Viktor Vektor x ReaderCH12CH1 . CH2 . CH3 . CH4 . CH5 . CH6 . CH7 . CH8 . CH9 . CH10 . CH11Taglist @
Viktor Vektor x ReaderCH12CH1 . CH2 . CH3 . CH4 . CH5 . CH6 . CH7 . CH8 . CH9 . CH10 . CH11Taglist @daisychainsinknotsVik POV:Gotta say, bein’ able to pull her close and kiss her anytime I want sure does feel good. Knowin’ she’s actually mine and I’m hers.Still feels unreal, but damn if I don’t love every secondspent kissin’ her.She doesn’t even seem to mind when V freaks out, not caringwho knows – makes me near giddy to be honest. Like some sugared out kid,grinnin’ broad and high on life, feelin’ young again and hopeful for what’snext for once.Wouldn’t call myself cynical, but hadn’t put much stock inthinkin’ past the day to day for a while. Now here I am, planning dinners andcountin’ down the minutes to when I get to see her again.Hadn’t felt this way in a long damn time.Might never have…She’s unique, got me wrapped around her finger already and I’msure she doesn’t even know it yet. Like I’ve known her lot longer than… what… 2short goddamn weeks?Shit.Fallin’ hard and quick.It’s scary, won’t deny that, but for some reason I justtrust her. Somethin’ in her eyes, the way she looks at me, acts around me… justmakes me think she feels it too.Never been the type to dive in headfirst like this, buthell, gettin’ older and seen a lotta shit, don’t wanna waste time pretending weain’t together. Mine as well be open about it, see where this all goes.Still wanna take it slow with her from here, though. Don’twanna get impatient and burn her out too fast, risk her gettin’ boredafterwards.More I think on it, more I hear about her, and time I spendwith her… more I think I’m a goddamn idiot for even worryin’ about it.Got a good head on her shoulders, not seekin’ the thrilllike most mercs, just wanting some extra Eds to get her life movin’ the rightdirection.See, THAT is a motivation I can understand, areasoning I can grasp, come to terms with even. Helps me accept her career,knowin’ it’s temporary.Still worry about her, sure. Don’t wanna even think aboutthe danger she’s in on these fuckin’ jobs, ‘specially not now that she’s actuallymine.Goddamn crazy just sayin’ that, even to myself.Mine.She’s all mine.Feel the smirk tug along my cheeks, thanking the shop owneras he hands me several to-go bags of food. Wanted to give her plenty’a options,figured we could both use a night of indulgence, pig out on some food and stayup late talkin’ again.Strange how much I’m lookin’ forward to it.Don’t plan on anything happenin’, to be honest I just wannasee her again, get to know everything about her, maybe pull her close and curlup to a good movie before passin’ out. Would be a dream come true wakin’ up tosee that beautiful face starin’ back at me.Been so long since I dated though, kinda nervous…Hope I didn’t give the wrong impression askin’ to have adate night at her place.Don’t get me wrong, I want her. Want her so goddamn bad…But still wanna slow it down, enjoy takin’ things step bystep with her. Somethin’ I hadn’t really bothered with in my past, but she’sspecial, got me wantin’ to do things right this time – maybe build somethin’that’ll actually last… Keep her around for a while, maybe even…I shake my head and peer around the corner, seeing herstreet name and parkin’ the car along the side, getting lucky with an open spotright out front.I tap my thumbs along the steering wheel, nerves gettin’ thebetter of me knowing she’s waitin’ inside for me. Sent her a message while Iwas grabbin’ food, let her know my timeframe, she seemed just as excited as me.Made me so fuckin’ happy seein’ her light up around me, likeshe sees me as somethin’ special too.Never quite felt that with anyone before.Like she thinks I’M the prize, instead of theother way ‘round.Always been the one puttin’ in more than I got back… neverfigured I’d meet someone who gave back just the same… definitely didn’t thinkit’d be with someone like her.So fuckin’ perfect in every way.Way the fuck outta my league and still always seems to lookat me like…Well… makes my heart skip, can say that much.Officially been together a little over 24 hours, and alreadyimagining what the next year may hold for us – past that even.Crazy how fate can come along and change everything in ablink.I walk up to her door, raising my knuckles to rap along thesurface, but it opens before I get the chance, revealing her gorgeous smilefrom inside.“Hey, babe,” she’s beaming, that warm grin framed with herbeautiful features makin’ my heart lurch into my throat just hearin’ the term ‘babe’slip from her lips so casually thrown my direction.