Viktor Vektor x ReaderCH11CH1 . CH2 . CH3 . CH4 . CH5 . CH6 . CH7 . CH8 . CH9 . CH10Taglist @daisych
Viktor Vektor x ReaderCH11CH1 . CH2 . CH3 . CH4 . CH5 . CH6 . CH7 . CH8 . CH9 . CH10Taglist @daisychainsinknotsYou had ended up showin’ Vik a really cool old-school fightthemed diner, the owner, Benny, being a retired boxer himself and a long-timefriend of yours. Honestly, the closest thing to a father-figure you have… Heand Vik hit it off, after the initial standoff of course, Benny beingprotective of you and usually not caring much for the thought of you dating.To be fair, you had never brought any guys around, neverthought any were worth introducing or gettin’ too involved with. Surprised thehell outta Benny, made Vik blush like hell when he brought it up, grinnin’ fromear to ear.Embarrassed the shit outta you… but seein’ Vik’s reactionmade it worth the trouble. How happy it made him, how clear it was that heunderstood the significance.You wanted to show him this wasn’t just another fling toyou, that you had plans to see where this went, and it seemingly did just that.Granted, you two really don’t know that much about eachother, yet. But that comes with time, and even with a few long-term relationshipsin your past, you can honestly say, none of them ever made you feel like Vikdoes…Somethin’s different ‘bout him.As cliché as it is to say, it felt like you’d known eachother forever already.Gah.Few months ago, you woulda gagged just hearin’ that, muchless having it in your own head.Now look at you.Grinning to yourself like some giddy teenage girl themorning after her first real date.You roll over in bed, stretching and procrastinatingactually getting up, knowing the day holds mostly recon for the upcoming gig anddreading each dwindling second.If you could go back to last night, you would.Savor it a bit longer.You’d talked for hours, just spendin’ time together, gettin’to know each other better. Didn’t feel forced though, just flowed naturally,the rare silences not even being awkward, usually filled by him pressing hislips to the back of your hand.He’d even just kinda glance over at you and smirk from timeto time, earning a grin of your own in return and pink flush along your cheekswhen you’d ask what he keeps lookin’ at. ‘Course he’d just shake his head and lookaway, tell you how beautiful you are, makin’ you both blush and absolutelyhating yourself for actually being into all the sappy shit happening betweenthe two of you.You even feel a blush creeping along your cheeks now, justfrom remembering how he stood at your door, having insisted on drivin’ you homewhen he found out you’d walked to lunch that day.Your hands had barely left each other’s all day, but he’dpulled you in for a tight hug, pressing a gentle kiss to your temple andlingering there before pulling away.The flush deepens as warmth spreads along your cheeks,grinning broadly to yourself like an absolute fuckin’ idiot and burying yourface in your pillow to avoid the humiliation of… well… no one else is here, butit feels embarrassing anyway.You replay the moment in your mind over an over. Wanting tohold onto it as long as possible.His hands moving to caress your face, his own inching closerbefore finally… the light pressure of his lips on yours… your heart thumpingagainst your chest and stomach sent in summersaults… his lips slowly moving,your hands gripping the collar of his shirt but keepin’ things slow and gentle.The way he looked at you when he pulled away.Fuck.The way he looked period…With a sigh you reluctantly shift to allow your legs tounceremoniously slip over the edge of the bed, sliding your body out whilestretching and begrudgingly moving to your feet.You shoot a quick message to V and Jackie, makin’ sure they’reboth awake and getting ready. After the last gig a few days ago… damn, just afew days ago… time really fuckin’ flies around here, so much changing, all thishappening making it seem like months rather than the time frame of about 2 weeks…Anyway, you’d gotten your own apartment, feelin’ like livingwith V was getting cramped, not to mention her uh… differing definitions ofwhat a ‘clean’ apartment was had gotten to be really old over the years.She took it hard at first but seemed to understand, slowlyactin’ like her old self around you again instead of bein’ a pouty lil grouch.They both respond as you’re tugging a shirt over your head,placing the ETA within schedule – for once.—-Recon goes smooth, as it usually does.The most boring part of the job, honestly.Lotta sitting around and waiting, watching, taking notes andevaluating.Necessary for sure, but not something you’d miss when youfinally retire from this lifestyle. Even had your eye on a little corner spacethat you noticed was up for rent right down the street from your new apartment…perfect location for that gym you always wanted…V draws your attention, apparently you’d gotten lost in yourown head.“You hear Jackie? Said he needs to swing by Vik’s,” sherolls her eyes and looks out the window at the passing buildings, “guess wecould both use a checkup anyway, mine as well.”