lapiscat: Circle casting 101 (Artist: kada-bura !) A magickal circle is an energetic construct that
lapiscat: Circle casting 101 (Artist: kada-bura !) A magickal circle is an energetic construct that you build or envision around yourself before working magick, doing a ritual, some like to cast a circle before meditating or reading tarots. For a solitary practitioner the circle is typically 5-6 ft in diameter, but the size expands based on the size of the group. It can be defined physically, energetically, or both. Circles provide protection and serves as a container for your personal energy as well as the energy you conjure. Please remember that this is just what i personally like to do when casting a circle, but that there are many methods. Preparation for circle casting 1. Determine how much space you will need. 2. Cleanse your area. Vacuum, sweep, throw away any trash in the area. 3.Make sure you have everything you need for your ritual! Theres nothing more frustrating than having your circle casted and realizing you’ve forgotten an herb or any supplies you need for the work you’re about to do. 4. Purify your area. Light purifying incense, sage, sprinkle salt and holy . Most importantly, Visualize the negative energy dispersing. If you don’t focus & visualize, your physical actions will have little effect. Visualization is hands down one of the most important things in any and all magickal workings! 5. Now its time to cast your circle! Visualize protective energy coming from within you and direct it towards your casting arm. Focus it through a casting tool (Athame, wand, or ✋) and visualize a beam of energy coming from it and settling on the ground. Trace your circle with this energy, 3 times in a clockwise direction. Once for protection, once for focus, and once for power. Call the 4 quarters Face North and say “I call to the North, to the element of . Grant me (us if not practicing alone) your endurance, your strength.” Sprinkle salt onto your altar or crumble into a bowl on your altar. Face East and say “I call to the East, to the element of Air. Grant me your creativity and your intuition.” Light incense, wave a fan,or drop feathers onto your altar. Face south and say “I call to the South, to the element of . Grant me your passion and your energy.” Light candles. Face west and say “I call to the West, to the element of . Grant me your empathy and your emotion.” Pour blessed/storm//natural into a bowl or into your chalice. Now would be the time to call on any deities you’d wish to work with. You can call any Goddess or Angel by personalizing this to them. I typically do not personally work with deities, but if you were to want to, Call to them similar to how the Elements are called. Ex. “I call to Gaia, Mother Goddess, Spirit of .” and then place an offering symbolizing them, so for Gaia you might place grain on your altar as an offering. If not solitary, now would be the time to invite others to the circle. The group leader typically invites others in by a series of phrases, although i know every coven has their own method fine tuned for themselves, This is just the method i’ve seen used and am familiar with. Ex. Group leader:”Children of the Goddess, I now invite you to enter our circle.” Each member will be asked “How do you enter this circle?” The response should be “In perfect and perfect trust.” Now its time to raise energy. This is the most important part of this process. Here are a few ways! There is no wrong way to do this part, and there are SO MANY ways. You can fine tune this all to you. Witches Rune Chant “Darksome night and shining , East, then South, then West, then North, Hearken to the witches’ rune; Here i come to call thee forth. and , Air and . Wand and pentacle and ️, Work ye unto my desire, Hearken ye into my word. Cords and censer, scourge and , Power of the witches blade waken all ye unto life, Come ye as the charm is made. of Heaven, of Hell, Lend your power unto my spell, and work my will by magic rite. By all the power of Land and Sea, By all the might of and ☀️, As I do will, So mote it be; Chant the spell, and be it done. Eko, Eko Azarak Eko, Eko Zamilak Eko, Eko Karnayna Eko, Eko Aradia” Meditating to raise energy. Visualize energy building and building by by warm, yellow light fill your body until its expanding out of your body and filling the dome above your circle and visualize it filling with energy. or Drumming, Dancing and Chanting. Once you reach your desired energy level, it is time to get into whatever spellwork or ritual you desire to preform! ONCE YOU FINISH YOUR WORK SAY GOODBYE TO THE ELEMENTS AND THANK THEM FOR THE POWER THEY BROUGHT. ALWAYS SAY GOODBYE AND THANK ANY DEITIES CALLED ON. I like to walk the circle the opposite way of its casting three times, and voila! Keep in mind that this is just my method! There are many methods and this is just one of them. -- source link
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