Viktor Vektor x ReaderCH7CH1 . CH2 . CH3 . CH4 . CH5 . CH6Taglist @daisychainsinknotsVik installs yo
Viktor Vektor x ReaderCH7CH1 . CH2 . CH3 . CH4 . CH5 . CH6Taglist @daisychainsinknotsVik installs your cyberware no problem, works in theupgrades where they’re necessary, his demeanor staying friendly even whilehaving that professional air about him.Oddly enough, seeing him work is… only making him moreattractive.In shape men are one thing, but intelligence … that’s a weakspot for sure. Vik here is both, wrapped up in one hell of a package, making ifawfully distracting to have his hands wonder over your skin like this.Takes a lot of know-how to be a Ripperdoc, like a surgeonand engineer put together. Can only imagine the stuff rattling around in thatbrain of his, though it’s probably not the best idea to think too much on it,still being hooked up to the heartrate monitor.Don’t wanna risk making the thing go ballistic. Might freakVik out.Doesn’t help that he rolls his sleeves, the fabric tightaround his arms, making the veins of his biceps pop and draw your attentionwhile he swipes his hand along one of the screens.“Shouldn’t take much longer,” he takes a seat on his stooland rolls to the other side of your chair, smiling at you before surveying hiswork, “still numb? Got any tingling goin’ on?”“All good, doc.”“Good,” he glances up to another screen, tapping along itbriefly before meeting your eyes again, “did good kid, should heal up nice,just lemme know if you have any problems yeah? You’ve got my number.”“Better watch it, Vik,” you warn, rolling your eyesplayfully and seeing the edge of his lips twitch up in a knowing smirk, “tellin’ya, that kid shit is gonna get you in trouble.”He chuckles, the sound sending warmth flooding through yourchest, almost making you lightheaded the way he looks at you, “is that so,sweetheart? Gonna have to go to the mats again?”“Hey,” you point a finger his direction, emphasizing your words,“had you pinned at the end, can’t say that didn’t catch you off guard.”“I pinned you first, sweetheart,” that slight upturned lipshifts to a full-on smirk, the smug bastard.You feel the slight blush dance across your cheeks,remembering what it felt like to have his weight pinning you down, shiftingright between your legs. Took everything just to keep yourself from wrappingthem around his waist right then and there, definitely not something you wannathink too hard on right now.“How ‘bout this,” he scoots closer, his arms resting alonghis knees as he leans forward, smirk still dangling half cocky along the edgeof his mouth, “I’ll stop callin’ you kid when you start showin’ up regular forsome training sessions, yeah?”You tilt your head, eyes narrowing briefly but the grinnever leaves your face, “sounds like both of those things are in my favor Vik,what you gettin’ out of it?”“Misty’s on me about getting outta the office more,” hewaves his hand dismissively at first, but then shakes his head with a lowchuckle, “she’s right though, as always, and I enjoyed hittin’ the gym theother day. Might do us both some good, give me a schedule for some down timeand get you trained up so you don’t end up on my table for a different reason.”“Dr. Vektor, are you saying you enjoy my company?” You feigna shocked expression, barely holding back the laughter behind it.He gives another chuckle of his own, his brow twitchingbriefly before he shakes his head, “might be sayin’ that, but if you tellanyone I’ll deny it.”“Well, of course,” you motion vaguely, “I’d expect the sameconsideration in return.”“Oh really?” his smirk broadens again, “kid like you notwantin’ to be seen enjoying the company of an old Ripper huh?”“Watch yourself,” you can’t help the playful tone, desperatelyworking to keep from shifting to full on flirtation, torn between staying wellbehaved and pushing your limits… seeing what kind of reaction you could stirfrom him…Maybe a little wouldn’t hurt…Just to see.Just to push his buttons a little.You shift to sit up, the procedure being done by now, turningin the seat so that your legs lightly brush along his arm.His reaction is honestly better than you’d hoped, but mayhave been a mistake all the same, the heat it sends running down your stomachleaving your chest tight… thankful the monitors weren’t showing your vitalsanymore.His cheeks flush briefly, his gaze lingering along your formbefore seeming to reluctantly tear away as he glances the other direction, standingfrom his stool and kicking it across the room as if getting ready to followsuit in retreat.You smile up at him, catching his attention before he canstep away, “thanks doc, really do appreciate it.”