xllia: ☆ grammar point : ~다면서요?Used to confirm with another person over something (e.g. a plan or a
xllia: ☆ grammar point : ~다면서요?Used to confirm with another person over something (e.g. a plan or a rumour) heard previously from a third party or other sourceEquivalent to I heard that … / is it true that …?♡ verb examples과거 : ~았/었다면서요?먹다 → 먹었다면서요? - I heard that you ate?결혼하다 → 작년에 마크 씨가 결혼했다면서요? - I heard Mark got married last year?현재 : ~(느)ㄴ다면서요?먹다 → 오늘에 학교 급식실에 먹는다면서요? - I heard that you are eating in the cafeteria today?이사하다 → 주말에 새 집으로 이사한다면서요? - I heard that you’re moving into your new house this weekend?미래 / 추측 : ~(으)ㄹ 거라면서요?운동하다 → 나중에서 공원에서 운동할 거라면서요? - Is it true that you will work out in the park later?♡ adjective examples과거 : ~았/었다면서요?춥다 → 어젯밤에 서울에 추웠다면서요? - I heard it was cold last night in Seoul?아프다 → 지난주에 너무 아팠다면서요? - I heard you were very sick last week?현재 : ~다면서요?작다 → 재은씨의 기숙사 방은 작다면서요? - Is it true that Jaeeun’s dorm room is small?비싸다 → 호주에는 생활비가 너무 비싸다면서요? - I heard that living costs are very high in Australia?미래 / 추측 : ~(으)ㄹ 가라면서요?많다 → 빵이 많을 가라면서요? - Is it true that there will be a lot of bread?♡ 이다 examples과거 : 였다면서요? / 이었다면서요?시험이다 → 어제는 시험였다면서요? - I heard there was a test yesterday?현재 : (이)라면서요?생일이다 → 대니씨, 오늘은 생일이라면서요? - Danny, I heard that today is your birthday, right?♡ extra notesA. Directly saw / experienced somethingExample진씨가 기타를 잘 쳐요 (correct usage) - Jin plays guitar well진씨가 기타를 잘 친다면서요? (incorrect usage)B. Restate or reconfirm something saidExamplea. 저 합격했어요! - I passed!b. A씨, 합격했다고요? (correct usage) - You passed?b. A씨, 합격했다면서요? (incorrect usage)C. Casual form“~다며?” is what can be used amongst close friends and to those of lower status/younger age -- source link
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