happyhyperhayley:happyhyperhayley:“BRAD’S LIL BUNNY - PART 1” A true story by
happyhyperhayley: happyhyperhayley: “BRAD’S LIL BUNNY - PART 1” A true story by everybody’s favorite Kappa, Hayley Taylor HappyHyperHayley.tumblr.com IF YOU REPOST THIS STORY I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO I didn’t even want to go to that lame fratty costume party in the first place! But once I saw that Brad RSVP’ed to the Facebook event, I jumped into the skimpiest costume I could throw together at the last minute. I pulled a tiny black skirt up over my bottom. I looked at myself in the mirror, turned around and bent over, sticking my rump up in the air to see what I might look like if it just so happens I have to pick up something that I carelessly drop in front of Brad. #Oopsie! This skirt was stupidly short. You could TOTALLY tell I was wearing a thong, and the bottom few inches of my booty weren’t at all covered by the tight fabric. You could see where the pale round edges of my plump little cheeks met the back of my thighs. Perfect! Then I remembered Brad said he likes when my creamy white titties are on display. So I squeezed my boobies into a skimpy white tank top. It was practically see-through and so skintight I could barely pull it up to cover my nipples. Definitely too small for D-cup breasts like these. But it’s a costume party so other girls can’t judge me for wearing it, right? Then, to make this slutty little number into a bona fide costume, I put on a pair of cute white bunny ears. To top it off, I coated my lips with several layers of shiny, wet, pink lipgloss to remind Brad of how much fun my mouth is. “Eliza c’mon let’s go,” I said frantically to my roommate. Eliza and I have lived together on the second floor of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority house for the past year. I love that girl. #BFF #Besties #KappaPride But it takes her fucking forever to get ready. #RealTalk “Hayley! Damn slow your roll, girl! I want to take a few more shots first. Anyways, I know you’re just anxious to get there so you can suck Brad’s cock. Again. Which you should stop doing by the way. Anthony Jones is in my Chemistry class, and he’s in Brad’s frat, and he told me that during every chapter meeting Brad brags to all his Beta bros about the gross, demeaning stuff he makes you do for him. He said Brad calls you his personal ‘suckslut.’ He’s a sexist jerk, Hayley.” I don’t know whether Eliza was telling the truth or just being a bitch as usual. #Jealy But the idea of Brad bragging to all his friends that I was his “suckslut” kinda made me horny. Is that weird of me? My friends were taking too long, so I caved and called a cab. Quicker that way. Wouldn’t want to get to the Beta house too late after Brad has already left. Probably with some other girl too. Probably a skank. PROBABLY A GOLD DIGGER. I don’t know who she is yet but I already hate this digging skank! I wish I knew her name so I could find her on facebook and see her skanky fat selfies. I bet she’d be one of those super unclassy Delta Gamma bitches. And if she’s a DG then you KNOW she’s got HPV (#SorryNotSorry you DG whore. Everybody knows it’s true.) Eventually, Brad and his friends did show up to the Beta house. I was super duper nervous to go strike up a conversation with him, especially in front of his mean jerky friends. But then I reminded myself that HE BASICALLY HAS TO TALK TO ME. Cuz I’ve sucked his dick. More than once. Or twice. In fact, more than once or twice within the last few days. All that time on my knees has earned me one thing: Brad may not be ready to publicly acknowledge our “relationship,” but now he’s at least gotta publicly acknowledge he knows my name. And don’t you ever forget my name again, Bradley. IT’S PRONOUNCED HAYLEY MOTHER TRUCKIN’ TAYLOR and I hope you are ready for some of the least awkward flirty small talk ever! I put on my most confident smile and walked right up to him, telling myself to just keep it simple. If all else fails, remember that he seems to like it when you talk about sex things. “Hi, uh, Brad, um, I