duchessofyetiville: Azula was that bitch. But Katara was THAT. BITCH.

duchessofyetiville: Azula was that bitch. But Katara was THAT. BITCH.
duchessofyetiville: Azula was that bitch. But Katara was THAT. BITCH.
duchessofyetiville: Azula was that bitch. But Katara was THAT. BITCH.
duchessofyetiville: Azula was that bitch. But Katara was THAT. BITCH.
duchessofyetiville: Azula was that bitch. But Katara was THAT. BITCH.
duchessofyetiville: Azula was that bitch. But Katara was THAT. BITCH.
duchessofyetiville: Azula was that bitch. But Katara was THAT. BITCH.
duchessofyetiville: Azula was that bitch. But Katara was THAT. BITCH.
duchessofyetiville: Azula was that bitch. But Katara was THAT. BITCH.
duchessofyetiville: Azula was that bitch. But Katara was THAT. BITCH.