refinedcaveman: Having moved from not only a different state, but country meant my expenses were out
refinedcaveman: Having moved from not only a different state, but country meant my expenses were out of control. It pained me to do so, but I let go of the gym membership. It was for the best. I ended up doing calisthenics and became a master of bodyweight exercises in just a few months, since I normally included them on my average workouts before that. Once settled, I decided u didn’t need a gym with a park that had so many bars installed. One particularly muggy although not sunny morning I was just bathed in sweat. I didn’t want to know how I’d be if I did cardio. Jogging a fifth of a mile would get my body to go on muscle clearance, my stupid fast metabolism just didn’t like cardio at all. I got rid of my shirt. Nobody was around, so I didn’t do it to flaunt. Just to feel the wind, if there was any. Doing a set of horizontally-extended-leg chin ups, I saw this petite, terribly hot girl jog by with the skimpiest of outfits. If my blood wasn’t too busy trying to oxygenate my straining body, I would’ve gotten an instant hard on. She saw me and, either her route was way near me or she wanted to show off. I was fine with either. When she was just a few seconds before running next to me, I saw her step falter. I saw her face and dropped down from my set. I recognized her. “Tiny?” I said. She wasn’t that tiny. My coworker Katharina was of normal size, just like the rest of her family. It was just that, as I was told, her daughter looked just like her since she was 10. So they called her Tiny Katharina, which eventually became just the first part of the nickname. But “Tiny” was fucking hot just like her mom. “Jaden,” she said with a bit of breathlessness that made me instantly imagine her saying my name just like that, only naked and… “Hey. How come I’ve never seen you?” I tried to make small conversation, not being able to prevent myself from noticing how my perception of her had changed. She usually wore clothes with the intent of seeming shapeless or something, because I had never suspected such a body was attached to that pretty face. “Dunno. Always jog here,” she said and I daw the exact same process happening with her. She was looking at my torso as if registering it and associating it with my face. The talk was short and awkward, we were undressing each other with our eyes and feeling too frisky… but I had to be the responsible adult. I jumped neck on to the bar and told her I’d see her around. She went been to jogging and I almost pulled something while twisting around my neck, trying to look at that ass and picturing that exact same jiggle but with my naked pelvis making it happen from behind. I tried telling myself I was early to my workout just by chance. But I knew I had the hope of watching her again. Trying to convince myself it was because of the heat, I lost my shirt in no time and started doing around the world pull ups. I was damn pleased when I saw a familiar silhouette jog towards me only half an hour later. I was a sweaty mess and she jogged every time slower and she was running in place as I finished a set of windshield wipers before dropping on top the floor. I pretended she wasn’t fucking me with her eyes as I did. “Hey. So you do come around here often,” I offered between ragged breaths. “Told you,” she smiled. She paused for a few seconds before saying, “hey. I’ve been really curious. Could you show me how you do it? I want to try it first hand.” I pretended there was no innuendo there but I pushed my butt out so my hardening cock wouldn’t tent my workout clothes; I put my hands on my knees and looked up at her, “which move, exactly?” “The one where you go kinda like this,” Tiny moved forward and clung on to a lower bar, then tried pulling herself up. She made exaggerated strain expressions and I feel right for it. I almost jumped forward to catch her in case she fell. Which she did, smearing her body against mine. I tried not to groan. “Ok. You might want to try to learn how to do a pull up with a good kipping or some assistance,” I began. “Can you assist me?” “Yes,” my mouth immediately betrayed the opposite answer of what I respectfully tried to say. I held my hand in front so she’d step on it on her way up to the bar. “I’m afraid I’ll kick you. Can you do it from behind? I’m sure I’d feel better,” she said. Get a grip, Jaden, you’re a grown-ass man. I walked behind her and pushed her up, grabbing her by the waist. To her credit, she did try to do a good series of pull ups and her form did improve each rep with my advice. She wasn’t used to it, and she asked me to help her down. She leaned against me, her arms shaking. “Don’t you love it when you can’t even stand up straight after it?” “Tiny…” “Call me Katharina. I’m old enough,” she said with a serious expression for a second, before adding, “unless you like me being Tiny.” “Honestly, this is wrong,” I tried as she pressed her breasts against my chest, despite the fabric, I could feel her hardened nipples against me. “What are you talking about?” She wanted me too see that her innocent act was just a half-assed attempt at it. “Katharina.” “Yes?” She looked up at me. I swear, those lips… and every single inch of her seemed to be carved by a master sculptor in love with the feminine form. Every inch of her screamed at me to do whatever I wanted. She’d want it all and more. “We can’t do this.” “I don’t know what you mean, I’m just feeling dizzy after this and using you so I don’t lose my balance,” she tried, but her hands caressed my sides and touched my abs. This was bullshit. “Listen to me. I really want to fuck you but we can’t be–” “Oh my God, who said anything about sex?” She pouted a little, pressing harder against me. Terrible at faking innocence, this one. “Katharina, dammit. I’m talking to you like the intelligent woman I think you are, the least I expect from you is the respect to treat me not like an idiot.” She sure didn’t know how to react to that. So I continued. “You are everything I want if it comes to sex. Ok? I think you’re fucking hot and if I had enough freedom, I’d do things to you that would be illegal on some states, regardless of how much you’d like them,” well, shit. My discourse was sure as fuck not coming out like I