oregontopatagonia:One year ago today I was in Patagonia with best friends and my mom. I was finish
oregontopatagonia: One year ago today I was in Patagonia with best friends and my mom. I was finishing my sixteen-month trip and too close to it all to know what it meant. . I’m a year done now, a year into work on my book about it, a year back to life in the states. . I still don’t know what it taught me in full, because travel doesn’t teach like that. It isn’t a list or a script to memorize. The experiences themselves are like picking up keys on a path, shoving them in your pockets, and continuing on. You don’t know what doors will show up, what key shaped just a certain way that you grabbed a thousand miles back… will fit into a door you never knew existed. But you’ll know it when you see it. . I think people bump into locked doors their whole lives, maybe they jiggle the handle, shrug, and turn around. This is why I peek behind every corner and lift up all the rugs… I’m looking for keys. . #memoriesoftorresdelpaine #oneyearago @sophiabush -- source link