“Uh, yeah,” he runs a hand along the back of his neck,holding it there as he smiles down at you in return, nearly killing you withthose forearm veins, instantly jealous of his hand and wanting to run your ownup along the back of his hair, “no problem, sweetheart. Like I said, anythingfeels off, anything at all, you’ve got my number.”The bold side of you takes charge, your inner flirt comingout to play whether you like it or not as you grab his other arm, gentlyinspecting the veining surrounding several sets of holes set in trios, “doesn’tthis hurt? Like a lot?”Holding his arm like this is clearly a bit uncomfortable…meaning he has two options… 1: he could pull away from you, maybe continueconversation maybe not. 2: he could step closer and let you keep tracing overthe bruised skin.Can’t quite say if it’s better or worse with the decision hemakes, but he chooses option #2, opting to step in closer to lean alongside thechair, his body so close you can almost feel the heat radiating off him.“Used to it by now,” he shrugs, his eyes shifting to yourface as you flatten your hand out along his skin.You were trying to be gentle but couldn’t help yourself… might’vegotten a little too handsy… little too overboard with the fondling…He flinches slightly, drawing your attention up to his faceas you withdraw your hands hastily, “shit, Vik, I’m sorry.”“It’s alright,” he shakes his head, smiling warmly down atyou and nudging you slightly, “can’t hurt me, promise. Just tickled a bit.”You don’t buy it, not for a second, feeling guilty forletting your hormones get the best of you – still feeling them push you further…You slide off the seat and wrap your arms up around hisneck, your body flush against his even before he squeezes you tight around yourwaist. Meant to get ready to go, to say goodbye, but he’s so warm, and evenafter dealing with clients all day still manages to smell fucking amazing.Need to leave. Can’t behave that’s for damn sure, so atleast need to get outta here before you do something really stupid.The way this man makes you feel is ridiculous… driving youcrazy without even doing anything for fuck’s sake.You kiss his cheek, swearing you can feel his grip on youtighten before you move to pull away.His hands don’t leave your waist though, keeping you inplace as you lean back to quirk a questioning brow, your hands sliding down torest along his chest, one having unintentionally been met with his bare skin… sendingheat straight to your cheeks and nearly stopping your heart entirely as you distractyourself with his golden glove pendant.Honestly, you half expect him to grab your hand, to pull itaway or push you to an appropriate distance, maybe even just clear his throatto draw your attention back to him, but he doesn’t protest in any way… takingthe pendant in your hand, allowing your knuckles to graze along his chest,swearing you could feel his heart pounding but writing it off as your own.His deep voice almost startles you, even in the hushed toneas he speaks, “had that a long time, good friend gave it to me, one of thosesentimental things I guess,” the sound going straight to your stomach as youfocus more intently on the glove rather than risking meeting his eyes.“Didn’t really strike me as the sentimental type, Vik,” youmutter in response.He chuckles, vibrating his chest a bit before he takes a deepbreath, seeming to shake his head a bit, “got a lot to learn about me then.”The irony of his words isn’t lost on you, mirroring your ownfrom a few days ago, and almost definitely his intention judging by his tone.“Is that so?” you still don’t look up, just about memorizingevery detail of the pendant by now.He moves one hand, leaving your waist feeling cold andalmost making you whimper at the loss, but his knuckles tuck under your chin,gently coaxing you to look him in the eye, “if you’re willin’ to stick around abit.”Your heart threatens to explode, breath hitching in yourchest with his lips being so close… you can’t help it… your hands having a mindof their own… one lightly gripping the collar of his shirt as the other slidesup along the side of his neck.His eyes move to your lips, jaw clenching slightly as helets out a shaky breath that nearly sends you up the fucking wall…You want him… desperately…Vik POV:Little minx has to know what she’s doing… her legs brushingalong mine as she dangles them alongside me, hanging off the edge of theoperating chair.Fuck do I wanna just reach out and pull her onto my lap, maybeeven just stand and wrap those long legs around my waist.She’s been driving me crazy all goddamn day, her playfulremarks here and there, testing me, running my self-control down to zero. Noway it isn’t all done on purpose, no way.She has to know what this fuckin’ does to me… whethershe’s just getting her kicks is the main question, could just be fuckin’ withme for the fun of it, seeing what pushes my buttons without really beinginterested.I stand and kick my stool across the room, meaning to walkaway before I can do anything too dumb, but she flashes that smile up at me andI freeze instantly…“Thanks doc, really do appreciate it.”