Doctors are still gatekeepers for medical treatment, but their role has become more subordinate in the expansion or contraction of medicalization. Medicalization is now more driven by commercial and market interests than by professional claims-makers. Gifts to doctors from drug companies have implications for patient interests. Drug companies influence prescribing, study finds Male “transgender” sexual perversion is a money-maker for many List of Transgender Sex Offenders: Transsexual wife killer who was granted tax-payer funded sex change will also have his legal fees paid, judge rules James Joseph Allard Registered Sex Offender Nastasia Laura Bilyk is a Man serving a life sentence for murdering a Woman in 1987. He decided he was a Woman in 2008, and now wants to be transferred to a Women’s prison in Canada. Name (and gender) change for convicted pedophile. In April 2010, corrections officials were concerned the convicted pedophile might re-offend and put special monitoring provisions on the convict, who has a history of befriending parents to sexually prey on their children. Sex-change suit by California inmate Philip Rosati (convicted of murder) OKd by court James Hundley, who is serving time for child abuse and sexual assault, is serving a life sentence. He lost his lawsuit for hormones while incarcerated. Duchesne County prosecutors have charged Susan Elizabeth Rye, 60, with three counts of aggravated sexual abuse of a child, a second-degree felony. Rye is accused of sexually abusing a 5-year-old girl on three occasions in 1989 and 1990. Born Randall Donald Rye, court records show Rye had his name legally changed in January 2009. Janet Mock celebrated a man who decapitated his wife getting getting approved for a “sex change” while imprisoned for life as a victory for trans rights. A TRANSVESTITE was banned from a shopping centre over claims he sexually assaulted several women while seeking “fashion tips”. Crossdressing Suspect Arrested For Raping Woman Research on MtF transgenderism:New scale for diagnosing autogynephilia is very telling. Men Trapped in Men’s Bodies (complete PDF) The Psychometric Structure of Items Assessing Autogynephilia Autogynephilia: A Paraphilic Model of Gender Identity Disorder Already posted above, but I am writing this again:Male transgenders (MtF) are 18 times more likely than biological females to be convicted of violent crime. In essence, MtF trans are just as likely as biological males to be convicted of violent crimes.Shout out to Gender Trender and The Truth About Autogynephilia –most of my research was found on these blogs. -- source link
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