sleepyfuckups:billybatsonandjameshowlettsbro:s-class-wizard:mellow-egalitarian:likhoodnoglaznoye:sprech4:damegi:kazuhiramiller:makubenoaijin:foreveralonefedoras:heanbean:oh my god I was waiting for a bus and there were these two fedora wearing clones stood nearby and I thought ‘wow they exist in real life’ and then twO MORE GOT OFF A BUS AND JOINED THEM AND THEY ALL LOOK EXACTLY THE SAME AND I JUST DON’T UNDERSTANDIt’s like the matrix glitched.i can’t stop laughingokay thats real funny and all but why would did you decide to photograph a group of strangers without their permission just to upload their picture onto the internet and make them the punchline of some half-assed joke. dont you think thats even more shitty than their taste in hats or w/ei’m 98% sure these are young orthodox jews you FUCKING JACKASSESThese aren’t fedoras, they’re hats used by Yeshivish and Hasidic Jews because their faith requires them to keep their heads covered. Also, you can see the Payot (sidelocks) on the older ones growing in. ALSO, two of them have the same pamphlet, they probably just got out of school or a service. A L S O you can even see the Tallit hanging out from under their clothes.Next time please try rubbing two brain cells together long enough to consider a situation that isn’t “haHA they’re WEArinG HATs that KINDA VAGUELY LOOK like a fedora this is COMEDY GOLD”here it is. the ultimate shitpostFucking ignorance and antisemitism to the max >:(Another post as to why white feminists are fucking awful…I REMEMBER THIS POST. this is one of the most tumblresque post I have ever laid eyes on god blesshey feminists you ever been so anti-male you ended up being antisemitic? like yeah trilbies are not good hats but you’re literally insulting jewish kids you fucking assholesAND THEY AREN’T EVEN WEARING TRILBIES LEARN TO IDENTIFY HATS YOU GODDAMN MORONS -- source link
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