Viktor Vektor x ReaderCH13CH1 . CH2 . CH3 . CH4 . CH5 . CH6 . CH7 . CH8 . CH9 . CH10 . CH11 . CH12Ta
Viktor Vektor x ReaderCH13CH1 . CH2 . CH3 . CH4 . CH5 . CH6 . CH7 . CH8 . CH9 . CH10 . CH11 . CH12Taglist @daisychainsinknots-credit to @xbaebsae where I sourced this… amazing pic for this chapter. Yall enjoy-Food is delicious, and you ate entirely too much, leaving youfeeling lazy and… a bit self-conscious. Your lifestyle made you pretty lean,but a full belly will make anyone looked bloated.Vik flips through your tv, looking for a movie to watch whilestanding behind the couch waiting for you to sit down with him.You’d insisted on cleaning up, which really only took a fewseconds since it was basically just putting takeaway boxes in the fridge.“Think I’m gonna go change real quick,” you pad over andgive him a quick kiss on the cheek before moving towards your room.He has none of it though, grabbing your arm and pulling youback in to snake his other arm around your waist, holding you flush againsthim, “thought we were sittin’ down to watch a movie?”“Yeah,” you nod, feeling your cheeks warm up a bit, “feelin’kinda bloated though,” you scrunch your nose and move to pull away again.He gives a short, half scoff of a laugh, “you look fuckin’perfect to me, sweetheart, but whatever makes you comfortable.”You give him a pec on the lips and he lets you go, lightlysmacking your ass with a smirk as you walk off, earning a playful grin from youover your shoulder in return.He chuckles and returns to searching the tv, finally seemingto find something as you walk back in a few moments later to find him sittingcomfortably, one arm stretched over the back of the couch.You hop over and flop down next to him, making him jumpslightly.“Jeez, babe,” he laughs and shakes his head, “gonna give anold man a heart attack, fuck.”“Oh, shut up,” you roll your eyes and lean into him, gettingcomfortable with your legs draping across his lap as you turn your attention tothe tv, “find one?”“Uh,” he clears his throat and presses play on the remote, “yeah,I think so. Give it a shot and see if it’s worth watchin’ all the way through.”The faint blush across his cheeks makes you grin toyourself, biting the inside of your cheek when you notice his jaw flex as hiseyes linger along your now bare legs.Shorts and a tshirt had been the more comfortable option,hiding what you felt like was a bit of a ‘food-baby’ pudge – and apparentlygiving the added bonus of distracting the hell outta Vik.You make a point of stretching your legs, feigning a lightyawn before nuzzling into his side further.There’s a subtle, but sharp inhale through his nose, the clenchingof his jaw as you grab his hand and place it along your knee, taking the remotein your own hand to turn up the volume a bit.His hand slides up along your outer thigh, making it yourturn to blush, quirking a brow as you glance his direction.When his eyes finally tear away from your legs to meetyours, his cheeks deepen, but a smirk still tugs along the corner of his lips, “what?”“Like what you see, babe?” You grin as his smirk broadens.“Can’t help it,” his hand slides up further, gripping yourthigh lightly without breaking eye contact, “comin’ in here wearin’ shorts, layin’these long legs across my lap…”He trails off and leans in, his other arm still drapedacross the back of the couch at your shoulders, lips ghosting along yoursbefore you grip his shirt collar.A light groan sounds in his throat as you trail one of yourhands up along his neck to grip the back of his hair, deepening the kiss and tracingyour tongue lightly against his.His hand shifts to grip your ass, leaning over you as youcan’t help but moan into his mouth.He falters, parting from you slightly to look you in theeyes, chest already falling in ragged breaths as he speaks, his voice a bit huskierthan usual, “can’t go makin’ noises like that, sweetheart…”You rub your other hand along the edge of his shirt,slipping beneath where he left the top few buttons undone to feel along thebare skin of his chest, feeling his heart pounding as his breath hitchesbriefly, “why not?”He gives you a soft pec on the lips, moving as if to pullaway, but you tug along his hair to pull him back in for another deep kiss.Vik POV:She flops down on the couch next to me, havin’ jumped overthe back, “jeez, babe, gonna give an old man a heart attack, fuck.”She giggles and rolls her eyes, “oh, shut up,” her eyes shiftto the tv, draping her long, beautiful legs across my lap… her smooth skintinted a light blue hue from the glow of the tv screen, makin’ my heart lurchinto my throat as I realize she had changed into short… “find one?”