Goro Takemura x Reader Ch 39Ch 1 . CH 2 . CH 3 . CH 4 . CH 5 . CH 6 . CH 7 . CH8 . CH9 . CH10 . CH1
Goro Takemura x Reader Ch 39Ch 1 . CH 2 . CH 3 . CH 4 . CH 5 . CH 6 . CH 7 . CH8 . CH9 . CH10 . CH11 . CH12 . CH13 . CH14CH 15 and 16 are mature content but can be read on my AO3 here or my WATTPAD here, whichever you prefer. :)CH17 . CH18 . CH19 . CH20 . CH21 . CH22 . CH23 . CH24 . CH25 . CH26 . CH27 . CH28 . CH29 . CH30 . CH31 . CH32 . CH33 . CH34 . CH35 . CH36 . CH37 . CH38You wake with a start, jolting upright in bed with a coldsweat slicked over your body, your clothes sticking uncomfortably as you glancearound, allowing your optics to adjust to the darkness of the room while your racingheartbeat subsides.A gentle hand touches your shoulder as someone stirs besideyou, nearly startling you again.Goro sits up and feels your forehead, frowning slightlybefore taking your face in his hands to look from eye to eye, “are you alright,love?”You let out a deep breath, head aching as you remember bitsand pieces of what you assume to be the previous day, leading up to you beingbrought home, “I’m fine, I just… I think I wanna take a shower.”He nods and swings his legs over the side of the bed, makinghis way around with some haste as you stubbornly move to stand on your own. Oneof his arms slides around your waist, supporting you as you sway slightlybefore you shrug him off, giving a small but warm smile in hopes he might beunderstanding rather than take it personal.Being weak didn’t suit you.As much as you appreciate his help, you still want to makeyour own way, taking it slow at first before regaining the balance to walk withsome air of confidence akin to your usual gait.You turn on the shower, smiling again at Goro as he leansagainst the counter nearby, clearly still trying to keep a close eye on you.“I’ll be fine,” you reassure him, “but, if you wanna joinme, I guess I wouldn’t object.”He chuckles softly, his eyes softening as he begins to undress,unbuttoning his shirt as you toss your own clothes aside.His eyes trail over you, but not quite the same as they’vedone in the past… you try to ignore the feel of his eyes, the crease of his brow,knowing the stare lingers along the still bruised portions of skin discoloredhere and there.You feel guilty more than anything… ashamed at your owninability to handle the situation, enraged at the loss of Markus, and regrettablystill in the midst of recovery.As much as you’re the type to spring into action, takethings head on, even in a diplomatic regard – when possible – you understandthe need to rest, even if it pains you to spend this time doing anything otherthan avenging the death of a friend and ensuring the safety of your…Well, to be honest, you hadn’t quite had the time to thinkof Goro as your boyfriend. The title actually seems a bit lacking when sayingit even just to yourself.You feel so much more than that for him already.Still, the warmth of his hands gently trailing over yourskin, his lips pressing lightly to your temple as he wraps his arms around you…brings comfort, a level of calm settling over you and for a brief time allowingthe swarm of thoughts to quell – leaving only this moment.The cascade of water instantly soothes your aching body,coaxing a light sigh of relief from your lips that doesn’t go unnoticed.His hands caress your face, coaxing you to open your eyes tomeet his, finding him to be smiling softly.Before you can utter a single word, he presses his lips toyours.His kiss is gentle, but deep, holding you like you may breakat his touch but also conveying his need to have you close.You slide your hands to rest along his chest, feeling himpull away slightly to meet your eyes again before leaning his forehead to restagainst yours.Both of you remain silent, the steady drum of water relaxingyou further as you feel his arms tighten slightly around you, allowing you to leaninto him with no worry of keeping your own balance.Admittedly, you want to enjoy this moment for what it is,but also want to savor the calm before the storm…There’s so much still to be done, to be said, to be figuredout…But for now, Goro’s lips pressing repeatedly along yourtemple and cheek keep you anchored in the present.V POV:Can’t say I really expected to hear from her so soon,knowing she was quick to recover but still figurin’ she’d want some alone timebefore havin’ these conversations.Glad to be headed over, to be seeing her again.But the closer I get to her house, the more my palms clamup, heart starting to beat faster.Johnny doesn’t help either, a major stick being implanteddeep up his ass since the whole incident happened. Blaming Goro for all of itand pushin’ me harder than ever to find a new hideout for him.Still playin’ blind to what’s right in front of him too.Can’t accept the dynamic, doesn’t even wanna consider she’sfallen for ‘some ‘Saka scum’ like Goro. Hasn’t shut up about it since Goroadmitted his feelings for her…To be honest, not quite sure if Johnny hates him, or justreally loves her.Even more, I can’t really tell if it’s love from mymemories, or some weird thing he’s developed on his end.Either way, haven’t had a moment of peace last few days, noteven after Vik released her to go home.Actually startin’ to worry me how silent he’s been the driveover.All this time spent begging him to shut up and now he’sstaying visible just to emphasize his silent treatment.We pull up in the drive, not sure what to expect but damnsure hoping I can hold it together when I see her again. Last time was… rough,to say the least. Never seen her so banged up, so hurt… rattled me more than I’dlike to admit.I walk in, making my way through the living room to find herstanding at the kitchen counter.Maybe I expected her to be in a hospital bed, or hooked upto machines still. Maybe just a little messier or something, but definitelydidn’t think she’d been dressed to her usual spec and looking so… normal.Goro’s next to her, earning a glare from Johnny instantly…His hand is at the small of her back, making my throattighten a bit even after knowing… expecting this to happen was one thing,seeing it is… another entirely.She gives a soft smile to Goro, he just returns with ashallow nod and makes his way to the door, nodding towards me as he passes, “V.”