Viktor Vektor x ReaderCH18CH1 . CH2 . CH3 . CH4 . CH5 . CH6 . CH7 . CH8 . CH9 . CH10 . CH11 . CH12 .
Viktor Vektor x ReaderCH18CH1 . CH2 . CH3 . CH4 . CH5 . CH6 . CH7 . CH8 . CH9 . CH10 . CH11 . CH12 . CH13 . CH14 . CH15 . CH16 . CH17Taglist @daisychainsinknots-Credit for this beautiful and adorable image to @rs-pystick , go give some love because this is amazing!-Vik helps you into his car first thing in the morning, themedicine still fogging your mind and leaving you yawning almost the whole driveto the clinic.He had kept an eye on you all night, being careful to babyyour injuries like you were extremely fragile. Kinda thought it was cute, kindathought it was a bit excessive.You’d had a lot worse, and told him as much, but he insistedon taking care of you, insisted on keeping you with him at the clinic today tomake sure nothing else was wrong.He presses his lips to your knuckles, chuckling when youyawn yet again, “should wear off soon, love. Can take a nap in the back if youneed to.”“M’good,” you shake your head, giving his hand a lightsqueeze as he pulls into the clinic garage, “thanks though, babe. Usually just fendfor myself after a rough gig.”He frowns a bit, glancing over to you after throwing the carin park, “well, I’m sure it might seem like I’m overreactin’, sweetheart, but Idon’t wanna gloss over somethin’ just ‘cuz you’re too stubborn to come in and getchecked on your own.”“Careful, doc,” you grin up at him playfully as he comesaround to help you out of the car, your ribs still giving you a bit of issuetoday, “people might start to think you like me or something.”He chuckles and snakes an arm gently around your waist,tucking his knuckles under your chin to tilt your face upwards, “think everyoneknows how I feel about you by now, love.”“Good,” you press a light kiss to his lips, enjoying thewarmth his body provides while you’re still half sleepy on meds, “can’t havesomeone waltzing in here thinkin’ they got a chance with the hot Ripperdoc.”He lets out a short but deep laugh, shaking his head, “allyours, sweetheart. Now c’mon, let’s get you inside and run some scans, yeah? Everythingcomes back clean enough, and I promise I’ll quit fussin’ over you so much.Deal?”You nod along, following him inside, trailing behind by hishand leading you. He helps you get situated on one of the operating chairs, movingto his table briefly before returning to your side, stethoscope hanging overhis shoulders and clipping his medical glove on.Damn if he isn’t the sexiest man you’ve ever seen.If you weren’t so hurt… this might actually be fun, hangingout in his clinic all day, watching him work…“Alright, sweetheart,” he hooks you up to the screens and startsrunning a few diagnostics on your systems, “sit still for me for just a minute,”he situates one of the screens over your head, flipping one of the switches andslowly moving it over the length of your body before shifting it back to theside.He leans over you for a second, adjusting the back of thechair so you can lean up a bit without having to risk straining your ribsagain, his stethoscope dangling and taunting you. You can’t help but grab it,pulling him closer, one of his arms gripping the back of the chair to keep fromfalling on top of you, his face barely an inch from yours.“Careful, sweetheart,” he mutters in warning, his voicedeepening a bit as his other hand moves up to grip your wrist, “can’t be doin’ anyof that while you’re hurt.”You pull again, making his other hand dart up to grip the chairtoo, his jaw flexing as he lets out a slow exhale.With a small pout, you trail your free hand up the back ofhis hair, “not even a little?”His eyes darken, even behind his glasses, his lips brushing softlyagainst yours before a chime sounds from the screens nearby.He chuckles and gives you a light pec on the lips, “scan’sready, babe. Gotta let me go so I can read it.”You roll your eyes and reluctantly release him, a lightsmirk growing along his features as he shakes his head and turns his attentionto the screens, “you’re no fun.”He quirks a brow without looking away from the test results,running his hand along to scroll through whatever it shows, “I’ll remember yousaid that when you’re all healed, sweetheart.”“Oh really?”He chuckles again, a light blush coloring his cheeks, “gottaget you feelin’ better first, then I guess you’ll find out for yourself.”You grin back at him, “I’ll hold you to that, doc.”