wrongonesin: There are not many lower lows than being dumped by your boyfriend on New Year’s E
wrongonesin: There are not many lower lows than being dumped by your boyfriend on New Year’s Eve. At the fucking new year’s party. And then watching him openly flirt with what seems like every other girl in the place. I was pretty much too stunned for tears - and wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. I glared, and hurt, and sat at the open bar and decided to get shitfaced. Maybe I’d go throw up in his car before staggering home. I was two shots into my plan when a pretty blonde sat down next to me at the bar. “Jesus Christ the octopuses are out tonight!” she said, to no one in particular, trying to get the bartender’s attention. “Octopusses?” I asked. “Yeah. All arms and hands everywhere. Almost didn’t make it off the floor - Whiskey straight - shit - look at that one on my friend Joelle.” I don’t know why I was surprised to see Ted trying to feel up the brunette the woman was pointing to. “Fuck,” I mutterd. “Fucking Ted. My, um, ex. As of 30 minutes ago.” “No fucking way!” Exclaimed my new seat mate. “Jesus Christ. Hey!” she shouted at the bar tender. “Get this woman another- what is that?” “Rum and Coke.” “Rum and Coke - on my tab. And you - what’s your name?” “Cassi.” “Cassi - I’m Winny - wait right here, I have a rescue mission. Watch my drink.” I watched Winny barge her way onto the dance floor, and deftly grab her friend’s while hip-checking Ted into another couple and making it look like an accident. By the time he’d apologized and recovered, the two women were almost back to the bar. Winny introduced us, downed her shot, and re-upped for her and Joelle - and me. “Goddamned octopusses,” Joelle said. “Bastard boys,” I growled. “Fuck ‘em!” Winny said loudly. “Or… Don’t fuck ‘em. That’ll show ‘em!” She raised her glass and, Joelle and I followed the toast. That was cathartic, but I soon found myself scowling into my half-finished rum and Coke as Winny and Joelle chattered. “Hey. Hey, Cassi,” Winny said. “Don’t let a shitty guy stay in your head. Throw him out and forget him. Better yet, make him regret what he did. Get stuck in his head.” “Sure. I could go kick him between his legs…” I was getting to the point where I could have done that, with only a little encouragement. “No, not that way. But you can hurt him there worse…” I was going to ask how, but Winny was pulling me to the dance floor. And before I knew it, I was lost in the music with her and Joelle. We danced in a little circle, but also Winny and Joelle - Jo - took turns dancing with me as a pair - and with me right between them, real close. And it was fun. Dancing with other girls, I discovered, was just… liberating. No self-consciousness, no worries about mixed messages or other weird shit. We laughed, we shook our asses, we bumped and ground against each other, in our own little sphere on the floor. Any guy that tried to horn in got a glare, or a curt no, or even a playful, but serious shove away, and they gave. It was almost midnight by the time I saw Ted again, dancing close with some other girl, but staring over at Winny and Jo and me. I was between the two of them, and we were just shimmying away. I caught his eye and saw, I don’t know, jealousy? Regret? Whatever it was, fucking liked it, and I wanted more. I think that’s what made me take Winny’s head in my hands and kiss her, staring past her surprised expression at Ted while I did it, until the feel of her lips - and then tongue - on mine made me close my eyes. “Haha!” Jo laughed close behind me, her body against mine. “Mr. Octopus is staring openly, not even moving. You got him. But this is going to burn him forever.” Jo’s hands on my shoulders turned me, and I broke my kiss with Winny. She turned me while Winny’s hands went to my sides, and then Jo kissed me full on the lips, the three of us moving all together to the music. Now it was Winny’s voice in my ear. “Ohhh yess. He’s- ha! He’s trying to leave the floor with his floozy, and she’s not going.” The countdown to midnight was beginning, and Jo was still kissing me, Winny pressed to my hack, hips against my ass, one hand on my stomach. Winny kissed the back of my neck as Jo’s tongue and mine explored each other. “He’s leaving the floor all alone,” she breathed in my ear. 8 seconds to the new year, 5, 4. “New year, new start,” Winny said, as the cheers went up. Joelle and I came up for air to find champagne glasses in our hands, which we drained as the music came back on and the three of us were dancing up a storm again. Ted was… well, I didn’t care where he was anymore. The night blazed on, and it was more fun than I dreamt possible, the three of us spinning with each other, separating, finding each other again. I got hit on a few times, I think, but rebuffed each with a smile - or by grappling with Win or Jo to show I was ‘taken’. I don’t know when we poured ourselves out from the party to hail a cab. It must have been 3am or later. The closest place was Jo’s so that’s where we headed first, but when we got there, we all piled out instead of each of us heading home. We- I - just didn’t want the night to end. Which is how we ended up in Jo’s living room with another bottle of wine. And then her bed. I’m not a lesbian, or bi, - or at least I didn’t think I was. I’d never even considered sex with another woman. But the kissing on the dance floor had come so easy. The feel of Win’s and Jo’s bodies against mine had been so good, clean and uncomplicated. And now, between them on a bed, hands and lips exploring as clothing slowly disappeared, it seemed so natural, so sensual. Win’s hand on my breast as she kissed me, Joelle’s breath on my thigh, and then her lips and tongue kissing between my legs sent me straight to heaven. I was cumming in no time, my hands pressing Jo’s face to my pussy as her tongue licked, and Win sucked on one breast and massaged the other. Jo pulled away as I started coming down from my climax, and I turned into Win’s kiss, my hand inexpertly moving to explore between her legs. “Ohh, there’s time for that, Cassi, but first…” She rolled me back between her legs, whispering “open,” before pulling my chin up to kiss her again. Head spinning, I obeyed, spreading my legs again, expecting the return of Jo’s devouring mouth. Instead of lips, thought, the blunt knob of a phallic shape divided my pussy lips, stretching me open and pushing inside, making me moan loud into Win’s mouth and squirm as I was impaled. The shaft vibrated faintly, pushing deeper and deeper until Jo’s body settled against mine, a satisfied sigh as she pressed herself into the vibrating base of the fake cock. “Oh god, oh god,” I murmured into Win’s mouth as Jo started fucking me. “That’s right. You don’t need any silly boys do you.” “Nnnmmmm.” “This is going to be a great year.” “Yesss.” “Mmmm. Cum for us. Cum for us then show us what your mouth can do.” And I did cum for them. And then I showed each of them what my mouth could do while they took turns fucking me from behind. We more or less passed out in a sweaty, satisfied pile as the first dawn of the new year broke through Jo’s bedroom window. It was going to be a great year. -- source link
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