Today, I thought we should add a new hanja to the list: 力 - 힘 력/역. So, 力 means 힘 (power) and it is p
Today, I thought we should add a new hanja to the list: 力 - 힘 력/역. So, 力 means 힘 (power) and it is pronounced as 력(역 when it’s at the beginning of a word - but that is less common). 력 is a very common hanja in Korean. So, it’s great to be able to recognize it when words have something to do with strength, power or ability (strength to do something). Here are common words seen with 力(힘 력/역). 집중력 ability to focus / 기억력 memory (ability to remember) 노력 effort (strength to put in effort, try, work) / 폭력 violence / 권력 power, authority / 능력 capability (power to be able to something) / 협력 cooperation (ability to work together) / 매력 charm (power to captivate, charm someone) /실력 ability (power of a skill) / 체력 strength, stamina (strength of the body) / 창의력 creativity (ability to be creative) / 중력 gravity /시력 eyesight (strength of the eyes) / 이해력 ability to understand somethingHere are some example sentences.우와 10년 전에 일어난 일을 그렇게 잘 기억해? 기억력이 대단하네. Wow, you can remember that thing that happened ten years ago that well? Your memory is amazing.노력하면 다 잘 될 거야. If you try(put in effort), it will all work out.그 여자는 매력적이에요. That woman is really charming. 어제 밤에 클럽 가고 나서 오늘 아침에 출근했다고? 헐 니 체력이 쩔어 ㅋㅋ You went to work this morning after going to a club last night?우리 언니는 이해력이 좋아서 어려운 시험 문제를 쉽게 풀 수 있어요. My older sister’s ability to understand things is really good, so she can easily solve difficult test problems. 능력 and 실력 are two words that often confuse people since they can both be translated to ability or capability. They are quite similar, but still different. 능력 can be seen as an ability a little more innate or something that you’re born with, while 실력 is something you can improve or aquire. Which is why 능력 is normally used with 있다 and 없다 because you either have it or you don’t. But, 실력 can be used with words like 좋다, 나쁘다, 있다 and 없다. Because you can also acquire skills if you put in effort.우리 팀장님은 진짜 능력이 있으세요. 실수 한번도 하신 적 없어요. Our team manager is really capable. She has never even made one mistake.요즘 너 한국어 실력이 진짜 좋아지고 있는 것 같아. These days it seems like your Korean skills are really improving. And do you remember the hanja 없을 무? 무 can be added to the word 중력 (gravity) to become 무중력 (zero gravity). Next time you see 력 in a vocabulary word, ask yourself if it has anything to do with strength or power. Even take a moment to look it up! Hanja often helps me understand the true meaning of different vocabulary and remember them better. So, I hope it helps you too! Good luck studying.Follow me for more Korean tips and lessons~ and content.^^ -- source link
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