Viktor Vektor x ReaderCH17CH1 . CH2 . CH3 . CH4 . CH5 . CH6 . CH7 . CH8 . CH9 . CH10 . CH11 . CH12 .
Viktor Vektor x ReaderCH17CH1 . CH2 . CH3 . CH4 . CH5 . CH6 . CH7 . CH8 . CH9 . CH10 . CH11 . CH12 . CH13 . CH14 . CH15 . CH16Taglist @daisychainsinknots-Just to clarify from my announcement the other day, for those of you who did not see the comment on the original post, when I asked how much angst you want I was NOT referring to relationship angst. I just want to make sure people know that their relationship will be fine :) , they will not hurt each other, they will not break up, they’re gonna lean on each other while things get hard for a bit - just wanted to know how bad to make things, but people seem really split so far so I might just make it pretty even down the middle.-Vik POV:‘Course the day fuckin’ drags by…Each minute feelin’ like a goddamn hour, each hour feelin’like a whole fuckin’ day just trickling through, takin’ it’s sweet time.Never been so fidgety in my whole life, so impatient, soglued to my phone. Can’t help but to check for messages every few minutes,hoping to see somethin’ from her sayin’ she’s on her way back or that she madeit home in one piece.I glance down to see no new notifications and sigh, floppin’down on my couch and rubbing a hand over my face. It’s gettin’ late, the sunhaving set quite a bit ago, streetlights streaming through my window.Guess she never really gave me a timeframe for when they’dbe back. I’d kinda just assumed, and hoped, that they’d be back the same day.Can’t even imagine the torture of tryin’a sleep while she’s gone… not knowingwhat she’s goin’ through or where she even is, if she’s alright or…I shake my head and glance to my phone again, tossing it tothe other end of the couch with another exasperated sigh, “fuckin’ hell…”My stomach growls and I at least got somethin’ to distractme for a few minutes, gettin’ up and rummaging through the fridge for somethin’to cook real quick. Only takes a few minutes to whip somethin’ up, forcin’ itdown through my already fried nerves.Goddamn… only been one day, her first gig since us bein’ athing, and I’m already fallin’ apart at the fuckin’ seams…Manage to get and keep the food down, leavin’ my phone onthe couch while I go start the shower, thinkin’ maybe gettin’ away from it fora minute will help chill me the fuck out. Nice hot shower to relax my muscles,help me think clearly. Gettin’ way too tense…The water stings at first, just how I like it though, easin’in and havin’ to adjust to the temperature, lettin’ my muscles warm up as myskin starts to turn a light shade of pink by the time I reluctantly step out.Run the towel through my hair, fluffin’ it up a bit to getthe main bit of water before I slip on a quick pair of sweatpants.Still some drips here and there as I pad back out into myliving room, tryin’a remember where I put that damn… oh, right.I snag the phone off the couch, heart lurching when I see anotification.Can’t say I’ve ever opened a message that fuckin’ fast.Thankfully it’s from her… not sure what kinda fresh hell Iwoulda been in if the one message I’d gotten today wasn’t even her, pretty sureI’d’ve wanted to throw this goddamn phone.‘Just made it home, I’m in one piece like I promised!Gotta get cleaned up, but if you’re awake maybe I can give you a call after?’I finally feel my shoulders relax, a dull ache there frombein’ wound so tight all day, typin’ out a quick message back to her, knowin’she’ll get it immediately whether she’s got her phone in hand or not with thosenew optics, ‘Good to hear, sweetheart. Call whenever you want, babe, I’ll beup. If you need me to come over I can.’Phone lights up again almost immediately, bringin’ back thatgiddy fuckin’ grin that’s become synonymous with bein’ around her lately, ‘Don’thave to do that, Vik. Sure you’re tired, I’ll settle for a phone call until Ican see you tomorrow. Maybe grab lunch on your break?’