Here’s another page on the arm. This time, a few examples on how the volumes move in space. In
Here’s another page on the arm. This time, a few examples on how the volumes move in space. In order to create a believable foreshortening, first think of simple overlapping volumes. The more you grow as an artist, the more you’ll add in subtleties, but always remember to keep the overall shape of the arm, especially in foreshortening, simple and in direct relation to the story you’re telling. Is your character healthy, direct, commanding, or is he/she shy, hurt, lazy, etc. The feeling you convey will always trump the exactitude of your character’s anatomy. -Norm @grizandnorm #100tuesdaytipsbook #arttutorial #arttips #grizandnorm #tuesdaytips #100tuesdaytips #armforeshortening -- source link