mind-wiper: The months after Teddy regressed into mental toddlerhood fell into a routine for me. Eve
mind-wiper: The months after Teddy regressed into mental toddlerhood fell into a routine for me. Every morning I’d wake up to the sounds of Teddy stirring in his room, heard over the baby monitor. Teddy would babble to himself, talking to his toys, his stuffed animals. I would lie there, half awake for twenty minutes, then drag myself out of bed and take a shower before going to get him up. Teddy was invariably wet when he woke in the morning, usually his double diapers ready to overflow. Not only that, about one morning in three he was also messy. But Teddy didn’t really mind his disgusting state. New You Ltd had made no progress on a reversal for those exposed to The Implant before the patch corrected it. Teddy still had the mind of a two year old boy and no more self awareness than such a little tot would be expected to have. Thus I’d find him cheerfully squirming around in his bed, cuddling his teddy bear and his giraffe, making his diaper even messier. And Teddy was never willing to cooperate with a diaper change until he’d had a nice long cuddle with daddy. I couldn’t blame him of course, it was the Implant’s fault that he had only simple toddler thoughts in his cute head. He needed his physical contact, that reassurance from daddy. Once I had Teddy up and changed into a fresh day diaper I’d usually leave him in just that for the day. Sometimes I put him in a t-shirt but really there was no point unless we were going out somewhere. I had plenty of cute outfits for that. But Teddy’s favourite remained his birthday suit, which he got to enjoy in the backyard where he couldn’t ruin the carpets, and before and after his evening bathy. Teddy had no modesty anymore, and it was kind of delightful seeing him toddle around the grass with his pee-pee flopping around. One thing had changed though, and that was my single status. A few months after Teddy was regressed I met a new boy, something I’d never thought would happen again to be honest. Jared was a nice guy and was so understanding about Teddy and my responsibilities to him. I was amazed by how good he was with Teddy, even changing the big tot’s dirty diapers, giving him baths and cuddling him while we watched cartoons after dinner. Sometimes his closeness to Teddy, his tenderness in dealing with him actually made me jealous, as silly as that was. Then one afternoon as Teddy was romping around the backyard, jaybirding as always, under my close eyes Jared came out onto the deck carrying two boxes. “Hey Chris,” he said, “how come there are two of these things?” he asked. I looked up, recognising the awful boxes the Implants came in. “Oh, there was one for each of us originally,” I explained. Jared nodded. “Oh, and only he tried his out.” “Yeah, more or less,” I answered. Jared looked confused. “What’s that mean?” he asked. “Well I did get mine injected, but we certainly never ran the programme. Not after what happened to Teddy of course.” Jared seemed lost in thought for a moment. “So you didn’t run it after they did the patch?”I shook my head. “Good God no! I never even downloaded the patch, I didn’t want to see that system again.” “Yeah I can understand that. But did you ever have the implant taken out?” “Nah, it’s too expensive at the moment. Why, you think we should?” Jared shrugged. “Up to you I guess. I’d want it out, but that’s me.” Teddy came scurrying up onto the deck just then, running on his tip-toes, eager and smiling with his chin and cheeks stained red with juice. “Mow juith!” he chirped, hopping up and down, penis slapping his tummy. “Just a moment squirt!” Jared replied in a cheerful tone, tickling Teddy’s tummy until he squealed and dropped to a squat. Jared mussed up Teddy’s black hair and headed in to get him a new juice in his sippy cup. Soon the squatting boy was gripping the cup tightly in both hands, sucking his sippy cup straw and watching us with curiosity. “He’s the most adorable little boy in the world isn’t he?” Jared said. “Yeah, he’s a cutie,” I agreed. Jared smiled at me. “Bet you’d be a cutie running round with a bare bum and a jiggly pee-pee too,” he said jokingly. “Yeah, well I have a little more shame than this little boy I’m afraid.” Jared chuckled. “Yeah, that’s true.” **Half an hour later Teddy was back inside and in his diaper again, pushing his Duplo blocks around the kitchen floor while I made dinner. It was a bit tricky though since Jared was usually there to help, but he’d disappeared off somewhere. I decided to find him before putting the water up to boil. The kitchen was fully baby proofed now so it was safe to leave Teddy for a minute, not like that first day when I didn’t know any better. I looked around for a minute before finding Jared in the office, sitting at the laptop. “There you are, you wanna come help with dinner.” Jared looked up nervously. There was just something wrong with his mannerisms. I could tell he was uneasy. “Yeah, I’ll make dinner in just a minute,” he agreed quietly. “You okay?” I asked. “You seem… off.” Jared smiled, but it was a fake smile, it was false. “Yeah, I’m good,” he insisted. I was about to leave him to it when I noticed something, a strange tab on his browser. Did it day “Implant?” “What’s that?” I asked. Jared frowned. “Oh, nothing,” he lied. I furrowed my brown. “It says Implant doesn’t it?” Jared nodded, then clicked on the tab. Instantly I recognised the control app. It was the same as that first day, a map of a human body with red dots on it, a lot of data already entered in the other fields. Except the number was wrong, it wasn’t Teddy’s number, I knew that by heart from the lawsuit. I glanced over at the floor beside Jared, recognising the two boxes, Teddy’s and mine. “What are you doing there?” I asked, a little nervous now. Jared turned back to the computer without answering right away. I looked closer over his shoulder and recognised the stats he was filling in. They didn’t fit Teddy, they fit me. Except that as he tabbed into the final box, the one marked age, which without the patch still used months rather than years he didn’t type my actual age, 27. No, instead he typed 15. I blinked, trying to take in what he was doing, trying to understand. Fifteen months? I’d be a year younger than Teddy was now. “I can explain,” Jared snapped when I moved closer. “What?” “I’ll explain everything, in just a second.” And with that he hit Execute. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I lunged forward to stop him but he was already clicking the final OK and the completion bar was appearing. “There we go, it’s okay now, just calm down Chris,” Jared urged.“Calm down?! Are you kidding me?” I snapped. But Jared was smiling. “You know how beautiful you’re going to be? I’m going to take such good care of you baby. And you’ll have a doting big brother in Teddy too.” “You’re crazy! That thing is going to destroy my brain!” “No, no, it won’t destroy it, just simplify it.” “I don’t want to be…” I trailed off as I felt it happening, the ligaments in my feet, in my ankles getting looser. The sensations moved swiftly upwards, hitting my knees next. Suddenly I felt a bit off balance. I had to spread my legs wider to stay upright, my muscles were getting weaker. Jared had his hand on my shoulder. “We should get you undressed before it’s too late and you make a mess of your clothes.”I shook my head. “I am not stripping for you now!” “You don’t have to jaybird yet sweetie, there’s plenty of time for that. Once you’re nice and simple you’ll be happy to be a nakey boy like your big brother. Right now lets just get you down to your undies and then daddy will put you nin a nice thick diapee, all snug and safe,” Jared cooed. There was no way I was staying for that. I twisted away from him and hurried out of the room and back to the kitchen as fast as my weak, unsteady legs would allow. Teddy was there, playing with his toys and I looked at him and tried to imagine being down there with him. It was just impossible to imagine, even now. I tried to find my phone, I knew I’d left it somewhere here. I needed to call someone, let them know what happened, what Jared was doing to me. But it wasn’t on the table, it wasn’t on the counter. Precious moments passing by, and then I saw it, in Teddy’s fumbling hands, being smacked against the tile floor. I hurried over and knelt before him. “No, Teddy, give that to Daddy!” “Mine!” the big toddler snarled, gripping it tightly. “No sweetie, I need the phone, that’s Daddy’s please. Be a good boy, give it to daddy and you can have a treat before dinner.” I watched Teddy think it over, then he nodded slightly and handed the phone to me. Thank goodness! I looked at the unlock screen. I needed to enter my code. But what was it? A wave of terror swept over me. How could I not know it? I looked closer at the phone and found the numbers on the screen were indecipherable. Why didn’t I know the numbers? Oh God, I was getting dumb. I could feel it now, the increasing fog in between my ears. I sat back on my bottom and it squelched. I was in a puddle, I’d made the puddle. I was a wet boy. It made me so sad. I was getting stupider again. I was losing control. “Sweetie, that’s not for you.” I looked up at Jared. He was reaching down, for the phone. “No!” I snapped, holding it tighter. “Mine!” I insisted. Jared shook his head. “What use has a baby boy got for a phone?” he asked. “Can you even use it?” he asked. I blinked and looked back at the… thing. It was a… it was for…There was a blank space in my head. It was growing. It was taking away all the grown-up things, all the big boy stuff I did before. Jared was taking it away. He was a meanie, a big meanie dumb-dumb. Except I’m the dumb-dumb now. I’m the empty-noggin’ like Teddy. Except I’m gettin’ dumber than Teddy. I’m gettin’ so little. But it doesn’t actually hurt. In fact it feels pretty nice. The bigger the empty space gets, the better it feels. I know stuff is missing, but I dunno what. And there are fewer and fewer words to describe what is happening to me. Even the man’s name is gone. There’s no word for him. His face is very familiar, I know him, but not the name. And then the words are all gone and there are just images. The big person, the standing man leans down and take the thing I’m holding, the grown-up thing that I’m chewing on, that I’m sucking and drooling all over. I want it back. I know it’s mine. I squall and yell and make noises. “Aaaaeehhh! Daaaa-oooh!” “Shh Chris, it’s okay, let Daddy help you,” the man, Daddy, coos. His tone is gentle, makes me feel better. And he reaches down and tickles my foot. That’s lovely, that makes the upset go bye-bye and I giggle at the nice feeling. Daddy smiles. I like making Daddy smile. I feel warmth, enjoy his smell, his touch as he undresses me, takes everything away. Then Daddy takes my hand and we go through the house. It’s very familiar but I need Daddy’s help, I’m not that steady. Daddy lays me down on the bed and dries off all the icky stuff on my pee-pee and bum. Then he puts me in a warm, soft diaper, how nice! Daddy is silly, Daddy makes faces and I coo and giggle back. Daddy wiggles piggy toes and I grab ‘em and play with ‘em. I like toesies. I munch on ‘em and they yummy and make me feel nice, safe. Daddy takes toesies out of my mouth and gives me a binky. That’s good too, and now I can play with my feets again. Daddy holds up thing I chewed on before, it makes flashes! Pretty flashes! I’m a happy boy! -- source link