blasianxbri:tazzygal:orihime-strawberry-love:superduperfitblr:kendrawcandraw:Stop sexualizing my bod
blasianxbri:tazzygal:orihime-strawberry-love:superduperfitblr:kendrawcandraw:Stop sexualizing my body stop shaming my body stop policing my bodyBREASTS ARE SEXUAL ORGANSBREASTS ARE SEXUAL ORGANSBREAST ARE SEXUAL ORGANSBREASTS ARE FUCKING SEXUAL ORGANS!!WE DONT LET MEN WALK AROUND WITH THEIR DICKS OUT BECAUSE ITS A SEXUAL ORGAN!!GET THE FUCK OVER IT YOUR FEMALE BREASTS ARESEXUALFUCKINGORGANS!!!source: XAhem.BREASTS ARE NOT SEXUAL ORGANS YOU INCONSIDERATE DICK!Breasts are mammary organs, meaning their true and primary purpose is to nurse babies.I’ll repeat that for the slow people in the class, you warthog-faced buffoon.Breasts are mammary sacks. They are meant to feed babies, just like a cow’s udder. They aren’t sexual organs. They aren’t classified as such in biology texts (certainly none of the ones I checked out to answer this post)Men have breasts, you pile of refuse. Their breasts are smaller than women’s, but they possess the same mammary glands and, properly stimulated, can produce milk. Men can get breast cancer. They can develop larger breasts due to excessive hormones. Their breasts are exactly like a women’s breast, except that since their testicles produce testosterone in high degree, they don’t have enough female hormones in their bodies to start lactating.So, you pile of putrescence, you’re probably thinking, “If breasts aren’t sex organs then how come guys get horny looking at them and women get turned on by playing worth them, huh?”The answers to both are so terribly simple that you might just be able to follow them if you pay attention, pig.Men are enticed by breasts because they’re not allowed to see them. Women are sensitive because stimulation triggers two responses - bonding hormones and lactation.In case you’re too simple to get this, I’ll break it down further for you. In cultures where breasts are viewed daily, they don’t do much to get a guy hot and bothered. There are hundreds of paintings from the renaissance period and earlier depicting women nursing babies, especially images of the Blessed Virgin nursing Christ, and none of these have ever been considered provocative, because that’s what boobs are for. Meanwhile, in cultures where everyone from baby sister to great-great grandma walk around topless because the weather will kill them otherwise, dudes don’t get raging erections every time they see a breast. They don’t find boobs enticing the way men do in America, where boobs are considered shameful and need to be hidden.As for women getting aroused by their boobs being played with, you brainless donkey, a woman’s body responds to get nipples bring touched by flooding her body with bonding hormones that help her attach to get babies - you know, the people her breasts are actually supposed to be used by - and hormones that get her glands making milk. Also, please note that many women with large breasts don’t feel any stimulation when fondled, meaning they aren’t sensitive enough to get off on having their boobs played with.Do me a favor and GET THE FUCK OVER YOURSELF YOU PURITANICAL ASS! My breasts are NOT SEXUAL ORGANS. They are lactation organs designed for my use and my baby’s use. Not for any man’s use or pleasure.You inconsiderate space herpe.reblogging because i can’t believe someone thought breasts are sexual organs. and because i’m glad someone corrected them! -- source link
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