study-well: Some general resources:Chemistry GlossaryChemistry Exam Survival GuideToolbox – in
study-well: Some general resources:Chemistry GlossaryChemistry Exam Survival GuideToolbox – interactive graphing, tables, and calculatorsMake virtual chemistry modelsInteractive periodic tableAnother site for making virtual chemistry modelsVirtual labs – covers stoichiometry, thermochemistry, eq1uilibrium, acid base chemistry, solubility, oxidation/reduction and electrochemistry, analytical chemistry/lab techniquesConcept tests Chemistry Science Fair Project Ideas OChem Reaction BankInteractive chem simulationsChemical calculationsThe Chem BlogMolecule of the dayFree chemistry drawing softwareLaboratory Safety - Laboratory safety for the chemistry classroomPeriodic Table of Videos - Brady HaranOn this day in chemistry… - a history of chemistryThe faces of chemistryExperimentation hub - explore and enjoy our experiments to increase engagement in scientific investigation, develop new skills and enhance your knowledge.Understanding journals - including reading articles, referencing, and example articles.Resources for specific topics:Stochiometry – the mole, molarity and density, reaction stoichiometry and limiting reagents, empirical formula and mixtures, gravimetric analysisThemochemistry – energy and enthalpy, entropyKinetics – phenomenological and mechanistic kineticsEquilibrium – LeChatlier’s principle, progress of reaction, equilibrium calculations, common ion effectAcid base chemistry – strong acid and bases, weak acids and bases, buffer solutions, acid/base titrationsSolubility – solubility product, solubility and PH, common ion effectOxidation/Reduction and Electrochemistry – standard reduction potentials, galvanic cellsAnalytical chemistry/ Lab techniques – reaction stoichiometry and limiting reagents, acid/base titrations, redox titrations, gravimetric analysis, UC/Vis spectroscopyPhysical chemistry – quantum mechanics, spectroscopyProperties of solutions – intermolecular forces, colligative propertiesTextbooks:Chemistry Virtual Textbooks, Stephen LowerOrganic Chemistry, Tim SoderbergOrganic Chemistry I, George MheheEnvironmental Chemistry, Dejene TessemaVirtual Organic ChemistryIndustrial Chemistry, Helen NjengaInorganic Chemistry, Chrispin KowenjePhysical Chemistry I, Onesmus MunyakiGeneral Chemistry, Principles, Patterns and ApplicationsChemistry Books - a variety of chemistry textbooksChemistry Tutorials/Guides:Atoms, Molecules, and IonsChemical reactions and stoichiometryElectronic structure of atomsPeriodic tableChemical bondsGases and kinetic molecular theoryState of matter and intermolecular forcesChemical equilibriumAcids and basesAcid base equilibria and solubility equilibriaThermodynamicsRedox reactions and electrochemistryKineticsNuclear chemistryOrganic Chemistry Tutorials/Guidelines:Structure and bondingDot structuresHybridizationBond-line structuresElectronegativityResonance and acid base chemistryCounting electronsResonance structuresOrganic acid-base chemistryAlkanes, cycloalkanes and functional groupsNaming alkanesNaming alkanes, cycloalkanes, and bicyclic compoundsConformations of alkanesConformations of cycloalkanesFunctional groupsStereochemistryChiralityEnantiomersStereoisomeric relationshipsSubsituation and elimination reactionsFree radical reactionSn1 vs Sn2Nucleophilicity and basicityElimination reactionsSn1/Sn2/E1/E2Sn1 and Sn2Alkenes and alkynesNaming alkenesAlkene reactionsAlkene nomenclatureAlkene reactionsNaming and preparing alkynesAlkyne reactionsAlcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulphidesAlcohol nomenclature and propertiesSynthesis of alcoholsReactions of alcoholsNomenclature and properties of ethersSynthesis and cleavage of ethersNomenclature and preparation of epoxidesConjugation, Diels-Alder, and MO theoryAddition reactions of conjugated dienesDiels-Alder reactionMolecular orbital theoryAromatic compoundsNaming benzene derivativesReactions of benzeneAromatic stabilityElectrophilic aromatic substitutionDirecting effectsOther reactions and synthesisAldehydes and ketonesIntroduction to aldehydes and ketonesReactions of aldehydes and ketonesCarboxylic acids and derivativesNaming carboxylic acidsFormation of carboxylic acid derivativesNomenclature and reactions of carboxylic acidsNomenclature and reactions of carboxylic acid derivativesAlpha carbon chemistryFormation of enolate anionsAldol condensationsAminesNaming aminesSpectroscopyInfrared SpectroscopyUV/Vis Spectroscopyproton NMRCareers:A future in Chemistry What can I do with my chemistry degree? Chemistry Careers - American Chemical Society What to do with a degree in chemistry - The Guardian -- source link
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