“Yeah, good to see you too, Goro.”Stings a bit, feeling so casual between us but so cold atthe same time. Especially after seeing him so warm with her. So… domestic.In love even.Couldn’t imagine him ever fussing over me like that.Saved my life before, sure, maybe became friends by the endof it with some sense of respect for each other… and hell, maybe that’s all Ifeel, like he said, some fucked up and confused emotions brought on by findingout I’m gonna fuckin’ flatline in a pretty short window of time… maybe I’m justlatching onto him because of what we’ve been through together.Doesn’t hurt that he’s so goddamn attractive.But, I’d admitted before how little we really have incommon. Something he brought up too.Knowing they’d get along perfectly from the minute he askedif I knew where he could lay low…With a somewhat uncomfortable sigh I take a seat at the counter,leaning forward on my elbows to pick at something along the edge of myfingernails rather than look up at her.She leans forward, hands clasping mine across the countertop,“V, can you please just-“I glance up, reluctant to meet her eyes but sucking it up anyway,cutting her off mid-sentence, knowing she can see the tears brim along the edgethreatening to spill over.“V…” she mutters, eyes softening as she gives my hands asqueeze.“How could you do that?”She seems taken aback for once, her brows furrowing, headtilted.“How could you just go off and almost die like that?” I feelmy voice crack, dropping my gaze back to my hands in hers, “did you just notcare what it would do to me? To… to Goro?”“V…” she mutters again, sighing softly, “that’s exactly whyI did it. You both matter a great deal to me, and there’s a lot I’m willing todo for those I care about.”“You could’ve-““But I didn’t,” she squeezes my hands again, lowering herhead a bit to try and coax me to meet her eyes, “I’m here, aren’t I?”I can’t help but bite my cheek, holding back the tears,feeling the lump in my throat rising.“Listen, V,” she pauses for a bit, thinkin’ on her words, “wealready lost Markus, someone who I cared for and trusted, and who trusted me. Ilet him down when my actions led to him dying, but I won’t let that happenagain. So first thing tomorrow, whether you like it or not, I’m dragging yourstubborn ass to my off-site clinic and you’re getting examined by my staff anddo not interrupt me or try to argue,” she points a finger ofwarning when my eyes dart up and open my mouth to speak.I wanna be mad, wanna argue, but honestly just feel… relief…feeling like this was the most normal a conversation we could possible haveright now, given the circumstances. Her usual self-blame for everything goingwrong, thinking she could control it all even when it’s just the unfortunatereality of things.Her pushing me to take care of myself and not givin’ me anoption.Makes me smile a bit.She smiles back when I squeeze her hands in return and nodat her words, giving in even against my better judgement because I know thatworst case scenario it at least makes her happy and lets her feel like shetried, like she did something to help me in the end.To me, she’s done more than enough, having raised me and triedto point me in the right direction, but she never sees that. She only ever seeswhat she’s yet to do. Always thinks she needs to contribute in some major way.I take a breath and get ready to fuck up the mood, “I uh… Ineed to tell you something. It’s about Goro.”She just nods, her own eyes dropping a bit, “I know, V.”“He told you?” I feel a little hurt that he’d open up to herso quick about that, but can’t say it really surprises me, not with how he seemsto feel about her – just wish I coulda talked to her first is all.She nods again, brow creasing, “I’m sure you surmised asmuch by now, but there’s been a certain… development, I guess you could say, inthat regard.”I feel my throat tighten again, knowing what’s coming butguessing I need to hear it anyway, just keepin’ quiet, letting her do thetalking.“V, Goro and I…” she sighs and trails off, “I guess I’lljust be blunt here, but we’ve uh… we’ve clicked, I guess you could say. Gottenalong infinitely better than I’d imagined, and, as much as I wish it weren’ttrue for your sake, given your own feelings, developed a level of attachmentfor one another.”“So you fucked is what you’re saying.”She shakes her head, the grin spreading across her featuresbarely holding back laughter, “gotta love your brash language, V.”“Well,” I shrug, feeling jealousy in waves mixed with an oddhappiness for my sister, the opposing emotions making me feel strange… “am Iwrong?”“Not wrong,” Goro’s voice sounds as he walks into the room,finding his way to stand by her again, “but unnecessarily vulgar, as always.”“I hardly think we needed to answer that one way or theother,” she scrunches her nose at him a little, seeming to make him smilebefore turning her attention back to me, “V, you know I would never do anythingto hurt you, and I hope you understand had I known…”I shake my head and glance between the two of them, “no, Iwouldn’t wanna keep the two of you apart, seem match made for each other. Justall scrambled in the brain with everything that’s happened,” I look down at myhands, giving hers a squeeze one more time before pulling out of her grasp, “Ireally am happy for you both, even if it takes me some time to really get usedto it.”“I am relieved to hear that,” Goro smiles, the corners ofhis eyes crinkling slightly as he returns his hand to rest affectionately atthe small of his back.“Can’t say the same for Johnny though,” I glance over at whatthey would only see as an empty chair, surveying Johnny’s crumpled posture ashe bangs his head along the countertop, “he’s takin’ it pretty hard.”Johnny throws his hands up, looking to the sky, ‘WHHYYYYYYY?!’CH40 -- source link
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