I present to you: a visual breakdown of Azeroth’s population density according to the WoW RPG.
I present to you: a visual breakdown of Azeroth’s population density according to the WoW RPG. Before you delve too deep into it, some important disclaimers: first and foremost, this information is not canon because it has been sourced from the de-canonized RPG. Secondly, even though this is a post-Cataclysm map, the population counts reflect vanilla-era numbers.Some other things that are important to interpreting this map:While technically “dead,” the Scourge are counted. This is why arguably “less habitable” areas like Icecrown Glacier and the Plaguelands are shown as having a higher population relative to the rest of Azeroth. Population numbers for major cities and zones are given separately in the RPG, but I decided to combine them for the sake of efficiency. On that note, I also opted to count Hillsbrad Foothills and Alterac Mountains together since Alterac is a subzone of Hillsbrad. Were it not for that, Hillsbrad – which has a population of 15,000 – would fall in a lower category on the map [RPG: Lands of Conflict, pg. 97]. A couple places marked as having “unknown” populations on the map are actually given rough estimates in the RPG. Silverpine Forest supposedly has at least 2560 residents while Zul’Aman is home to around 20,000. Unfortunately, the number given for Silverpine only counts the zone’s human inhabitants, not Forsaken [RPG: Lands of Conflict 102, 115]. It may be worth noting that Icecrown’s population is also given as “unknown,” but was estimated to be 250,000 [RPG: Lands of Mystery, pg. 106]. Azjol’Nerub is not marked on this map, but it has 20,000 inhabitants [RPG: Lands of Mystery, pg. 88].A few fun statistics: The highest populated area on Azeroth is Icecrown Glacier with approximately 250,000 people, all of which are undead [RPG: Lands of Mystery, pg. 106]. The lowest populated area is Crystalsong Forest, which has just 141 total inhabitants. Interestingly, the RPG claims that Crystalsong’s population is made up exclusively of crystalline golems and green dragons – neither of which are actually present in the zone in-game [RPG: Lands of Mystery, pg. 97].The Eastern Kingdoms is the most densely populated of Azeroth’s continents with 496,860 inhabitants. It has almost 2.5x the population of Kalimdor, which sits at just 197,300. Not counting Darnassus, Teldrassil and Wetlands are home to almost the same amount of people [RPG: Lands of Mystery, pg. 20, RPG: Lands of Conflict, pg. 79]. There are more undead in Icecrown than there are humans in Stormwind City [RPG: Lands of Mystery, pg. 106, RPG: Lands of Conflict, pg. 52]. The total population of Azeroth is about 1.2 million. By real world standards, this is a bit less than the population of England in 1086. The Scourge account for 27% of Azeroth’s population. Not including the Forsaken, there are 342,545 Scourge, which is almost equivalent to the entire population of Northrend (though neither Silverpine Forest nor Quel’Thalas have been factored into this since their population numbers are unknown). -- source link
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