“Hey,” Jackie nudges her seat with his knee, sitting in theback middle where the most room for his legs is, “don’t get an attitude, jaina,some of us have love lives, yeah? Maybe you should get some, then you’d chillthe fuck out.”“Did you just…” V tries to turn in her seat, the seatbelt digginginto her neck as she impatiently tugs at it instead of just stayin’ calm, “didyou just fuckin’ tell me I need to get laid??”Jackie shrugs, earning a chuckle from you as you glance inthe rearview mirror, “he might be right, V.”She glares over at you, “like you have any room to talk?”You grin and stay silent, listening to them bicker back andforth. Jackie staying in good spirits, finding it funny more than anything, butV actually ends up getting agitated and crosses her arms in a huff.Doesn’t take long to make it to Vik’s, parking and walkin’across the street to greet Misty first. Her Esoterica hadn’t been doing toowell, which is part of why she’d taken up some paperwork for Vik’s clinic tomake ends meet.Some people still came by for her card reading, sure, butmostly she was taking appointments and workin’ as Vik’s help these days – not thatshe complained, they got along really great and looked out for each other. Makesyou smile as you pull her in for a hug, all the little things you’d learnedabout Vik last night still swimming around in your thoughts. Knowing you’d seehim again so soon making your heart race, even with how comfortable you felt aroundhim now, you just couldn’t help your body’s reaction to being near him.Every part of you just lights up even at the mention of hisname.Misty motions towards the door, “Vik finished up his last clientnot too long ago, he’s just wrapping up some last entries in the charts for theday, should be good to see you.”“Thanks, Misty,” V immediately moves that direction, castinga glance over her shoulder to motion for you to follow, “c’mon, you got some workdone too, sis. Wouldn’t hurt you to make sure it’s all still runnin’ preem.”You’re hesitant, still not sure how to act around Vik infront of other people… you’d basically established a relationship, but hadn’t…actually… verbally said if you’re really… public? Or not.Guess you’re about to find out.You trail along behind her, palms clamming up a bit and tryingto concentrate on slowing your heartrate. If he ran any vitals, you’d fuckin’die of embarrassment.V knocks, opening the door as soon as Vik’s deep voicesounds from within sayin’, “door’s unlocked.”She waltzes in, smiling at him when he finally glances upfrom his seat at his desk, fiddlin’ with his medical glove again, screwdriverstill in hand as he turns to face her.“Well, hey, V,” he adjusts his glasses and kicks his feetout before him, still not quite noticing you from your spot leaned against thedimly lit doorframe, “what can I do for ya?”“Thought we’d swing by since Jackie-boy decided he couldn’twait to visit Misty,” she jerks a thumb over her shoulder in your direction, “figuredwe could both use the checkup on our newest updates, if you got the time?”“Sure thing,” he tosses the screwdriver to the desk,standing and kicking his stool across the room to the closest operating chair, “takea seat, kid.”V glances back at you, motioning for you to come in, all butrolling her eyes at your strangely quiet demeanor, “guess I’m goin’ first sinceshe’s draggin’ her feet today.”She flops down on the chair, Vik finally glancing over as youstep into the light, his fait faltering slightly before he offers a warm grin, “didn’teven see you standin’ over there, sweetheart.”“Tellin’ ya,” V shakes her head, watching Vik as he hooksher up to run a few scans, “she used to walk up behind me, or somethin’, and I’dturn around to have a goddamn heart attack. The one upside to her movin’ out;get to walk around jump-scare free.”Vik chuckles and grins broader in your direction, makingyour heart flutter, “you don’t live together anymore? When did that happen?”You shrug and open your mouth to speak, but V interrupts, “afterthe last gig, she decided I was too rowdy, didn’t clean up after the latenights anymore. Sis here decided she wants some kind’ve ‘quiet’, like some 80year old trapped in a 27 year old’s body. Swear, she’d rather sit by her fancyass fireplace and read some weird ass book than go to the club anymore – the fuckis up with that?”Vik quirks a brow your direction, glancing up from hisscreen briefly but staying silent, a steady grin soft across his features as Vgoes on.“I’m not gonna get like that am I?” She almost shivers, likethe thought was mortifying, “all boring and introspective or some shit?”“Don’t worry, V,” you sit beside her, claiming Vik’s stooltemporarily while he stands at the screens, but not going unnoticed, “being anadult comes different to all of us, ‘responsibility’ isn’t a contagious feature.”She narrows her eyes, Vik’s deep chuckle only furthering hergrimace.“Alright,” he shakes his head, smirk still hanging off theedge of his lips as he disconnects her, “you’re all good, kid, readin’ normal.”She hops off the chair, crossing her arms and standing withher weight shifted to one leg in her usual pouting stance, “I’m responsible,just not boring. Got too much to do, too much to see. Don’t wanna be cooped upor tied down, not when I got legend status waiting for me.”You stay silent, having had this talk several times beforeand knowing it to be a pointless argument.Vik breaks the tension, playfully nudging your leg with hisboot, “alright, sweetheart, your turn. Hop up.”