bookandslugclub:Resource Dump: Creating Characters! Primary CharactersYour Hero: Top Ten Rules
bookandslugclub: Resource Dump: Creating Characters! Primary Characters Your Hero: Top Ten Rules 10 Traits of a Great Protagonist 4 Steps to Creating a Truly Active Protagonist 20 Tips for Creating Relatable Protagonists How to Center your Story How to Create Unforgettable Protagonists 25 Things You Should Know About Protagonists Creating Memorable Characters Creating Strong Female Protagonists Creating Dynamic Protagonists How to Create Characters Inner Dialogue - Writing Inner Character Thoughts 25 Things a Great Character Needs 5 Ways to Create 3D Characters Secondary Characters 10 Secrets to Creating Unforgettable Supporting Characters How to Write Effective Supporting Characters Question to Ask (& Strengthen) Your Minor Characters 5 Tips for Developing Supporting Characters Techniques for Creating Great Secondary Characters 5 Steps to Dazzling Minor Characters 3 Ways to Create Stupendous Supporting Characters Creating Memorable Secondary Characters 5 Archetypes for Supporting Characters Your Map to Creating a Memorable Minor Characters Names Top Ten Tips 8 Tips for Naming Characters 7 Rules of Naming Fictional Characters Name that Character! 6 Creative Ways to Name your Character Naming your Characters A Guide to Naming Characters Female: 1 | 2 | 3 Male: 1 | 2 | 3 Alien: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Surname: 1 | 2 | 3 Unisex: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 Traits List: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 Developing Character Traits How to Create Good Personalities for your Characters Develop Memorable Personalities Give your Character Personality How to Create a Character’s Personality How to Make Sure your Character’s Personality Shines 5 Building Blocks of your Character’s Personality Appearance Appearance Generator Your Character’s Physical Appearance How to Describe a Character’s Looks Describing a Character’s Appearance Character Description Resource Examples of Physical Characteristics Describing the Physical Attributes of your Characters How Great Authors Describe Character Appearance Ultimate Guide to Nailing your Character’s Appearance Describing Clothing and Appearance Character Appearance Help Character Description Resource Describing People: A Person’s Physical Appearance Describing the Physical Attributes of Characters Speech Talking About your Character: Speech Variety in Character Voices All your Characters Talk the Same How to Create Distinctive Character Voices How to Create Characters Who Don’t Sound like You The Art of Voice in Fiction Create Varying, Yet Realistic, Speech Patterns The Art and Craft of Dialogue Writing Character Voice Creating Differences in the Speech Patterns of your Characters Style: Person and Speech Dialects: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 Backstory Building Better Backstories Basic Tips to Create Better Characters with Tragic Backstories How to Write a Backstory Writing Characters Using Conflict and Backstory Backstory Description Generator Questions to Create Character Backstory How to Weave in Backstory to Reveal Character Nail your Character’s Backstory How to Write Backstory Without Putting your Reader to Sleep How to Write a Killer Backstory Diversity How to Make Young Adult Fiction More Diverse Writing People of Color A Few Tips and Resources for Writing Characters of Colour Writing Characters of Colour Tastefully Writing With Colour 7 Offensive Mistakes Well-Intentioned Writers Make Writing Characters of Colour Describing Characters of Colour Gender Female: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Male: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Transgender: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 Non-Binary: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Sexuality Main Character Sexuality On Writing LGBTQ Characters: 1 | 2 Writing Gay Characters Guide to LGBT YA Avoiding LGBTQ Stereotypes Writing Bisexual Characters: 1 | 2 Writing Asexual Characters: 1 | 2 Pansexual & Demisexual Characters How to Write Gay, Bisexual and Pansexual Characters Introduction Introducing a Character Introducing your Main Character Do’s and Don’ts for Introducing your Protagonist First Impressions How to Introduce a Character How Not to Introduce a Main Character Introducing the Protagonist Development Character Development 9 Ingredients of Character Development Characterisation 1 - Character Development How to Develop a Character for a Story Character Development Character Development Drives Conflict Developing your Characters and Making them Interesting Relationships How to Write Strong Character Relationships Character Relationships 3 Keys to Developing Character Relationships The Secret Behind Great Character Relationships 3 Tips for Character Relationships Building Believable Relationships Sibling: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 Platonic: 1 | 2 | 3 Romantic: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 Strengths Identifying your Character’s Strengths Character Strengths and Weaknesses Introducing the 24 Character Strengths Character Strengths and Virtues List Strengths and Weaknesses A Balance of Strengths Flaws 123 Ideas for Character Flaws DarkWorld RPG Flaws List Character Flaws Ten Ugliest Character Flaws The Four Types of Character Flaws On Giving Flaws and Weaknesses Character Flaw Index Goal Why your Character’s Goal Needs to be 1 of these 5 Things Goals Define the Plot Goal Setting for You and your Character How to Explore you Character’s Motivation 4 Ways to Motivate Character and Plot Motivation By Genre Fantasy: 1 | 2 | 3 Sci-Fi: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 Romance: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 Thrillers: 1 | 2 Horror: 1 | 2 | 3 Heroes Your Hero: Top Ten Rules How to Write your Own Hero Story What Makes a Great Hero? Creating Heroes and Heroines Write a Story about a Hero How to Create an Antihero that Readers Love Heroes vs. Anti-Heroes Create a Super Hero How to Create a Brand New Iconic Hero or Villain What Makes a Hero Villains How to Create a Credible Villain in Fiction How to Make a Purely Evil Villain Interesting 9 Evil Examples of the Villain Archetype How Not to Create a Villain Creating Villains People Love to Hate 3 Techniques for Crafting a Better Villain Basic Tips to Write Better & More Despicable Villains Writing Tips for Creating a Complex Villain How to Create a Great Villain Do’s & Don’ts Do’s and Dont’s of Writing a Good Character How to Create a Character Characterisation Dos and Dont’s Female Characters of Do’s and Dont’s Do’s and Dont’s of Dialect Helpful Writing Blogs fuckyeahcharacterdevelopment* writeworld referenceforwriters thewritingcafe aquestionofcharacter * writingwithcolor fuckyeah-char-dev dailycharacterdevelopment Clichés Characters and Cliches Top 10 Character Cliches 7 Lazy Character Cliches 10 Most Cliched Characters in Sci-Fi Four Worst Character Cliches Female Character Cliches Character Cliches to Avoid The Cliche Character Test How Cliches Can Help You Make Great Characters Templates How to Create a Character Profile Writing Character Bios Character Sheets and Character Creation Gender/Sexuality Generator Extremely Detailed Character Template Writer’s Resource: Character Template Character Description -- source link
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