messedupessy: GOOD THING WHEN YOU SUDDENLY FALL ASLEEP THAT YOUR BIG GOAT BOYFRIEND IS A LITERAL WALKING FLUFFY PILLOW (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Ahhh finally this is done, took less time than I thought it did and damn do I love it, been on a swap papgore binge lately ever since @hopes-and-doodles posted a bunch a couple of days ago, hope you don’t mind me tagging you, because their papgore art is like so damn good, all of their other art as well like dang, I couldn’t help but get inspired to draw some myself, especially since I haven’t drawn any proper art for them even though I love them so damn much :DAnd dang I had such fun with this, decided to try out only colouring with flat colours while also mostly lineless, which I think turned out pretty damn good it sure was one heck of a challenge as I so do not colour like this usually but like look at it it looks so good, some of the lines turned out a bit meh mostly as I got really tired at some parts especially Fluffy’s fluffy af hair, I love his hair but dang is it a pain to draw been working on it pretty much the whole day, it looks weird here and there but still pretty happy with it, not sure if this is understood in the pic but Fluffy’s beard is like pushed against the back of Stretch’s head which is why it doesn’t fall all over Stretch’s face instead even though it soon will, because Fluffy’s beard is one hell of a curly beast and you will get lost in it, first time drawing a Asgore properly from scratch digitally I think, and he turned out pretty well look at that sweet goat, really happy with his curves though he could had been a little bit bigger maybe, Stretch’s face turned out way too cute tho like srs look at him so damn sweet, ahh anyway really happy with this one turned out so good and it was so much fun to do <: -- source link
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