orangeorc: “One, two, three, shoot!”Both girls jammed the discharge vials of mutagenic g
orangeorc: “One, two, three, shoot!”Both girls jammed the discharge vials of mutagenic growth hormones into each other’s mouths, and pressed the studs.In seconds, the laughing, growth-drunk college girls were growing- their hips widened, their breasts swelled, their bodies thickened… and each of them grew at least three inches taller.“God Amber… your breasts looks huge!”“Because they are! Cynthia, we’re growing! Holy shit, look around this club… everyone else looks so short!”“And now they’re staring at us!”“Good! Another round?”“You bet your giant, jiggling ass!”Cynthia grabbed another round of the illegal, genetically-engineered hormones and passed one to Amber.There were lots of illegal mutagens at the clubs these days… but only Cynthia had the military-grade hookup on a growth cocktail this potent.Amber laughed as her pants burst and ripped apart- she kept dancing in her thong, ravers crowing around her gigantic seven-foot body. Her shirt was stretched so thin, it was transparent. Cynthia’s leggings were proving similarly elastic, although her shawl has shrunk to a belly shirt.Cynthia looked at Amber’s pink, still intact shirt and licked her lips. No way she was going to let that shirt keep teasing her like this.“Another?”“Definitely! Hey, is it just me, or are these getting stronger!”“The effect is cumulative! Each dose we take will be exponentially more potent!” said Cynthia, watching Amber take her medicine.“But that means this round will- whoa!” Amber rocketed up, and her head dented the clubs ceiling, and she had to bend forward a bit to stand underneath the ten foot roof. Of course, Amber’s shirt finally exploded, revealing breasts bigger than Amber herself had been this morning. Cynthia sighed longingly at the sight of Amber’s finally naked body… then gasped when her head hit the ceiling. She’d been so fixated on Amber she’d forgotten to duck. The music was still playing, but everyone had stopped dancing.Everyone was staring at the two busty mini-giantesses filling one side of the dance floor.Amber looked around and giggled nervously.“Uh… maybe we should cool it for a bit… when does this stuff wear off, anyways?”“Never!” Cynthia. “We’re this big forever now!”“Wait, forever?”“Well, we’re not this big forever. We could still get bigger! We just can’t smaller.”“This big? Forever? Cynthia, I’m not sure that I- mmph!”Cynthia had jammed another vial into Amber’s mouth and pressed the stud.“Oh, no!” said Amber. Her legs grew, pushing her back up against the ceiling… but her breasts grew bigger and heavier, tilting her forward. Amber fell, giant breasts first, onto the dance floor. Half a dozen people were crushed.“Too big! Too big!” shouted Amber.“Too late!” said Cynthia, screwing a syringe attachment onto another vial of hormone.Amber’s breasts kept growing, enveloping several more people. Her body and her legs grew horizontally, shooting across the club and smashing a hole in the far wall.To Cynthia’s delight, Amber’s posterior thickened as well- so her ass and her breasts were so big, Amber couldn’t budge. Her giant body was trapped laying down inside the club.“Now look what you did!” moaned Amber, in a shockingly huge, rumbling voice. “Cynthia, I’m too big to get out of the club!”“Welp, only one way out of this one!” said Cynthia, giddy with giantess lust.“Ow! What the hell was that?”“Oh, I just injected a vial of growth hormone into your ass. You’ll be out of here in no time!”“Wait, you’re making me even bigger? Cynthia, what in the hell is… oh god!”Cynthia had enough sense to high-tail as Amber’s expanding body began to rip apart the ceiling.The ten-foot Cynthia joined the gathered onlookers and watched in obvious arousal as Amber’s screaming head burst through the roof of the building… then her breasts, then her hips, then her thighs…The 100-foot tall Amber looked down and panicked- she wasn’t used to her current hourglass proportions and had trouble seeing over her own gigantic breasts…After several tense seconds, she fell on her ass, flattening what remained of the dance club. “Damnit, Cynthia! Look what you did!”“Sorry… I got a little carried away…” giggled Cynthia. “This is… kind of my fetish. But don’t worry! I was lying earlier! Here, I brought an antidote, see?”She approached Amber’s gigantic thigh, and got ready to jam another syringe into it.Amber rolled her eyes, snatched the syringe with giant fingers, and stuck it right into Cynthia.“OW! What did you do that fo- whoa, whoa, whoa!” cried Cynthia, growing to forty feet tall.“No fair!” whined Cynthia. “Giant women is my fetish! If I get too big, it makes you less giant!”“Oh, really?” said Amber, grinning all of a sudden. Then you’re going to hate… this!” She snatched Amber’s tiny purse from the ground, the one containing all the unused vials of growth hormone. Before Cynthia could even think, Amber flicked the tiny bag into Cynthia’s mouth. It took Cynthia a second to process what had just happened.“Oh no…” she said, as her body began to tremble and quack. “Amber, you bitch.”The screaming Cynthia shot up and up. Dozens of apartments and office buildings were treated to the sight of Cynthia’s head, then breasts, then ass growing right past their windows.As Cynthia’s thickening body reached 300 feet, it was too thick to fit in the narrow alley leading to the club. Cynthia struggled, pushing over two buildings… then she fell backwards, flattening a parking lot with her ass.Her legs splayed out awkwardly as she tried to sit up… one foot crushed a gas station, and other punched a hole in an apartment building. “Oh, man…” groaned Cynthia. “Now I’m way too big!”“Yeah, how’s it feel?”“Terrible!” cried Cynthia, actually crying tears of loss. “Amber… my fetish is giant women, not being a giant woman! If I’m bigger than everyone… I don’t know…. how I’ll ever be turned on again!”Tears rolled down Cynthia’s giant face, splashing on cars and fleeing pedestrians. Amber looked up at her giant friend, sighed, and relented.“Cynthia, do you know where we could get more hormone to make me bigger- slightly bigger than you?”“The secret research lab my mom works at!” said Cynthia, brightening up immediately. “C’mon! Security will be a snap for us now!”The 400-foot Cynthia stood up, grabbed the 100-foot Amber, threw her over her shoulder, and started running out of town.“Slightly!” yelled Amber, realizing is was probably already to calm Cynthia back down. “Only slightly bigger than you!”Of course, ten minutes later, Amber was so big they could hear her shouting at Cynthia as far away as Mexico… -- source link
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