slut-solutions: The following story is a continuation of the story “Hitchhiking Slut”Big
slut-solutions: The following story is a continuation of the story “Hitchhiking Slut”Big Gun Show“Come on out, now, Gigi!” Chuck stretched his hand out to take mine and pulled me out of the passenger seat. It had been a long ride to St. Clair and my pussy was already feeling worn out. Chuck had stopped along the side of the road a few times and used me to get his cock off and I had taken it. I felt equal parts proud of myself and horrified by what I had just done. I was a slut now and there was no going back. “I’m not sure I want to do this,” I whined as Chuck led me through the lobby and to the hotel registration counter. It was a pretty nice hotel, much nicer than I had imagined when Chuck told me that he was going to a gun show. There were large crystal chandeliers and crown molding painted in bright white. There were large tapestries on the walls and an elegant grand piano where a pianist played a tune I couldn’t quite place. “Shut up while I check in and we can talk about this. If you’re a good girl I can get you a ride to Point Edward. Would you like that?” “Yes, but-” “How may I help you?” The hotel attendant asked and I stopped talking. I couldn’t talk about gangbangs or sex in front of her and I waited impatiently as Chuck made pleasant conversation with her. My mind was going crazy with worry. I had hitchhiked here and Chuck had been the man that had picked me up. I had let him fuck me twenty different ways in the backseat of his car on the way here and the whole time he kept telling me how his friends at the gun show would all want a turn with me. He wanted them to fuck me all at once and he had mentioned anal, which I had never done. My heart was pounding hard and fast and my mouth was dry as I tried to formulate the words I needed to get out of this situation. I wanted out, right? I wasn’t really sure. There was a part of me that was having fun with this new persona. I was enjoying the thought of being a slut, even if I had only just been indoctrinated earlier that day. Chuck had fucked me harder than I was used to being fucked and part of me was scared by the way he attacked and used me. The other part of me was turned on at being his little fuck toy and that was why I was still here, standing docilely near him as if nothing was wrong. “You ready, Gigi? Gigi?” he asked. I could hear him but I was so in my own head that I couldn’t answer. “Savannah?” he asked instead and I looked up. “Yes?”“You really need to work on this fake name thing. If you’re going to say your name is Gigi, then you need to learn to respond to it. I knew he was right. I was terrible at this. “Gigi isn’t a fake name. It’s my slut name. Savannah is my normal person name. You know?” “Your slut name?” Chuck laughed as we entered the elevator. “Yeah! Don’t laugh!” “Fine, fine. You’re too cute, Gigi. The guys are going to like you. Just wait.” “When exactly do I meet them?” I was curious. “Right now, Gigi.” He walked up to a door and knocked on it. A man opened the door. “Chuck! Buddy! Long time!” “Lionel! Hey, man!” The men embraced and high-fived before turning to me. “This must be Gigi!”“Yep. That’s me!” I confirmed. “Come on in. The guys have been waiting for you.” I walked in behind Chuck and I gasped when I saw the men, already in their underwear“The slut is here! Everyone, this is Gigi. I found her on the way here. She wants to take all of your cocks, don’t you Gigi?” Chuck turned to me and smiled as if to say, “go on and tell them.” “I do. I want to take all of your cocks?” I tried to be confident but my answer came out like it was a question. “You sure, baby?” one of the other men asked me. “Yes?” “Then come over here and sit on this dick.” “Okay,” I agreed and I looked around at all of them. Their eyes were already crazed with sex and I knew I was in deep trouble. There was no one here to save me from myself and I was about to do the craziest thing I had ever done in my entire life. I took off my jean shorts and my panties and then my shirt and bra. I stood before all of them, naked and afraid. “Come here, Gigi. Come sit on this.” The man motioned for me to come to him and I followed his directions. I sat on his dick, facing away from him so I didn’t have to look at his much older face as I pleased him. He grabbed my hips and pulled my pussy up and down on his cock. I didn’t have control even though I was on top of him. He was thrusting into me, hitting things he shouldn’t have hit inside of me. I screamed and tried to run away from him but he held my hips in place. “Take it, bitch. Take my cock!” “Please! Stop!” I screamed but I knew he wasn’t going to stop. He wouldn’t stop until he got off. “Take my dick, you dumb slut!” “Yeah, she likes it when you’re super rough. You can be rougher with her if you want, and meaner. She likes it when you talk shit to her. Don’t you Gigi?”