barely-surviving-idiots: last but not least (or maybe yes, he is the least)Gerald is a Bard coming f
barely-surviving-idiots: last but not least (or maybe yes, he is the least)Gerald is a Bard coming from the City of Sails : Luskan. The team is probably wondering what he is doing here, thruth is : he don’t know either. He does not have a flattering physique, if nature was fair, it would have given him some brain, but unfortunately, this guy is dumb as fuck.If the whole team get killed, it’ll be probably because of him.I played myself thinking that for my first DND party (that I supposed won’t be long), i’ll just make a personnification of this dumb seal in the world of dory because that will be fun, I’ve been playing him for almost a year now. note from Onyx: “He’s super dumb but he’s fun to hang out with.” -- source link
#gerald#my team