“Uh,” I clear my throat and try to tear my eyes away, feelin’my heart pound already, “yeah, I think so. Give it a shot and see if it’s worthwatchin’ all the way through.”Fuck… she stretches and flexes her legs out, yawning as herback arches, curlin’ up against me closer as she settles back in and takes theremote from my hand to turn up the volume. Grabs my hand and puts it on herknee too… makin’ me suck in a breath and clench my jaw, feelin’ the warmth ofher skin…Goddamn… I can’t fuckin’ help myself, flattening my hand outand slidin’ it up along her thigh, barely keepin’ my shit together as it iswithout her grinnin’ over at me all innocent, like she wasn’t doing this onpurpose.Little fucking minx.I glance up at her, feelin’ my cheeks warm but grinnin’ backanyway, “what?”Fuck, that sly smirk of hers… “like what you see, babe?”My jaw flexes, tryin’a control myself but my hand has a mindof its own, creepin’ up her leg and squeezing her thigh… drivin’ me fuckin’ crazy,“can’t help it. Comin’ in here wearin’ shorts, layin’ these long legs across mylap…”Her eyes move to my lips and I lose it, leanin’ in over herand pressing my lips to hers.Before I have the chance to pull back she grips along thecollar of my shirt, one of her hands movin’ up along my neck slowly, then grippin’the back of my hair and… fuck… I can’t help but groan into her mouth, feelin’her tongue slide along mine as I grip her ass.My heart going absolutely nuts when she moans…FUCK.I manage to pull away a bit, not that it helps. Seein’ herlook at me like this, pupils blown wide as fuck, lips parted slightly, her otherhand slidin’ beneath the edge of my shirt to rest on my bare chest…“Can’t go makin’ noises like that, sweetheart…”She bites her bottom lip, one of her brows twitchin’ a bit, “whynot?”I can’t fuckin’ talk, give her a quick pec instead, meanin’to cut it short before I get too riled up so we can watch this movie.But she pulls me back in, grippin’ my hair and kissin’ me away that drives me up the goddamn wall.I groan again, can’t fuckin’ help it… hand movin’ to her cheekso I can pull back for a minute, my lips still brushing along hers as I mutter hername.She tilts her head a bit, lookin’ me in the eye, quirkin’that brow of hers, “too much?”I give a short laugh and lean my forehead against hersbriefly, “fuck, babe… you have no idea…”She moves both hands to cup my face, makin’ me look her inthe eyes again before she plants a gentle pec to my lips, “we can go slow ifyou want. I’ll try not to take it too personal,” she grins playfully at thatlast bit, making my chest tighten.“Don’t start with that shit,” I chuckle, knowin’ she’splayin’ but saying it anyway, “you know damn well how bad I want you, just… don’twanna rush things.”Her eyes soften a bit, runnin’ one of her hands back throughmy hair, trailin’ her nails lightly along my scalp and givin’ me goosebumps, “wecan go as slow as you want, Vik. I’m not goin’ anywhere.”I lean into her touch, grinnin’ like an idiot at her, “promise?”She giggles and pulls me in for a playful kiss, keepin’ itcalm this time before mumblin’ against my lips, “I promise.”Your POV:Movie actually ends up being pretty good, leaving you togive Vik some major props on picking it, but you’re already drowsy after justone film.“You ready for bed, sweetheart?” He practically coos at you,eyes soft behind his glasses as you lean your head back against his arm,closing your eyes for a second.“Been a long day,” you yawn, stretching and feeling his handslide up and down your thigh slowly, “wanted to stay up longer, but don’t thinkI’m gonna make it.”You glance over at him, smiling softly when you see him grin.“C’mon,” he pats your leg, nodding with his head as ifmotioning for you to get up, “let’s get you in bed, I’ll let myself out.”“Yeah, no,” you shake your head, standing and stretchingyour arms above your head for another big stretch, drawing Vik’s attention asalways and making you smirk, “c’mon,” you offer him your hand, “you’re comin’with.”“Oh really?” He takes your hand, not using it to helphimself up but to pull you to him once he’s standing, holding you flush at thewaist, “thought we were takin’ things slow, babe?”You roll your eyes and smirk again, looking up at him with aplayful raised brow, “I promise I’ll keep my hands mostly tomyself.”He chuckles and shakes his head, “mostly, huh?”