mean …hello … I mean, hi Brad!” I babbled. #GreetingFail “Oh, Holly, how’s it going?” (HE WAS SO CLOSE! YAY!) “Actually it’s Hayley — you obviously know that, ha! — but to answer your question, I’m going very well! I was excited to see what smart and funny costume you were gonna show up in.” “Oh, yeah. I didn’t end up wearing a costume.” “No costume at a costume party? I guess you’re just cool like that, huh Brad?” “I guess so. I guess most everyone at this party is just cool like that. I don’t see many other costumes. But don’t let that stop you Hayley. If it were up to me, I’d have you parade around in that slutty kangaroo outfit every day of the week!” “It COULD be up to you if you wanted it to be, Brad.” “What was that?” “I said I am glad you like my outfit, Brad,” I said (#NiceSave!) “But I’m not a slutty kangaroo, I’m a slutty bunny! These are my bunny ears, see?” “No, those are definitely kangaroo ears,” Brad insisted. At this point, Brad’s frat bros couldn’t help but get in on the joke. Calvin, my least favorite Beta of all time, threw in his opinion, “No way Hayley, you are definitely a marsupial. ‘Cuz you got that warm wet ‘frontal pouch,’ which I can say from experience is HELLA comfortable!” Damnit I HAVE GOT to stop getting drunk and letting Brad’s friends fuck me. “C’mon Calvin, knock it off,” Brad was defending me! My hero! “At least give Hayley the chance to PROVE she’s slutty enough to be a bunny,” Brad offered. “Thank you, Brad. But how do I prove it?” “Well we just have to do the official test. First stand up on this couch so we can all get a good look at you.” Brad held out his strong hand and helped me step up on the couch. This was fun! “Now we just have to see whether you hop like a kangaroo, or hop like a bunny …well Hayley, start hopping!” “Oh, now I get it!” I giggled. I really did get it. I hadn’t understood where Brad was going with this test up until now, but this was something I could wrap my brain around: when I started hopping up and down on the couch my big boobies bounced and bounced and bounced. “Oh, Hayley, you look so fine when you’re hoppin’ like that.” Brad said, his eyes moving up and down following my big titties jiggling in my skimpy white top. “Does somebody want to video this shit PUH-LEEEASE?” “Sure thing!” said a girl at the party with short brunette hair as she pulled out her phone. It was Eliza, my roommate/BFF/worst frienemy. Looks like she and my other Kappa sisters had finally made it to the party. They were definitely lookin’ a lil’ boozey. “If you need video proof for this suuuuper important official test,” Eliza said in the snottiest tone ever, “I always like to help out my bestest sister Hayley.” The red light on her camera phone turned on, pointed right at me. “Thanks Eliza!” I said passive aggressively as I jumped on the sofa. “BTW, those fake pearl earrings are super cute! Did you get them at Walmart?” I was thinking in my head, like, WTF Eliza you super rude bitch, you think you are being snotty to me right now, but the joke’s on you bitch, because even if you post this shit on Facebook, which you probably will because you’re such a snotty whore, Brad’s probably going to jerk off to this video later and he won’t be thinking about your ugly ass, Eliza, he’ll be thinking about sliding his gorgeous dick between my big tits and how pretty I am. So there. But I didn’t actually say that. I just kept shaking my titties for Brad. “Look into the camera Hayley,” Brad instructed me. “Look into the camera and say ‘my name is Hayley Taylor and I am a slutty little bunny.’ Haha!” OMG, yes! He actually does know my name! “My name is Hayley Taylor and I’m a slutty little bunny! Watch me hop like a bunny!” Oh my God this is the longest Brad has EVER looked at me. Yay for Hayley! As usual, he won’t make eye contact with me, but this time it’s because he’s checking out my boobies so it’s okay. Hop! Hop! Hoppity Hop! “So what do y’all think?” Brad asked the gathering crowd of partygoers who were watching this important official test. “Does Hayley hop like a slutty kangaroo, or like a slutty bunny?” “I don’t know, it’s hard to tell,” Calvin chipped in. “I guess Hayley needs to keep shaking her titties until we know for sure. Bahaha!” Calvin was being a total asshole, but to be honest I was even a little turned on by him watching me, along with all the other Betas. I’m okay with these boys having a little joke at my expense, as long as the punch line is that I’m so smokin’ hot I’m giving everybody in the room a boner. Hop! Hop! Hoppity Hop! Listen, I’m not an idiot. Even though I look and talk like one. OBVIOUSLY this test isn’t really “official.” And thank god it’s not, cuz I’m sooo bad at tests! But I am sooo good at bouncing my titties! After all, this is the reason I picked out this skimpy top in the first place. Cuz Brad likes my big round boobies, so why make it complicated? Why not just give them to him? I hopped so eagerly my titties bounced out of my pathetically small top. I shook them in Brad’s face. The Beta bros all started cheering and I so jiggled my tits for them too. More applause. “What do bunnies like to eat, Hayley?” Brad asked me in a sweet singsong voice like he was talking to a five-year-old. “Carrots!” I guessed. Brad and all his friends started laughing. I wasn’t sure why they were laughing, because I was definitely over 75% certain that carrots was the right answer. “Do you want to eat my big yummy carrot, Hayley?” “Yes I’m a bunny so I like carrots!” The Betas seemed to think that was pretty funny too. I didn’t get it. But I liked how everyone was paying attention to me, so I giggled too. “Then tell me, what do bunnies say? Make a bunny noise and you can have my big fat juicy carrot right in your little bunny mouth, just how I know you like it Hayley.” “Okay, uhhh…” What DOES a bunny say? I couldn’t think of the answer for the life of me. Cows say moo, and kitties say meow, and doggies say bark, but what do bunnies say? Everyone was watching, waiting for me to say something. “OMG Hayley,” Eliza taunted, still recording. “Are you not so good with knowing your animal noises? Miss that day of kindergarten?” I stopped jumping and just stood there on the sofa, my breasts still exposed. Everyone stared at me and I stared back, the expression on my face humiliated and bewildered. After a moment of awkward silence, I started quietly groping my breasts and playing with my nipples, which got hard as I rolled them between my fingers. I hoped this would make everyone forget that I didn’t know the answer, but also that’s just what I do when I get nervous. “C’mon Hayley, you can do this. I believe in you, you adorable dumb dumb!” Brad said encouragingly. “If you want to feed on my carrot, then make a bunny noise. Now. And it had better be convincing.” I could feel Brad losing interest in me by the second. Oh God, oh God, what does a bunny say?! C’mon Hayley, think! What stupid freaking noise does a bunny make?! Oh no! Brad will never love me if I can’t think of the answer! “Hayley, times up. What’s a bunny say?” “BRAD ALL I WANT IS TO SUCK YOUR DICK!” I squealed in desperation. “I WILL MAKE WHATEVER SLUTTY ANIMAL NOISE YOU WANT JUST PLEASE LET ME SUCK YOUR DICK AND EAT YOUR CUM! I LIED! YOU CAUGHT ME: I DON’T EVEN LIKE CARROTS! ” “That’s exactly right,” Brad said. “What?” I asked, dumbfounded. “You got the right answer, Hayley. That is exactly what a slutty little suck-bunny would say. Good job.” Brad patted my head with the hand he wasn’t already busy using to squeeze my tits. “You mean I passed the test? Oh thank God. That’s such a relief.” XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO If you guys want me to tell you what happened next, hit that reblog button and if I get enough reblogs, I’ll write it all down and publish a sequel! Fun! Thanks for loving me and always reassuring me that I’m pretty, Tumblrers! I love you back! HappyHyperHayley.tumblr.com I’m reposting this. A totally true story from like a year ago. Probably the best thing I’ve ever written on this blog. I never got around to writing a Part 2. -- source link
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