biggettingbigger:The beach was deserted. Every access point was sealed off, but to three local girls
biggettingbigger:The beach was deserted. Every access point was sealed off, but to three local girls finding another way to get to their favorite beach was very simple. Margie, Piper, and Ivy crept as silently as they could whilst carrying an umbrella, a cooler filled with beer, beach chairs, and towels allowed them too. “Are you guys sure we should be doing this? What if they have guns?” whispered Ivy all the way in the back. “Relax,” said Margie in the front, not at all worried if someone else was there. “There’s not going to anyone else there, especially not anyone with a gun.”“What if we die from radiation poisoning?” whispered a more panicked Ivy. “Why else would the government seal the beach off and prevent everybody from coming even close to here? There has to be a reason.”“Would you shut up!?” whispered an annoyed Piper creeping in front of Ivy. “My brother says the government does this shit all the time, just to keep us peasants frightened.”“Wasn’t your brother arrested for trying to steal a smoothie machine?” asked Margie rolling her eyes.“Two smoothie machines,” Piper corrected. “It doesn’t matter. Point is, the chemical spill was over two hundred miles away. We have nothing to worry about.”“We’re here!” yelled Margie putting an end to almost all of Ivy’s paranoia.The beach was more gorgeous than ever with it being void of any other beach goers. “Woohoo!” Margie yelled as loud as she could. “See? No one’s here. We’re all alone, my friends.”“Yeah, great job, fearless leader. How about you help set up camp?” Piper asked.“Sorry, can’t hear you. Going in the water now. Bye!” yelled Margie behind her as she dropped what she was carrying and ran to the surf. She threw off her loose white shirt revealing her blue, green, and white bikini top underneath. “There she goes again,” sighed Piper. “Where would you like to set up?” she asked Ivy. “I guess somewhere close to the water but not enough for us to get wet,” said Ivy making sure there was no big, mean, scary agent coming to get them. Piper was already making her way up toward the surf leaving Ivy behind. Ivy ran to catch up to Piper, stopping to pick up Margie’s stuff that she had dropped on the sand.Piper and Ivy were setting up their spot ignoring Marcie’s cries. “Come on, you guys! The water’s great!” Marcie yelled as she kicked water in Piper and Ivy’s direction. When they were done, Piper and Ivy sat down to sunbathe and relax. They took off their white tops revealing their bikini tops underneath. Piper was wearing a black bikini and Ivy was wearing a striped, black and white bikini.After a few more minutes, Margie walked up to the two sunbathing girls, looking around at the miles of sand in both direction. Everything below her neck was covered in water making her skin glow. “Having fun?” asked Piper.“I would if my two best friends would join me,” said Margie.“There’s plenty of time. Ivy and I just want to tan a little is all.”“Isn’t that bikini a little big for you?” asked Ivy.“After last year’s wardrobe malfunction, I’m not taking any chances,” said Margie.“Right,” said Piper chuckling. “Well, it’s not like the guys enjoyed the show.”“Yeah…” sighed Margie. Margie, Piper, and Ivy were different but one thing they all had in common was their lack of breasts. The three of them were flat as surfboards. “Here, have a be-,” Piper’s words stuck in her throat as she looked at Margie. Piper just stared and pointed at Margie. Margie looked down and stared at what was happening.Margie’s breasts were growing in her swimsuit. More and more flesh poured into the bikini top as Margie breathed heavily almost panting. Her breasts stopped growing. “Good god!” yelled Ivy. Margie looked up to see Piper and Ivy standing around Margie and her new boobs. “I told you we shouldn’t have come here! I knew there was a reason!” shouted Ivy. “It’s fine,” said Margie taking in her new boobs. “They’re just boobs.”“Just boobs? Margie, those things are almost as big as your head. What if they’re permanent?”“That wouldn’t be so bad,” said Margie running her hands on the side of her boobs.“Well we can’t go in the water,” said Ivy.“Why not?”“Really? Look at you!”“She is. She loves it,” said Piper.“I know that all of us wanted boobs ever since we were little. Here’s our chance. Let’s take advantage of it.”