Goro Takemura x Reader Ch 40Ch 1 . CH 2 . CH 3 . CH 4 . CH 5 . CH 6 . CH 7 . CH8 . CH9 . CH10 . CH1
Goro Takemura x Reader Ch 40Ch 1 . CH 2 . CH 3 . CH 4 . CH 5 . CH 6 . CH 7 . CH8 . CH9 . CH10 . CH11 . CH12 . CH13 . CH14CH 15 and 16 are mature content but can be read on my AO3 here or my WATTPAD here, whichever you prefer. :)CH17 . CH18 . CH19 . CH20 . CH21 . CH22 . CH23 . CH24 . CH25 . CH26 . CH27 . CH28 . CH29 . CH30 . CH31 . CH32 . CH33 . CH34 . CH35 . CH36 . CH37 . CH38 . CH39Goro POV:It does not surprise me that the moment we actually set footin the clinic, V became much less cooperative than initially promised. Though,to be fair, her experience with Arasaka had left an understandably terribletaste in her mouth regarding experimentation and testing…I cannot blame her, and should have assumed as much.But it does not make the situation any less of an annoyance,to both me and her still recovering sister – who is stubborn as ever andrefused to stay home to rest.I acknowledge the danger of accompanying them here, butrefuse to let her travel in this state without my being immediately next toher, even in her own company confines – as that had already proven to be less thanhelpful, she would risk herself all over again before allowing her company tofall under fire.An admirable trait on paper, but worrisome when seen in theone I hold most dear… I do not wish to see her sacrifice her own life for mine,or anyone else’s for that matter.Admittedly, her clinic is much more… hospitable… than theArasaka orbital station, or any clinic of Arasaka branding for that matter.Where I have been used to the sterile and clean, but almost robotic and lackingany genuine human emotion… this is still quite a professional setting, modernin décor certainly, but the employees… the staff… they smile at you, greet you,genuinely seeming to enjoy their jobs and want to help you for the sake of yourwellbeing rather than furthering their own careers.I had long given up the idealistic mindset that people were,at their core, good. Arasaka had taught me that such thoughts were a luxury I couldnot afford…Yet here I am, arm around the waist of the woman I amcertain to be the love of my life, even if I have not told her as such… in her company’sclinic, surrounded by people who know and adore her, and in turn are warmtowards V and myself simply for being with her.The only experience I had up to this point was the fear thatSaburo had instilled in those around him, having grown to idolize the man andfalling into a blind loyalty that I would be ashamed to look back on were itnot for the path I now find myself on. When looking back, I cannot say that Iwould change a single thing, because I would not have ended up here.However, I also cannot forget that my past haunts me still…in both the figurative and literal sense.Danger potentially lurking around every corner. My oldinstincts proving quite handy as I do my best to keep a constant eye out forwhat may come next.Your POV:V begrudgingly holds up to her word, albeit with quite adecent amount of complaining the whole way… but still, she manages to allowsome testing to be done, even admitting it didn’t hold a torch to what she’dbeen through on Arasaka.The whole thing only took a few hours, the testing portionbeing the simplest part. Now came the waiting game… your team having an immenseamount of data to dig through and simulations to run before actually trying toimplement any sort of possible treatment on V.Even if this were a usual thing to be worked on, it was madeinfinitely more difficult by the limited timeframe given to V already. Not tomention the fact that each passing day left her worse and worse, meaning thecountdown was even tighter than originally thought.A few of the team had insisted on looking at you as well,but you assured them Vik’s work was up to par. To be honest, you’d practicallybegged Vik on multiple occasions to come work for you, or at least let you puthim on payroll for all he’d done for you and V already. He’s a quality Ripper,but refused, saying he liked the small quiet life, that it suited him muchbetter than being in a corporation – even one like yours.You sit with V in the back the whole drive back, insistingon driving her home, holding her hand the whole way while she leans her head onyour shoulder to doze off. It had been a long day for her, even though thetesting wasn’t as brash or impersonal as Arasaka’s it still took a lot out ofher… and she was having a hard time to begin with, her hallucinationsincreasingly more frequent, almost seeming to lose track of whether Johnny wasactually there or not. Occasionally she would actually speak aloud to himrather than keeping the conversation in her own head, usually not evenrealizing she’d done it until everyone would glance up at her in curiosity.It was hard seeing her like this, knowing things could havebeen different if you had made her stay.You’d give almost anything for her to be better, but youalso feel guilty in saying that, even just to yourself. If none of this hadhappened you never would have met Goro, never been able to help him or to feellike this about someone.It’s tough, being torn between the two people you care aboutmost.You want desperately to help both of them, but know that eachendangers the other in some way.Helping Goro puts stress on V and makes her condition worse,and endangers your own life in dealing with Arasaka.Helping V endangers Goro’s freedom and potentially furtherexposes your corporation for what it really is, what you’ve worked so hard tobuild.With V being passed out, you opt instead to bring her homewith you, not wanting Goro to be seen around her apartment anyway after knowingArasaka had been there multiple times. The day had been risky enough as it is.Goro carries her inside, taking her to what was onlyrecently his room, a strange sensation setting in as you realize the drastic turnof events the last few weeks had held. Your legs soon carrying you to your ownroom, now shared with Goro, undoubtedly an exciting thought under normalcircumstances, but unfortunately there had been very little room for your buddingrelationship to really have any space in your mind the last few days.You love him, that much is clear. The small amount of timeyou’d been together not seeming like enough to know… but you do.It’s always said that the right person comes along and youjust… feel it…Something you’d always scoffed at, turned your nose up androlled your eyes, perhaps even laughing incredulously at whomever would say it.Now you understand.Of course, you’d have to go and fall head over heels for thedangerous, wanted man on the run, hiding from his past. Something straight outof a movie or romance novel – not that you read those… certainly don’t have awhole shelf of them in your home… – itseems exciting in theory, but the reality of it was much more cumbersome.You’d do anything to have a normal life with him, settledown in some quiet corner and continue your business from behind the scenes,doing good without actually having to be out in the thick of it to risk yourown necks, coming home each night to eat dinner together and curl up to him in bed.His arms wrap around you, pulling you in for a hug andbringing you back to reality, having noticed your distant demeanor the majorityof the day and remaining silent until now, his eyes searching yours as heshifts his hands to cup your face as he whispers softly, “I love you.”CH41 MATURE CONTENT -- source link
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