will-o-the-witch:Simple Moon Cycle SpreadBest performed on a New Moon or Full Moon, or any time you
will-o-the-witch:Simple Moon Cycle SpreadBest performed on a New Moon or Full Moon, or any time you are checking in with yourself and your practice. All answers are designed to be relevent within the span of one moon cycle.1. Full Moon- What Gives You Power? What fills your cup, gives you energy, and keeps you moving forward? What do we want to make sure we keep around and nurture? Where can we draw strength from during this time?2. Waning Moon- What Needs Letting Go? What are we carrying that no longer serves us? What can we release to make room for new things? What are we transitioning out of? 3. New Moon- What Is Ready To Begin? Every moment is a new beginning for something. What is waiting to break the surface? What needs a fresh start? What have you been putting off that you are now ready for? What new energy is coming into your life?4. Waxing Moon- What Can You Develop? What can you best manifest during this time? What needs your attention in order to grow? What things are headed your way, but need a little help reaching their full potential? -- source link