“YES!” I screamed, knowing he was right. I didn’t want this to end. It was only just beginning. I came then, just as realized that I truly wanted more of this. I wanted all of these older men to use me but I wanted to put up at least some form of a fight. I didn’t want them to know that I was this big of a slut. “I mean, NO! Stop!” “Which is it, bitch? Yes or no? Actually, fuck you! You don’t get to choose!” I heard the sound of a gun being cocked and then the feel of hard metal against my ribcage. “Is that a gun?” “We’re all here for a fucking gun show. What do you think, princess?” “Please! Please don’t shoot me!” “I’ll do whatever I want with you!” He pushed me off of his dick and I fell to the floor. He jumped on top of me and put the gun to my temple with one hand as he jacked his cock off with the other until he was spraying his cum all over my face. “Oh my God! Gross!” I screamed as the cum went up one of my nostrils. I felt so dirty as he finished. He kept the gun to my head. “Who wants to be next?” Chuck asked. “I’ve already had my fun with her so I’ll go last.” “Why don’t we all fuck her together?” “Because she only has three holes, stupid.” “And two hands,” Lionel reminded them. They surrounded me, some of them holding their guns and aiming them at me. The fear and adrenaline inside of me were unreal. I was shaking as they shoved their cocks in my face. I tried my best to suck them all and I rubbed them with my hands. “You’re not very good at this, Gigi. You need a lot more practice. Let’s fuck her holes,” Chuck suggested. “Her pussy and mouth are excellent. I haven’t had her asshole yet.” “Do you want to do the honors then, Chuck? Since you found these holes for us?” “I would be honored,” Chuck answered. One of them put a gun barrel in my mouth as Chuck lubed up and shoved his cock roughly into my ass. I cried out but as soon as I started making real noise another the gun was replaced with a cock in my mouth. Tears were streaming down my face from the pain and I was starting to wonder when this was going to be over. I tried to do mental calculations of how many loads each cock could produce and then multiply that by hours but my brain wasn’t working right. I screamed as my face was pummelled. I screamed as my asshole was ripped open more and more with each disgusting thrust of Chuck’s cock. “Gigi, you’re a fucking slut. Do you fucking hear me?” Someone was talking to me but I couldn’t figure out who. “Look at her, what a fucking slut.” “Are you giving her money for this?” “No, she doesn’t want money. She’s a slut. She wants to get used.” “We’re using her alright.” “Stupid slut.” Someone slapped me. “Oh fuck yeah!” Chuck was moaning and I could feel his load in my ass. He had cum inside of me. “I want a turn in her butthole,” one of the guys screamed. “Me next!” I was shaking as guy after guy used my asshole. Eventually, they thought to use my pussy too and I was being constantly DPed by their cocks. There was always one in my mouth too. Sometimes I jacked off the other two free cocks and I felt like I was learning a lot about being a slut. I couldn’t wait for this to be over, though. It was way too much for me. The guys had abandoned their guns and they had forgotten all about them. I got an idea and I slowly inched my way toward a pistol until I had my hand on it. I grabbed it, cocked it and aimed it at the guy fucking my face. “Back up, she has a gun!” I thought I was so smart. I thought I was going to get away but I wasn’t as savvy as I thought. Before I could think of the next thing to do, one of the men had grabbed the gun from my hand and had it pointed at me. Within seconds there were five guns cocked and aimed right at my face. “Gigi, you’re going to have to pay for this little stunt. You know that don’t you?” “No?” My voice was tiny. “That was a really stupid move. Now you’re going to get it.” He grabbed me and bent me over the bed. The men held me down as Chuck pushed the pistol into my asshole. He fucked me with it and it hurt a lot more than their cocks had. “Are you sorry you did that, Gigi?” “Yes.” “How sorry.” “I’m so, so, so sorry!” “Will you do it again?” “No, never!” “Good girl! You know what your punishment is?” “No, what?” “You’re going to let us cum in you as much as we want for as long as we want.” “No! Please. I can’t take anymore.” “Oh, yes you can. You’re Gigi, the little slut.” “No, I’m Savannah, the nice girl.” “We don’t know anyone named Savannah here, do we guys?” Chuck looked around at his friends expectantly. “Nope never heard of Savannah. Only Gigi, the little slut.” “Same.” They all agreed and I had no choice but to let them use me. I couldn’t help but cum on all of their cocks as they gave me no choice but to be the slut that I had led them to believe that I was. By the time they were done with me, I had dried cum all over every square inch of my young body. It was in my hair and under my fingernails. The fear had faded to exhaustion and I lay in a heap on the bed, the men surrounding me. “Is she okay?” one of them asked. “Gigi! Gigi? Are you okay?” I said nothing, so lost in my thoughts that I couldn’t verbalize them. “I know what to do,” I heard Chuck tell them. “Savannah! Savannah, wake up!” “What? What is it?” I responded. I heard all of the men let out a sigh of relief. “Are you okay?” Chuck asked me. “Yeah. I think so. Why?” “You were a little unresponsive there after the gangbang.” “The gangbang?” I thought about it and it all came rushing back, every detail of the event cutting through my thoughts like a hot knife. I remembered the guns and the cocks. I remembered the way they had used me. “Yeah, don’t you remember?” “Yeah. I do. I had fun,” I admitted. “You did?” the men let out another sigh of relief. “Yeah, we couldn’t tell,” Chuck admitted. “I’m glad you’re okay, Savannah.” “Thanks, but you’re supposed to call me Gigi, remember?” “Yes, Gigi.” “Gigi, let me be the first to say, you were amazing!” Lionel chimed in. “I was?” “You were the best. Way to be slutty! If you’d like that ride to Point Edward I can give it to you.” “Really? You would do that for me?” “Sure. Chuck said you don’t mind me dumping a bunch of cum in you on the way. That’s cool, right?” “Yeah, sure. Whatever it takes to get there.” I smiled to myself. I had just been brutally fucked for hours by all these men but already I could feel myself getting horny again as I thought about what a slut I was going to be with Lionel. I couldn’t fucking wait for that ride! Love this story part 2 -- source link
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