viktuurificwriters: Viktuurificwriters reached 2, 000 followers today! To thank you for all your won
viktuurificwriters: Viktuurificwriters reached 2, 000 followers today! To thank you for all your wonderful support these past three months, we present to you our new project, Spotlight. Spotlight is the “Fic Assessment” thing I promised to make back in June (I finally thought of a good name for it). We, the Mods, will select ten authors from each batch of the Weekly Authors whose works have not yet reached 1, 000 kudos and promote them again for more exposure. We will also make a little fancy banner with the author’s name to go along with the article. Well, we’re done with reviewing the authors for batch 1… so here are the ten lovely authors we have chosen: (Authors are listed in random order.) Haircutnamedarthur ( @haircut-named-arthur ) –They are the author of Original Finish Plastic, a story where Yuuri is a nerdy model horse collector and Viktor is a model who really wants to impress him. It is fun and fluffy–a good light read for one of those stressful days. The author knows how to be funny without trying too hard and the amount of research they did really shows through in the story. You can enjoy learning a lot about model horses in no time. Sarabel also commends how the plot is paced–it doesn’t rush to the point that it feels unnatural nor does it build too slow to the point that it bores its readers out. Mythmaker ( @catamight ) - Author of Take these Lies and Make them True and Sympathy for the Devil. Mythmaker portrays emotions as if she is painting a picture. Readers are drawn to every brush stroke she makes because each of them all contribute to the overall quality of the picture. Every line in her stories are carefully thought out and are there for a purpose. Take these Lies and Make them True is about Yuuri never going into professional figure skating because he is too anxious to try. One day, however, his friends and family bought him a ticket to a skating summer camp in New York City and there he gets to meet his idol Viktor. In Sympathy for the Devil, the story is about Yuuri turning into a vampire after the Grand Prix Final banquet because of some unknown reason. He then tries to live his life as normally as he can while Phichit helps him find a way to quench his thirst for blood without becoming a monster. Orchids_and_Fictional_Cities ( @orchids-and-fictional-cities ) - Author of Lullaby of Birdland and And Miles to Go before I Sleep. This author can write fics so beautifully that it makes you cry. Lullaby of Birdland is more than just a romance story. It’s a story about depression and anxiety, a story about hope and getting back up after a hard fall, a story about how love can mend broken hearts and make it easier to live life again. Viktor’s struggle with depression and Yuuri’s fight against anxiety–the author portrays them so well in LOB. The angst doesn’t suddenly crash on you all at once. It slowly builds up in each chapter before the author throws in the final blow that can really make everything fall apart. (But don’t worry, the author promises a happy ending for LOB). Copperwings ( @worldofcopperwings ) - Author of Something for the First Time and Void. Copperwings has beautiful themes in their stories. No matter how simple the plot, they know how to make it meaningful. I personally recommend to check out Void. It’s only a one-shot, but it’s so beautiful that it makes me want for more. Void is set in a world where tattoo-like images appear on people’s skin. These “tattoos” help a person determine their path in life. However, Yuuri Katsuki does not have any tattoos and this makes people regard him with suspicion and fear. People without tattoos–Void, as they call them–are said to have no soul and future. Yuuri then runs away from his hometown to carve his own path in life. imaginary_dragonling ( @imaginarydragonling ) - Author of What Makes us Human. It is evident through the writer’s work that they enjoy doing research a lot. What Makes us Human is a science fiction AU where Yuuri is an engineer who is assigned to teach AI!Viktor what it means to be human. Despite the amount of information dump at the beginning of the story, it’s still a good read. Once you get to main part, all that information you have learned will be really worth it. This AU is set in space and it’s very believable that it is. Imaginary_dragonling has a good grasp on each of the characters’ personalities. Sarabel likes how they portray Viktor despite the limitations that comes with Viktor’s character in the story. Even though he’s an android, he doesn’t seem to be out of character. Llythl - Author of That April (You were Knowable). Llythl is an amazing writer, now I wonder where they are. The only work they have published for YOI is that one fic, which was last updated around March. (I don’t know if they have a tumblr, but if someone does then please tag them in the replies.) That April (You were Knowable) is a wonderful presentation of how Yuuri and Viktor may have started out in getting to know each other. It’s not an overly dramatic or a whooping emotions-ride, but it’s soft and the pacing of the story is just right. totaldislocation @potclean – Author of 20 Days (of you and me) and I Didn’t Know I Was Lonely Until I Saw Your Face Totaldislocation has a straightforward-style, jazzed with nuances from the original show that spark a familiar nostalgia. 20 Days (of you and me) offers an interesting insight into the life of Viktor and Yuuri, through twenty days in St. Petersburg. Vikto and Yuuri are getting through the challenges of language barriers and establishing where they are in their relationship. The author does a fine job with showing the contrast between cultures, and it feels like you’re taking a step into their world. thepurpleeyedone (@japansace) – Author of Intermission and Gentleman Caller. Thepurpleeyedone has a beautiful way with words. Their writing is simple and delicate, with a characteristic flow in both of the works they have written. Their characterization feels very real, intensifying the whole reading experience. Intermission is a set of in-between moments that fills in the gap the anime left behind. On the other hand, Gentleman Caller contrasts the fluff we see in Intermission with the mutual pining and angst of a 17th century courting universe! siberianchan – Author of Favorite spots and Sing for me. Siberianchan has a straightforward approach. With bits of witty humor sewn in to add a zest to the characters’ personalities, their works make for an enjoyable read. The writer has a detached way of writing, which adds to the interesting commentary between characters and the scenes that follow-up. Sing for me was an interesting choice with the musical flair and the theatrical strings that were in play throughout the piece, and siberianchan handled the AU spectacularly! QueBae (@que-bae) – Author of Love is Coming Home and The Ties That Bind. Though the writer tends to get a bit flowery with their descriptions and with setting the scene, the author has a knack for capturing the atmosphere through the characters’ eyes. There’s a nostalgic-feel in how the author writes, and it leaves a strong impression when you sit back after a cozy read. The Ties That Bind beautifully portrays a ballet!AU, and though Joey knows nothing about ballet, he was captivated by the characters’ movements. QueBae also knows how to lead strong with a first impression. -- source link
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