studyingboookworm:I took the list from funwithlanguages when I started learning spanish and added
studyingboookworm: I took the list from funwithlanguages when I started learning spanish and added the spanish equivalents bit by bit as I learned them through Duolingo, Memrise and other sources. First Verbs be - ser (permanent) or estar (temporary) there is - hay have - tener do,make - hacer go - ir want - querer can - poder need - necesitar think - pensar know - saber say - decir like - gustar speak - hablar learn - aprender understand - entender Conjunctions that (as in “I think that…” or “the woman that…”) - que and - y (if word after “and” begins with i or hi you use e) or - o but - pero because - porque though - aunque so (meaning “therefore”; e.g. “I wanted it, so I bought it”) - por eso if - si Prepositions of - de to - a from - de in - en at (a place) - en at (a time) - a with - con about - sobre like (meaning “similar to”) - como for (warning, this one has several meanings that you need to take care of) - por/para (Here is a link to understand the difference and use) before (also as a conjunction) - antes de after (also as a conjunction) - después de during - durante Question Words who - quién // quiénes what - qué where - dónde when - cuándo why - por qué how - cómo how much - cuánto (-a) // cuántos (-as) which - cuál // cuáles Adverbs a lot - mucho a little - un poco well - bien badly - mal only - sólo also - también very - muy too (as in “too tall”) - demasiado so (as in “so tall”) - tan so much - tanto more (know how to say “more … than …”) - más less (know how to say “less … than …”) - menos as … as … (e.g. “as tall as”) - tan… como… best - mejor worst - peor now - ahora then - entonces here - aquí there - allí maybe - quizás always - siempre usually - normalmente often - a menudo sometimes - a veces never - nunca today - hoy yesterday - ayer tomorrow - mañana soon - pronto almost - casi already - ya still - todavía enough - suficiente Adjectives the, a (technically articles) - el (masculine) & la (feminine) // un (masculine) & una (feminine) this - esto that - eso good - bueno bad - malo all - todo no - ninguno many - mucho few - poco other - otro same - mismo different - diferente enough - suficiente one - uno two - dos first - primero next - próximo last (meaning “past”, e.g. “last Friday”) - pasado last (meaning “final”) - último easy - fácil hard - difícil early - temprano late - tarde important - importante interesting - interesante fun - divertido boring - aburrido beautiful - bonito big - grande small - pequeño happy - feliz sad - triste busy - ocupado excited - emocionado tired - cansado ready - listo favorite - favorito new - nuevo right (meaning “correct”) - correcto wrong - equivocado true - cierto Pronouns Know them in the subject (“I”), direct object (“me”), indirect object (“to me”), and possessive (“my”) forms. I - yo you - tú she - ella he - él usted = formal you we - nosotros (all men/men & women) / nosotras (only women) you (plural) - vosotros (all men/ men & women) / vosotras (only women) they - ellos (all men/men & women) / ellas (only women) / ustedes (formal you plural) Nouns If your language has grammatical gender, then learn each noun as “the [noun]” with “the” in the correct gender. (e.g. in Spanish, instead of learning language = “idioma”, learn language = “el idioma”.) This will help you remember the gender. everything - todo something - algo nothing - nada everyone - todos someone - alguien no one - nadie Spanish - el español English - el inglés thing - la cosa person - la persona place - el lugar time (as in “a long time”) - el tiempo time (as in “I did it 3 times”) - una vez friend - el amigo woman - la mujer man - el hombre money - el dinero country - el país (name of your home country; germany) - Alemania city - la ciudad language - el idioma word - la palabra food - la comida house - la casa store - la tienda office - la oficina manager - el jefe job - el trabajo work (as in “I have a lot of work to do”) - trabajo problem - el problema question - la pregunta idea - la idea life - la vida world - el mundo day - el día year - el año week - la semana month - el mes hour - la hora mother, father, parent - la madre, el padre, el padre daughter, son, child - la hija, el hijo, el niño wife, husband - la esposa, el esposo girlfriend, boyfriend - la novia, el novio More Verbs work (as in a person working) - trabajar work (meaning “to function”, e.g. “the TV works”) - funcionar see - ver use - usar should - deber believe - creer practice - practicar seem - parecer come - venir leave - irse return - volver give - dar take - tomar bring - traer look for - buscar find - encontrar get (meaning “obtain”) - conseguir receive - recibir buy - comprar try - intentar start - empezar stop (doing something) - dejar de (hacer algo) finish - terminar continue - seguir wake up - despertarse get up - levantarse eat - comer eat breakfast (in several languages, this is a verb) - desayunar eat lunch - almorzar eat dinner - cenar happen - pasar feel - sentir create (aka “make”) - crear cause (aka “make”) - causar meet (meeting someone for the first time) - conocer meet (meaning “to bump into”) - encontrarse meet (an arranged meeting) - reunirse ask (a question) - preguntar ask for (aka “request”) - pedir wonder - preguntarse reply - contestar mean - querer decir read - leer write - escribir listen - escuchar hear - oir remember - recordar forget - olvidar choose - escoger decide - decidir be born - nacer die - morir kill - matar live - vivir stay - quedarse change - cambiar help - ayudar send - enviar study - estudiar improve - mejorar hope - esperar Phrases hello - hola goodbye - adiós thank you - gracias you’re welcome - de nada excuse me (to get someone’s attention) - perdón sorry - lo siento it’s fine (response to an apology) - está bien please - por favor yes - sí no - no My name is - Me llamo What’s your name? - ¿Cómo te llamas? Nice to meet you. - Mucho gusto. How are you? - ¿Cómo estás? I’m doing well, how about you? - Estoy bien, ¿y tú? Sorry? / What? (if you didn’t hear something) - ¿Cómo? How do you say ______? - ¿Cómo se dice …? What does ______ mean? - ¿Qué quiere decir …? I don’t understand. - No entiendo. Could you repeat that? - ¿Puedes repetirlo? Could you speak more slowly, please? - ¿Puedes hablar más despacio, por favor? Well (as in “well, I think…”) - Bueno Really? - ¿De verdad? I guess that… - Supongo que… It’s hot. (talking about the weather) - Hace calor. It’s cold. (talking about the weather) - Hace frío. -- source link
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