“I bet you will,” his smile falters, tapping along thescreen a few times before letting out a sigh and rubbing his hand along hisjaw.You manage to sit up a bit more, “what’s that look for?”He shifts the screen to face you, a list of system alertsflashing along the scan of your body, “didn’t think to mention any of that?”Vik POV:The scans populate in a little at a time, takin’ a bitlonger than usual, but when they do… my smile drops and I gotta recheck ‘emjust to make sure nothin’ came up wrong.She sits up straighter in the chair, “what’s that look for?”I’m sure she’s got an explanation, better be a damn good onetoo. I turn the screen to face her, showin’ the list of system alerts, “didn’tthink to mention any of that?”Her brows furrow as she leans in to get a closer look, “Vik,I’m still not used to these upgrades. Had to turn the shit off while we were onthe gig, just forgot to switch it back on I guess,” she sits back and rubs ahand over her head, “how bad is it?”I stay silent for a minute, restin’ my hands on my hips whileI try to figure out whether I think she’s bein’ fully honest with me. Had waytoo many mercs come in tryin’a hide shit, don’t see her doin’ that… got noreason to, but still…“Vik?” She looks up at me with those beautiful eyes, worrywritten plain and simple across her face, “you don’t think I was tryin’ to hidethat do you?”I sigh and shake my head, sittin’ on my stool and scootin’in close to hold her hand, “no, sweetheart, I don’t. But you gotta take bettercare of yourself, yeah? I can fix all this shit, but promise me,” I cup a handalong her face, makin’ her meet my eyes, “promise me you’ll keep a better eyeon this shit, okay?”She nods.Need to hear it though, just to put myself at ease, “tellme, babe.”“I promise,” she rolls her eyes, grinnin’ at me all playfulwhen I tuck my knuckles under her chin again.“That’s my girl,” I press a gentle kiss to her lips beforestandin’ back up to look at the screens again, “now about these ribs.”“Just bruised, right?”I give a short laugh and take another deep breath, wonderin’what the hell I got myself into with this woman, “no, sweetheart. Definitelynot just bruised. You fractured 3 of ‘em.”“What the fuck?” She leans up tryin’a peek at the screens, “youserious??”“The hell did you get into out there, love?”She sighs and chews at her bottom lip for a second beforeglancin’ back up at me, “might’ve been a metal pipe involved.”“Sweetheart…” I run a hand down over my face and sit down onthe stool again, “I’m gonna ask you somethin’ and I need you to be honest withme, yeah?”She quirks a brow but nods slowly, eyes searchin’ mine.“Do you really want out or are you just sayin’ it to make mehappy?” She opens her mouth to speak but I cut her off by raisin’ my hand abit, “’cuz I need to know what to expect. I’m not leavin’ either way, alright?I just… I need to know if this is temporary or if I just gotta learn to livewith it.”She tries to scoot up but clutches at her ribs, makin’ me dartforward to help ease her back down, her hand findin’ mine and givin’ it asqueeze, “Vik, I wanted out before we even met. Promise.”“Why don’t you just leave then?” I kiss her knuckles andhold her hand close, “could walk away now, not worry about it again.”Her eyes soften, shoulders slumpin’ a bit, “I can’t leaveJackie and V high and dry like that. I promised to at least see these last fewgigs through, might even just be the one before it gets called even with thisclient.”“And what if you get hurt worse on the next one?” I lower myeyes and bite back the ache in my throat at just the thought, “said it’s a bigone comin’ up, what if somethin’ happens that I can’t fix?”She reaches out to run her fingers through my hair, “I’vebeen through a lot, Vik. Think maybe you try to block out what exactly I do fora living because it’s me and not just some merc passin’ through the clinic, butthat’s what I am, what I’ve always been. Don’t plan to be for much longer, but…”she tugs my hair lightly, coaxin’ me to look up and meet her eyes, “I’ve deltwith enough to know how to handle myself. Not that easy to get of me.”I give her a soft nod and try to smile, pressin’ anotherkiss to her knuckles and lingerin’ there for a minute, mutterin’ against herskin, “just remember… said you wouldn’t break my heart, love.”She squeezes my hand in return, “I’ll come back in one pieceagain, banged up at most. Then I’ll be done and can quit worryin’ about it,babe. I promise.”