“Youkai Girls“ - for Giant Robot Gallery’s “NANA” show. Original
“Youkai Girls“ - for Giant Robot Gallery’s “NANA” show. Original was black & white with red copic accent. I wanted to emerge more youkainess with street fashion. I enjoyed it so much I wanna make it into more series collection. Youkai is mostly referenced from Sekien Toriyama’s Hyakki Yagyo series and ukiyo-e artist Kuniyoshi Utagawa’s youkai illustrations. Recently I also see a lot of anime / Japanese culture inspired street fashion trend which I think its cool but I personally wanted to bring it to next level. So I researched in more depth about youkai & myth creatures & traditional Japanese tattoos that I can incorporated in design. I’m happy with the overall result, but I think I want to work on drawing more variety on clothes materials and styles. More close up and high quality images are on my Behance. Listening to : Fantastoc Youth Meledy -- source link
#youkai#street fashion#youkai girls