faramircaptainofgondor:“All was dark about it, earth and sky, but it was lit with light. Not t

faramircaptainofgondor:“All was dark about it, earth and sky, but it was lit with light. Not t
faramircaptainofgondor:“All was dark about it, earth and sky, but it was lit with light. Not t
faramircaptainofgondor:“All was dark about it, earth and sky, but it was lit with light. Not t
faramircaptainofgondor:“All was dark about it, earth and sky, but it was lit with light. Not t
faramircaptainofgondor:“All was dark about it, earth and sky, but it was lit with light. Not t
faramircaptainofgondor:“All was dark about it, earth and sky, but it was lit with light. Not t
faramircaptainofgondor:“All was dark about it, earth and sky, but it was lit with light. Not t
faramircaptainofgondor:“All was dark about it, earth and sky, but it was lit with light. Not t