5/8/15 : today I was so tired what the hell I was so not in it but it was a pretty good day // Engli
5/8/15 : today I was so tired what the hell I was so not in it but it was a pretty good day // English we drew the yellow wall paper and history we got a computer lab day head start on our papers,, third gym we did CPR training but I’m already certified,, math more review,, bio lord okay like we had an open notes test and then we got our test grades back and I got a super good grade?????? But oh lord okay like our teacher (who is lovely and wonderful and great) was getting annoyed w/ some people and their phones so she announced she was taking phones away that we’re out, giving people enough time to put their phones away. She ended up taking like three phones then got to Makena (who was next to me). She goes to take Makena’s phone but Makena shoves her phone in her mouth and snarls and mrs grabs it!! And their playing tug of war w/ the thing for a solid 30 seconds !! Then makena takes it out of her mouth or something, still grabbing onto it and our teacher drags makena across the class, make a having fallen to her knees halfway through, our teacher still dragging her like it was really out there a sight to be seen. Her phone was eventually given up but she got it back soon after,, French we learned and it was okay? Some lab time? Alright?,, a lunch w/ little talk until w/ Zeynep,, art we were drawing I dunno it was grading I was gonna die it was so bad everyone was ready to keel over. But I ended up reading everyone’s horoscope!,, after school I got my lazy ass to see people (Alec and Julia!) and we had a good Time at Starbucks -- source link
#day#death //