“Best I can offer,” you shrug, both grinning from ear toear.“Well,” he taps your ass lightly with one hand, “lead theway babe, feelin’ pretty tired myself.”You pad along towards your room, an almost giddy pep to yourstep as he trails along behind you.Luckily, your bed is massive, not that you’d be using thewhole thing, definitely planning to curl up to Vik for the night. A glance overat him makes you pause at the side of the bed, “what’s up?”“I’m realizing,” he gives a short laugh and rubs a handalong the back of his neck, something you’re starting to know is a sign he’s alittle uncomfortable, “I didn’t plan to stay the night, so… brought nothin’ to changeinto.”“Ah,” you snap your fingers and hop over to your dresser,pulling out a pair of sweatpants that were a little baggy on you so should fithim perfect, “here ya go, babe.”He catches them in one hand as you toss them over, quirkinga brow at you, “these aren’t some old boyfriend’s are they?”You roll your eyes and laugh, “no, they’re not. They’rehonestly just old and super comfortable, the elastic is a bit worn out butshould help them fit well enough.”He nods and glances around.You point to the side door, “bathroom’s in there, got sparetoothbrushes and stuff too if ya need them,” his glance prompts an explanation,and another chuckle from you, “they’re meant for Jackie or V, but I’ll just buymore if they ever visit.”“So,” he fiddles with the pants, balling them up between hishands as he leans against the bathroom doorframe to grin at you playfully, “Iget my own toothbrush here? Pretty serious stuff, there sweetheart. Better be carefulor you won’t get rid of me.”You giggle and shake your head, “go get changed, dork.”He chuckles and closes the door, the sound of the sink turningon briefly making you smile to yourself.It’s strange, feeling so comfortable around each otheralready, but it almost makes you feel… normal. Like this is how it’s supposedto be. The life you’d been working towards.You step out of your shorts, sliding in between the sheetswithout much thought, always sleeping in a shirt and underwear and honestlybeing habit more than anything.Vik comes back out and… you can’t help but gawk at him.The fucker wearing your sweatpants low on his hips andshirtless… the light definition of his abs ending in a cut v-line that makesyour mouth water.He echos your playful sentiments from earlier, “like whatyou see, sweetheart?”You raise a brow and bite your bottom lip slightly, tearingyour eyes away to shake your head and pat the bed beside you, “get in and coverup before this whole behaving thing goes out the window.”He laughs and takes his glasses off, setting them on thebeside table before slipping into the sheets beside you.You switch the lights off via your remote connection, cuddlingup to him, feeling one arm go around you, pulling you close, the other grippingyour knee to pull across his waist as you lay your head along the pillow besidehis.Both your eyes adjust to the dark, though yours admittedlyadjusted immediately with your optic enhancements, leaving you to admire hisfeatures before he could really notice.“You’re really handsome, you know that?”He quirks a brow, turning his head and resituating on thepillow to meet your eyes, “well I’m glad you think so, sweetheart, but can’tsay it doesn’t surprise the fuck outta me.”Your brows crease, “why’s that?”He grins and chuckles, “you seen yourself lately?”You flatten your hand out along his bare chest, noting theflex of his jaw and feeling warmth grow along your stomach, “you’re attractiveas hell, Vik. Almost fainted the first time I met you, no joke.”He gives a deep laugh, rolling his eyes, “fuck, the firsttime I met you, roundin’ that corner to see you archin’ your back, sittin’ up onmy counter with those long ass legs of yours danglin’ over the edge… bout lostall train of thought right then and there.”“I was tired as hell,” you grin back at him, “looked likeshit that day.”“No,” he shakes his head, “even on what you think might beyour worst day, I’m positive I’d still think you’re fuckin’ perfect.”You move your hand along his jaw, kissing him gently beforemuttering against his lips, “ditto, babe.”CH14 -- source link
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