prurire:How to make your own ice dildo: 1. Start with the cardboard tube from a roll of paper towe
prurire: How to make your own ice dildo: 1. Start with the cardboard tube from a roll of paper towels. With a pair of scissors, cut the tube lengthwise all the way down its length. Roll the tube to the diameter you’d like the finished dildo to be, and wrap tape around it to hold it at that size. Take a condom and put it into the top of the cardboard tube, and then overlap the top half inch or so of the condom around the edge of the tube as shown in the top picture. You can use a lubricated or unlubricated condom. If you use a lubricated condom, avoid spermicidally lubricated ones, because the spermicidal lubricant can get funky when it freezes. You can take extra steps to make a fancier dildo by doing things to the cardboard tube before you place the condom in it. For example, if you take thick cord and wrap it in a spiral on the inside of the tube, the finished ice dildo will have a spiral ridge in it. If you take a small sheet of bubble wrap cut to the same width as the inside circumference of the tube and slide it into the tube before you put the condom in it, the finished ice dildo will have a dimpled, textured surface. 2. Carefully fill the condom to the top with water. Stand the tube upright in the freezer, and wait a few hours. In a few hours, the water will freeze. Remove the tube from the freezer. Carefully lift the top edge of the condom from around the tube and tie it in a knot to keep the water from leaking out as the ice melts. Then cut the tape holding the tube closed and remove the ice dildo. 3. When you’re finished, the ice dildo should look like the one shown in the third picture. Use the dildo without removing it from the condom; as the ice melts, it will create a layer of water inside the condom that creates a very interesting sensation. Some safety notes: Remember, always run the ice dildo under cool water before you use it. This removes any frost from its surface and starts the outer edge of the ice melting. You don’t want to use ice internally until it has started to melt and has a thin layer of water on its surface, or the ice may freeze to your skin; you don’t want the “tongue frozen to a cold metal bar” effect, particularly in parts of your body more sensitive than your tongue! I’ve heard of people making frozen sex toys out of things like Kool-Aide or fruit juice. Generally speaking, it’s wise not to use anything containing sugar internally. Sticking with plain water for this sort of thing is best. Information from: FYI for the day. -- source link
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