‘Can do that, but you don’t live far from me, babe. Justsay the word and I’ll head over. Might be having withdrawals being away fromyou so long already.’I slip on a shirt and grab a few things I’ll need for worktomorrow, stuffin’ ‘em into a duffle bag in case she says yes, chucklin’ tomyself when my phone chimes multiple times in a row. 3 unread messages flashin’across the screen when I pick it up: ‘Oh, so it’s a medical emergency iswhat you’re saying?’, ‘ Can’t have you going through withdrawals, doc. That’ssome dangerous stuff.’, ‘Guess you can consider this ‘the word’, babe. Head onover whenever.’‘Be there in 5, sweetheart.’ I send the message andhalf jog to my door, ready to see her and still half worried about whatcondition she might be in.Hopin’ she’s just fine, not a scratch on her, but knowin’the way Jackie usually comes back from gigs… there’s no tellin’. Could goeither way.Got my small med kit in the car already, somethin’ I try tokeep with me at all times anyway, tossin’ my overnight bag in the passengerseat while I wait for the car to idle down before shiftin’ into gear and headin’off. She’s really only a few streets down from me, few minutes at most.Convenient for sure, though she definitely lives on the nicer side of town inher new digs.Takes no time to pull up, seein’ her car and gettin’ luckywith an empty space right next to it for me to park.Grab my duffle and med kit, just in case. Rather bring it inand not need it than have to rush back out here for it later.Still feel anxious seein’ her, my heart poundin’ and palms gettinga little clamy. Strange feelin’ this way ‘bout anyone, all giddy and excited,like a kid again.I rap my knuckles against the door and hear it unlock, hervoice soundin’ from somewhere deeper in the house sayin’ to “come on in.”I open the door but don’t see her, assumin’ she’s got herremote access hooked up to the place to control everything.“Where ya at, babe?” I call out into the apartment, stillnot really used to the layout, my own place bein’ a super simple one bedroomand hers bein’ more along the lines of a fancy condo or somethin’.“Bathroom,” she calls back, “just finishin’ up, almost done.”Door is open, light on and her shadow movin’ a little weirdso I start walkin’ that way, droppin’ my bags by the bedroom door first. “Finishin’up what, sweeth-“ My words catch in my throat, roundin’ the corner to see hersnippin’ off the last bit of string to finish off the stitches along hershoulder. “The fuck are you doing?”“Don’t give me that look,” her brows crease, shakin’ herhead softly, “I’d already started before I knew you were coming over and didn’twanna leave it half done, babe.”I sigh and step forward, motionin’ for her to turn towards me,“least lemme look it over.”“Don’t judge too harsh, doc,” she chuckles, shiftin’ so Ican get a good look at her wound, “been doin’ it on my own a while though andit always heals up fine.”I rub my thumb lightly near the surface, not touchin’ theactual stitches but tryin’a feel how deep it goes without pressin’ too hard, “whathappened?”“Things got a little intense,” she shrugs, givin’ me a soft halfsmile, “they’d upped security more than we expected, but we handled it.”I tuck my knuckle under her chin, tiltin’ her head up and seein’a few bruises startin’ along her neck, a small scratch near her cheek, “sweetheart…”“I’ve had a lot worse, Vik,” she grips my hand and slides itto her cheek, nuzzlin’ into my touch, “comes with the territory, unfortunately.”My resolve melts, still feelin’ agitated with the situationbut realizin’ she just wants comfort from me right now, probably thinkin’ I’mmad with her or regrettin’ being with her… none of which is true. Just worriedfuckin’ sick about her…“C’mere…” I mutter, pullin’ her in close and wrappin’ myarms around her, buryin’ my face against the side of her head to press lightkisses down her temple and cheek, makin’ sure to be gentle.She keeps her hands at my chest, restin’ her head along myshoulder and for a minute I assume it’s because of her own shoulder bein’ sore,but when I give a little squeeze around her waist she flinches. A gasp partingher lips as she grips my shirt and I ease her back to lean her against the bathroomcounter, cuppin’ her cheeks to look in her eyes as one of her hands shifts tocover her ribs.