“Look, we’re not going in the water! And you’ve already taken advantage of it,” shouted Ivy. Margie and Piper knew that there was no arguing with Ivy when she had this tone. “Alright fine,” said Margie a crafty smile appearing across her face.Margie, Piper and Ivy were sunbathing. Piper and Ivy laid out on beach chairs, while Margie laid out on a large beach towel. Margie loved the feeling of the sun on her new boobs. Piper and Ivy were asleep for at least a half-hour. Margie looked behind at Piper and Ivy to make sure they were asleep, then she made her move. She grabbed two beer bottles and emptied them on the sand. “Tasted like piss anyway,” Margie reasoned. She then ran up to the surf, her breasts bouncing as she did, and filled up the bottles with water. She knew was going to grow more because of this, but this is what she wanted. Satisfied that the bottles were filled just made her way back to the shore to her friends. She stopped just short of them and stopped and looked down at her tits. She wanted to watch them grow.And grow they did but only for a minute. She loved them but wanted more, and she wanted to share this experience with her friends too. She then bounced behind her sleeping friends and tipped the bottles onto her friends. Piper and Ivy awoke with a start. “What the fuck Margie!?” asked Piper looking back. “Why’d you pour beer on us? Wait! Are you bigger!?”“Mm-hmm,” Margie nodded. “Oh and that wasn’t beer.”“What do you mean?” asked Ivy.“You’ll find out.”“You didn’t,” said Ivy looking down at her black and white top, fearful of what would happen.“You bitch!” screamed Piper getting up. Margie started running towards the water, Piper chasing her. “I’m going to kill you!” she shouted after Margie. Piper could see Margie’s breasts from behind. “Guys stop!” said Ivy chasing after them.Margie splashed into the water, doing her best to stay ahead of Piper. She heard Piper run into the water. Ivy stopped just short of the water and looked out and watched Margie and Piper in the ocean. She was worried about both of them and then decided to brave the water to stop her best friends from hurting each other. Margie went deeper and deeper into the water her hands on her breasts waiting for them to start growing again. She didn’t have to wait too long.Margie felt her breasts growing underwater. As she waded deeper and deeper into the ocean, her bikini top snapped off, but she didn’t care. She was neck deep in the water before she turned around to see Piper and Ivy. She could see that their breasts were growing as well. Piper stopped knee-deep in water when she felt her top snap off. She kept some semblance of decency by pressing her top against her growing boobs. “Okay, okay. I’m not going to hurt you,” Piper sighed. Margie waded her way back to Piper, her breasts bobbing up and down like pool toys. “Wow,” mouthed Piper as Margie’s swelling bust preceded Margie by at least a foot. Ivy bounced up to Margie and Piper. “Jesus, you girls are huge,” said Ivy marveling at mostly Margie’s magnificent bust. “You’re not so bad yourself,” said Margie hefting Ivy’s ballooning boobs and jiggling them. “Stop it,” laughed Ivy pulling her boobs away from Margie’s eager fingers. Margie stripped Piper’s top away from her swelling bust and tossed it away. “Much better,” said Margie.“Well, what do we do now, Boob Queen?” asked Piper.“Follow me,” said Margie, turning away and wading into deeper water. She stopped wading when she was neck deep in water, her bloating breasts bobbing in the water. She saw Piper’s boobs sail past her head followed by Ivy’s breasts on her left. “You’re right,” said Piper. “The water is great.” Margie hooked her arm through Piper’s arm and did then did the same with Ivy. Ivy waded behind Margie and hooked her free arm through Piper’s. The girls formed a triangle, their breasts continuing to grow. “TITTY TRIANGLE POWER!” yelled Margie to the world. “TITTY TRIANGLE POWER!” yelled Ivy. They both then looked at Piper. She sighed, cleared her throat and yelled “TITTY TRIANGLE POWER!” causing Margie and Ivy to cheer.“You girls are the best,” said Ivy staring at her slowly distending boobs. “Are you talking about us or your boobs?” asked Piper.“Both,” laughed Ivy. “This is the best Spring Break ever!”“And it’s not over yet,” said Margie, her breasts continuing to grow out to sea. -- source link
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