“Playin’ favorites, doc?” V glances between the two of you,watchin’ as you get situated on the chair and hook up to the screens.Vik reads through the screens, swiping a few commands andseeming to bite back a broader grin while he keeps quiet.V doesn’t let it slide though, pushin’ him further, “we’reonly a few years apart, but I get the ‘kid’ treatment?”“Don’t like when I call you ‘kid’?” He raises a brow withoutbreaking his focus on the screens, “pick a nickname then, sport. I’ll call yawhatever ya want.”“Kid’s fine…” she mumbles, still pouting as she peeks overyou to get a look at the screens, “damn, you’ve really upgraded, sis.”“Yeah,” you feel the sarcasm slip through your lips beforeyou can force it back down, reflexively pestering her, “you could afford thesame gear if you didn’t blow your Eddies on joytoys.”She catches your playful grin though, her shoulders finallyseeming to relax as she breaks out into laughter, Vik shaking his head at theboth of you.“Alright, sweetheart,” he disconnects you and moves thescreens up outta the way as you stand, “you’re all good, too.”“Thanks, Vik,” V wipes a tear from the corner of her eye,laughter subsiding but smirk still lingering.“No problem, kid,” he glances her direction briefly, casuallytaking a step closer to you before meeting your eyes, “glad you dropped by,babe. Was gonna see about grabbin’ dinner tonight, if you’re up for it?”V’s eyes go wide, entire body seeming to stiffen as hermouth goes slack to hang just slightly agape.Welp… that answers that question.Your heart lurching the second he calls you ‘babe’.“Sure thing,” you nod and try to ignore V in your peripheral,“what’s on the menu?”“Well,” one of his arms snakes around your waist, pullingyou in flush against him, “thinkin’ we both had a pretty long day, so mightjust grab somethin’ on the way to your place. Been wantin’a try that place wesaw, can’t remember the name… one off-““The one with the big neon cat?”“Yeah,” he grins down at you, his other hand tucking aknuckle under your chin, “that’s the one. Wanna try it out?”“Sounds good,” you feel your cheeks warming up again, hislips brushing lightly against yours in a gentle kiss.V mutters a low, “what the fuck…”Vik smirks into the kiss before parting from you, keeping hisarm snaked around your waist as he glances briefly to V, then back to you, “takeit you didn’t tell her?”“The fuck is happening right now,” V puts her hands out infront of her as if trying to stay balanced, her eyes darting between the two ofyou, “am I fuckin’ dreaming or did you,” she points to Vik, “just kiss mysister?”Vik chuckles, that deep sound tightening your chestinstantly…“Wasn’t sure if we were tellin’ people, yet,” you admit witha soft shrug.“Well, she knows now,” he presses another gentle but brief kissto your lips, “guess that makes it official then, don’t it sweetheart?”“You sure you wanna claim me in public?” you quirk a playfulbrow, eyes lingering on his lips as they pull into that sexy crooked smirk ofhis.“Oh, you’re fuckin’ stuck with me, babe.”The whole scene is disgusting, just a big sweet mess ofgooey corniness laced with an undertone of hormones… earning a confused squeakfrom V as her brain apparently just refuses to process what’s happening.You slide your arms down from around his neck, resting themat his chest briefly to press a quick kiss to his cheek before pullin’ away. Vstands rigid like one of those living statue people, head tilting a bit.“C’mon, V,” you roll your eyes, “let’s go, I’m ready to gethome and I’ve still gotta drop you off.”She snaps to just enough to move forward, her last braincells absolutely exploding as Vik lightly slaps your ass before he turns tokick his stool back to the desk.“See ya t’night, babe,” he calls over his shoulder.You guide V out the door, her glazed over, zombie-likeexpression earning raised brows from both Misty and Jackie when you enter thedoor to say your goodbyes.“Look like you’ve seen a ghost, jaina,” Jackie almost seemsconcerned, but Misty just grins.“She… Vik…” V mumbles and shakes her head, finally seemingto regain enough brain function to speak, “the doc and… they’re uh… they…” shemotions vaguely with her hands, pushing them together, “kissing, and dinnerdate,” she shakes her head and throws her hands up before walking off to findthe car.Jackie watches after her with a deepened crease to his brow,“did some wires get crossed? Fry her brain?”“No,” you chuckle, keepin’ an eye on her long enough to seeher make it safely to the passenger seat of your car to wait, “gonna get herhome, you gonna stay here Jackie?”He nods and glances to Misty, who is absolutely beaming atyou.“The talk worked, didn’t it? He’s been in a great mood allday, figured that was why.”You grin back at her, waving your hand and taking a steptoward the door, “see you two soon, yeah?”“Woah,” somethin’ apparently clicks in Jackie’s head, sittin’up straighter just as you open the door to leave, “you and Vik???”CH12 -- source link
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