wanted, I really tried to steer it, “but I’m older than you and your mom is my coworker, regardless of the age difference between her and me, I think I’d get in trouble if she found out. Honestly, I don’t think your mother would be able to differentiate from professional and personal lives. That would affect me.” “Have you stopped for a second to think what is it that I want?” “Um,” dang. “You’re hot. Just like you see me, I see you. I want to fuck. And you have everything I want for that. It’s unfair that just because my mom wouldn’t approve you’re already backing out,” she said. I tried to say something but she put her finger on my mouth and kept on talking, “besides, your dick is going to be inside me, not inside her.” That weakened my knees, resolve and composure. “You always get what you want, huh?” “Always,” her smile didn’t lie. “These are my conditions. If we’re going to fuck, we’re gonna do it right now,” I began and she tried to protest. I did the same thing and placed my finger against her lips. She licked it leaving no doubt of what she was hinting at, I groaned but I continued, “we fuck. Right here. Right now.” “Why?” Because I like being in control and this is my last attempt to scare you off before I do something that jeopardizes my future, “just testing you, if you can follow rules.” She looked around and saw nobody coming, “ok.” Damn. No. You were supposed to say no. I tried one last time. Should make things easier. “I don’t have condoms.” “Ok.” God damn it! I heard the gentle waves crashing and I knew the sea would be too cold so nobody would be there, “follow me.” She happily did so. We got to the beach and I got rid of my pants, standing in my underwear. She got naked and I knew I was probably going to regret it… but it would still be worth every damn thrust inside that body. For a petite frame, breasts that were between a B and a C were just right up my alley, the way her flat stomach trembled in anticipation made me do it. I dropped my underwear. She laid down face up, spread her legs and smiled. I knelt in front of her and pressed my cock against her soaked labia. As I pressed forward and every centimeter of my length slid inside her tight body, I could feel my future growing opaque… and still, I didn’t care. Her whimpers of pleasure spurred me on. I shivered with delight. “Are you about to..?” “Come the fuck on,” that hurt my ego, “besides, I’ll pull out, duh.” Did I just become a teen again because I was fucking one? Or if she was in her twenties, she sure looked younger. I didn’t say a thing beyond that. I held her legs from behind her knees and just pumped in and out with a patient, constant rhythm. She gasped at first, but as seconds went by, she noticed I wasn’t cumming just yet (did she have sex with only premature ejaculators?) and let her head fall back. Her teeth showed and as seconds became minutes, she exhaled violently as I kept on giving it to her. I could tell she wasn’t believing it possible. It was talking concentration, but there was no denying that I also was lasting because my body didn’t want it to end. I wanted to fuck her for as long as I could. As we kept on moving, I noticed that the sand had already accommodated our bodies, it was comfortable (because sand wasn’t getting anywhere sensitive, thank fuck) and we weren’t going to change positions. “Oh… I’m… I’m about…” I got comfortable and fucked her patiently. On one hand, I wanted to cum, on the other, I was giving it, bare, yo the kind of girl I always imagined when I jacked off. Her toned legs pressed against my palms but I didn’t relent. Katharina opened her mouth, no sound was issued out, but I could feel her orgasm as her inner walls deliciously squeezed my unclad thickness inside her. I didn’t change the pace for a second and she opened her eyes, as if she was going crazy. “Oh… oh my God, another one?!” I kept on giving it to her patiently. My orgasm was approaching but there was no point in rushing. She was too enjoyable to finish quickly. Her unprotected pussy squeezed me harder and Katharina panted. I tried to focus. I let her ride her orgasm. Her hands shot out and grabbed my arms almost as if afraid. Her mouth opened in shock, but I didn’t stop. A little liquid came out… another jet… she was squirting. Interesting. Katharina screamed until her voice became scratchy at the end of her single shout. I couldn’t hold back and grunted. She looked at me with a hard-to-read expression. I tried pulling out but my body didn’t obey. I had said I would do it. She knew it. She saw me battling my body but it wouldn’t budge. I kept on fucking her and she studied my expression as my hips kept on thrusting. I had to pull out, I was so close to… With a grimace, I felt almost like a pleasure dam breaking inside of me. And inside of her… I released a torrent of cum. I wanted to pull out at least for the last part… “Mmmh…yes…” Katharina looked complete. Happy that I broke my promise. She closed her eyes as she gave herself into the last seconds of her orgasm and felt mine deep inside her. I laid there, holding her legs, breathing heavily, my head dizzy because of a tremendous orgasm…and because I had just cum inside a girl on our first time together. “Holy fuck…” “I agree,” Katharina smirked. “I mean… it was amazing, but… fuck, I had said I’d pull out and I…” “You did a terribly stupid thing,” Katharina admitted, “that I hope we can do again. The first moment I felt you inside me I hoped you wouldn’t. I wanted to feel you…” Minutes later, I pulled out from her, much to my body’s disappointment. My head rested upon my hands. She hugged me. “Don’t pretend you didn’t like it,” she whispered, “I’m the one that plays the fool here.” I was at a loss for words. “What’s your address? I want you to fuck me in your bed tomorrow,” she said. I gave her the info without a second’s hesitation. If I was already going to hell, might as well enjoy the ride. I looked at her, “are we getting condoms next time?” “Don’t you enjoy the risk?” I looked up, trying to gain some common sense, but said, “so… how does 9 pm tonight sound?” “9 pm? That gives us… I’ll see if I can spend the night,” she said with excitement. And there I had always thought the road to damnation offered a way out. -- source link
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