“Hey, gorgeous,” I can’t help but smirk back, feelin’downright ecstatic to be around her again, pullin’ her in by her waist for aquick kiss.She holds onto me though, runnin’ those hands of hers upthrough my hair and pulling me inside before shutting the door.Kiss is slow enough, but she’s in sweatpants and one ofthose sexy short shirt types – the cropped shit kids got goin’ these days.Looks damn good on her…Makes my heart race.I grip my free hand along her hip, shifting to pull backjust enough to look her in the eyes, “careful, sweetheart. Hungry enough as itis without workin’ up an appetite, yeah?”Meant it as a joke, but the way her brow quirks up at me…and damn if she doesn’t pull the edge of that fuckin’ bottom lip between herteeth just for a second.Fuck. ME.I groan internally and raise the bags, reiterating the needto break away so we can sit down to eat, usin’ it more to save myself fromdevouring her instead.Gotta remind myself the whole pep talk I’d already had ‘boutbehaving and takin’ things slow. Had already made up my mind, but bein’ aroundher like this drives me fucking wild.She grins and chuckles, taking the food from my hand andsauntering over to the dining table.Nice place she got set up.I hadn’t been to their last apartment, but didn’t realizewhen I dropped her off the other night that this was her own place. Had assumedV was waitin’ for her up here, honestly surprised me to hear they didn’t roomtogether anymore.From what I’d gathered in our conversations and talkin’ withMisty, then what V had mentioned earlier at the clinic, my girl here was workin’hard to settle down.Music to my ears, of course.My biggest concern in bein’ so invested in her already beingthe merc title she carries and all the danger that it comes with.Swore I’d never get involved with one, not like this.But here I am.Watchin’ her unpack food like it’s the sexiest goddamn thingI’ve ever seen in my life, her coy smirk cast my way makin’ my fucking mouth godry.How the hell did I get so lucky?Your POV:Vik gets there right around the time he’d estimated, beingone of the few people to hold a good schedule apparently. V being lateeverywhere she goes, and Jackie … well, late doesn’t begin to describe whatJackie considers ‘timely’.You hear his car before peeking out the window, grinning toyourself as you recognize the classic he’d fixed up over the years. It suitedhim.Your throat tightens when he steps out… dark button-down,rolled up sleeves stopping at his elbows, and regular jeans.He looked good in his work clothes, even looked good in gymgear, but seein’ him like this… sends a heat across your cheeks.Biting your lip, you move to the door and swing it open,having apparently caught him right as he was about to knock.Fuck he’s handsome…You grin out at him, leaning against the door a bit so youdon’t go all light-headed at the sight of him, “hey, babe.”He lights up, his own smile broadening, “hey, gorgeous.”You heart skips, his free arm reaching in and snaking aroundyour waist to pull you flush, pressing his lips lightly to yours.He clearly meant it to be quick, but you got other plans,runnin’ your hands up through his hair and deepening the kiss. You keep itslow, but guide him further into your home before kickin’ the door shut behindhim.His hand slides along the exposed skin of your lower back,shifting to grip your hip and hold you in place for him to pull back a bit,eyes meeting yours with that crooked, cocky, sexy fucking smirk of his.“Careful, sweetheart. Hungry enough as it is without workin’up an appetite, yeah?”Damn him…You can’t help but bite your lip briefly, hoping he doesn’tnotice and quickly correcting yourself.He raises the bags in his other hand, smile softening as youchuckle and take them, movin’ towards the table to start setting everythingout.He helps, of course. Standin’ beside you and pullin’ out boxafter box for what apparently is a feast in the making.Definitely wasn’t kidding when he said he was feelin’ like asplurge night for food.Didn’t bother you any, though, needing the cheat meal afterthe stressful gigs you’d been on the last few days.You catch him glancing over at you all the while, smilepermanently fixed along his face, makin’ you blush and wonder how the hell youever landed a catch like Vik.Merc like you, young and still figurin’ your shit out, stilltrying to make your own way and get outta the game before it gets you first…Never would’ve guessed you’d walk into that clinic and fallhead-over-heels.Love at first sight being something you laughed off from thefirst time you’d heard it.But here you are, feelin’ like you belong for the first timein your life. Like you’re finally on the right path, finally where you’resupposed to be…CH13 -- source link
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