“I’m gonna have to hold you to that…” I squeeze her handagain and give her knuckles one last kiss before standin’, leanin’ over to kissher forehead and givin’ her a genuine smile as I glance back to the screens, “so…‘bout these ribs.”“Thinkin’ we should just upgrade them?”“Well,” I rub my hand along the length of my jaw, feelin’the stubble startin’ to grow there, “would make me feel better about your nextgig for sure, but that’s up to you, love. Speeds up the healin’ process to nextto nothin’, too.”“Fuck it,” she shrugs, leanin’ her head back against thechair, “let’s do it, doc.”—-Your POV:The procedure goes well, which you knew it would. Vik isgreat at what he does, and slipped right into his professional attitude,getting things done quick and painless for you.“Alright, sweetheart,” he offers a hand to help you sit up, “lemmeknow if anything hurts, just take it slow and feel through it.”You sit upright, a dull ache still residing along your skin,but the ribs themselves felt normal, maybe even better than before.He watches over you as you slip off the chair, standing andslowly walking around a bit before stretching and leaning side to side, “feelsgreat, doc.”“Good,” he nods, motioning for you to stand in front of himas his hands move to feel along each individual rib, “ended up replacin’ fourof ‘em endin’ right,” he touches a ticklish spot making you flinch a bit, “righthere. You ticklish, sweetheart?”You clear your throat and glance around to look for yourshirt, suddenly feeling a bit exposed in your bra from the operation, “not atall, babe, don’t know what you’re talking about.”He chuckles and reaches behind him, tossing you your shirtwith a sarcastic roll of his eyes, “whatever you say, love. Misty should becomin’ in soon, sure she wouldn’t mind grabbin’ you somethin’ to eat if you’re gettin’hungry.”“You need to eat too,” you remind him, slipping your shirtover your heart and smirking as you just barely catch his eyes trailing overyou, “weren’t you the one saying I needed to behave?”He smirks back, and rummages through one of his drawers,pulling out two pill bottles, “gonna need to take one of these each in themornin’, and another each at night, got it?”“Yes, sir,” you playfully nudge his arm, “might need reminin’though, could be easier just to stay at my place, make sure I take them.”He quirks a brow, the edge of his lips twitching up as herattles out the two pills into his palm, offering it to you, “that so?”You take them and shrug, snagging a bottle of water from hisdesk, “just seems like the responsible thing to do, I’m awful at remembering totake pills, doc.”His grin broadens, arm snaking around your waist, “won’t gettired of me bein’ around so much?”“You can stay as long as you want, babe,” you wash the pillsdown with a swig of water, letting him take the bottle from you to toss asideas he caresses your face, “kinda got used to having you there, sleep betterwith you for some reason.”“Oh yeah?” he leans in closer, voice lowering both in volumeand deepening, “better be careful tellin’ me that, might not get me to leave.”You rest your hands along his chest, tucking one beneath theedge of his shirt to feel his skin prickle slightly, “sounds good to me, babe.”He tucks his knuckles under your chin, brushing his thumbalong your bottom lip, “have to swing by my place and pick up a few thingsafter work, if that’s alright by you?”You entire face lights up in a broad grin, “really?”He half chuckles, pulling you in for a gentle but deep kiss,his hand moving along your jaw to pull you in harder when you tug at his shirtcollar. With a light groan he parts from you, his pulse picking up already, “carefulthere, sweetheart. Still got a little healin’ to do.”“Fiiinnneeee,” you groan, drawing it out with a drip ofsarcasm, earning another short laugh from Vik.He checks the time and taps his hand on your ass lightly, “gotmy first client comin’ in soon, love, why don’t you head up front and see ifMisty’s hungry too, yeah?”You pull him back in for another kiss before parting andreluctantly moving towards the door, adding a little extra sway to your hips.“Fuckin’ watch yourself, sweetheart,” he warns again,pointing a finger at you when you glance innocently over your shoulder.CH19 -- source link
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