“Uh, yeah,” I hitch my hand up along the back of my neck, anunfortunate habit I’ve got when I’m feelin’ a bit nervous or uncomfortable, “noproblem, sweetheart. Like I said, anything feels off, anything at all, you’vegot my number.”She grabs my arm, forcing me to step in closer andpractically lean into her… my skin prickling with goosebumps as she trails herfingers lightly along the markings there.“Doesn’t this hurt? Like a lot?”“Used to it by now,” I somehow manage to choke out thewords, my breath catching my in throat as she flattens her hand out along myskin, feeling up the length of my arm and fucking flooding my senses…Fuck.She moves her hand further and I feel myself slipping, likeI’m gonna fuckin’ snap at any moment… I twitch unintentionally, struggling tocontrol myself.Her hands retract instantly, her eyes widening and dartingup to meet mine, “shit, Vik, I’m sorry.”I realize she must’ve thought she hurt me, makes me achuckle, “It’s alright, can’t hurt me, promise. Just tickled a bit.”She quirks a brow but doesn’t question it, sliding off thetable and wrapping her arms up around my neck before I can even open my mouth.My own arms automatically wrap around her, pulling her warm body tight… keepingher flush against me… hoping she doesn’t notice my heart throwing itselfagainst my goddamn ribs.Then I feel her lips on my cheek again and I’m a fuckingoner… my stomach seizes, heart lurching as I grip her tighter, not wanting tolet her go even as she shifts as if getting ready to end the hug.She pulls back just enough to raise a brow at me, my eyesmoving to her lips while my heart goes fucking ape shit, summersaulting andwhatever the fuck is going on in there.Her hands move to my chest, one finding my gold glove andseeming distracted, her knuckles grazing along the bare skin there…I can’t fuckin’ breath, needing all my goddamn brain powerjust to focus on that bullshit so I don’t crash my lips onto hers right now.Breathe in.Breathe out.Don’t fuckin’ kiss her.Breathe in.Breathe out.Gotta say somethin’, distract myself maybe, ““had that along time, good friend gave it to me, one of those sentimental things I guess.”She doesn’t look up, keepin’ her eyes trained on the glove, “didn’treally strike me as the sentimental type, Vik.”Can’t help but repeat her words from the other day, hopingit doesn’t go unnoticed, “got a lot to learn about me then.”“Is that so?”Fuck, she’s avoiding looking at me, I can fuckin’ feel it. Shouldjust leave it alone, send her on her way and get myself home, take another coldass shower and keep things platonic – keep things safe between us.Just can’t fuckin’ help myself… the feel of her pressed upagainst me like this… I just…Fuck… I’ve never wanted anything so bad in my whole goddamnlife.I tuck a knuckle under her chin, tilting her head up andnearly losing it right then… those beautiful eyes looking up at me through herlashes, those fuckin’ lips just begging for me to kiss them…I’m definitely having a stroke, or a heart attack.Maybe I’ve already died, and this is heaven.My voice gets a little raspy, my want for her overwhelmingeverything else… “if you’re willin’ to stick around a bit.”If that wasn’t enough, little minx has to go and grip myshirt collar… about makes my heart stop then and there, but then she slides herother hand up along the side of my neck and… fuck if I don’t let out a shakybreath I didn’t even realize I was holding…My jaw aching from clenching so hard, tryin’a hold back, butthe way she’s looking at me I swear she’d let me kiss her right now.I want to.I want to so goddamn bad.But what if I’m reading this wrong.Been outta the game a long time.Even if she wants this now… what if she just avoids meafter?Don’t think I could handle that either… I’d wanna keep heraround… see where things go.More I think on it though, no way she’s interested in a guylike me. Age aside, she’s a league all her own, not attainable by the likes ofme.Mine as well save myself the heartache.Never been one to give up but might be worth realizing whena fight ain’t winnable.But the way she’s lookin’ at me…Goddamn…CH8 -- source link
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