“What? What’s wrong?”“Think I bruised a rib or something,” she breathes out,still strugglin’ to keep air steady from the apparent pain, though it seems to befading.“Lemme see,” I motion for her to lift her shirt, but sheshakes her head.“M’fine, babe, really,” she moves to stand but flinchesagain, leanin’ back against the counter for support.“Fuck if you are,” I grumble, lightly pullin’ up the edge ofher shirt and tryin’a be gentle while I feel along her rib. The skin is startin’to turn a light blue-ish purple shade, a long and slender imprint seemin’ to beleft like she’d gotten hit with a goddamn pipe or somethin’… “sweetheart… thefuck did you get into today?”“It’s not cracked, if that’s what you’re thinking,” shemanages a deep inhale, seemin’ to finally catch her breath, “had that before,this just feels bruised. Hurts like hell, but I’ll be fine, babe. Promise.”I shake my head and cup her face in my hands, “I’m takin’you with me tomorrow, scannin’ this first thing, got it?”She reluctantly nods, her eyes driftin’ down til I tuck myknuckles under her chin again, makin’ her look me in the eye.“What’s wrong, baby?”She sighs and pulls me in for a hug, keepin’ her arms low toavoid flarin’ up the pain along her ribs, “don’t want you to be mad at me.”“Sweetheart…” I kiss the side of her head and hold herclose, “I’m not mad at you… Just ready for you to be done with all this shit. Iget it, trust me I do… I just worry about you, seen too many mercs through mydoors and know how it ends for ‘em…. Can’t handle that happenin’ to you…” Ipull back a bit and cup her face again, “care too much about you already, hadme checkin’ my phone every 5 minutes all day today.”She chuckles softly, face breakin’ into a warm grin, “goin’soft, Vik?”“Only for you, love,” I press my lips to her forehead beforelookin’ her in the eyes again, “now go lay down, I’m gonna grab you somemedicine, alright?”“Don’t need any,” she shakes her head but walks past metowards the bedroom anyway, yawning softly as she cautiously lowers herselfinto bed, tryin’ not to agitate her injuries.I’m glad they’re not worse, glad she’s in one piece, butfuck if it doesn’t kill me seein’ her like this… knowin’ someone laid theirhands on my girl like that…I gotta check a few cabinets before findin’ the glasses,fillin’ one with water before I head back to the bedroom, pickin’ up my bagsand droppin’ them by the bed before I hold the water out to her, “here ya go,love, take these.”She takes the glass and extends her other hand, givin’ me awarry look when I drop 3 pills into her palm, “what’re these for?”I chuckle and pull my shirt over my head, slippin’ into bednext to her, bein’ careful not to flop around too much, “just pain meds andsomethin’ to help you sleep, sweetheart. Doctor’s orders and all that.”She grins over at me, poppin’ the pills real quick beforesettin’ the glass down on the side table, shiftin’ careful to curl up next tome, her hurt side facin’ up so she doesn’t press it into the bed. Know it helpsher be more comfortable, but it gives me a direct view of her injuries… makesme fuckin’ livid knowin’ someone out there did this to her.Can only hope they got what they deserved. Sure my girl got ‘emback, if not, I’m positive Jackie took care of them for me.She drifts off quick, the mild sedative I gave her doin’ itsjob and lettin’ her sleep through the pain.I’m pretty sure it’s just a bad bruise myself, still notlikin’ that she’d apparently had cracked ribs in the past… and definitelywantin’ to do a full checkup on her first thing in the mornin’, just in case.Maybe get her something to speed the recovery process.Know she’s got another gig comin’ up quick… big one at that.Can’t have her goin’ in like this.Don’t want her to go at all, don’t get me wrong. But I’d ratherprepare her as much as possible, give her the best chance of comin’ back hometo me.I press my lips to the top of her head and try to close myeyes, hopin’ to get any kind of sleep, tryin’ not to dwell too much on how badI wanna split someone’s goddamn jaw for doin’ this to her. -- source link
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