crestfallenmermaidan: @gliphyartfan You said to at you so I at’ed you. Ignore if you like
crestfallenmermaidan: @gliphyartfan You said to at you so I at’ed you. Ignore if you like.Trigger warnings: abuse, gore, and suicidal ideations. Delilah Rossi, better known as Lilah was only a young college student when she was thrust into the world of Hyrule and becan accompanying the Chain in hopes of making it back home. Her story started before that, though the Chain was definitely more interesting than anything her life ever gave her before. It wasn’t her first exposure to the darkness that eats away at the edge of a man’s morality. That was something she lived her whole life with. But instead of sickened love it was only contempt her father felt for her. When she was young he didn’t want anything to do with her really. Because what use is a baby, it’s rather annoying. Lilah isn’t sure what her father had been like before the injury that took away his ability to compete as a gymnast, as it had been before she was born. She wasn’t sure if he had ever been different from the controlling narcissist who hadn’t cared about her until she could give something to him. The one thing he was missing. He had been an-almost-olympic medalist. But due to an injury he never made it that far, what was rightfully his was ripped right away from him and no one seemed to care except him. It was unfair. And one day while watching his neglected wife and child an idea struck. He watched his wife coach their baby into taking steps.He could work with this. He thought as he approached the two and picked the girl up from under her arms and held her up, her other just watching on allowing the man to hold her“Yes…yes I can work with this.” And thus began hell.Her father was a controlling man. What she could eat and drink, who she spoke to and associated with (a very limited list), and all her free time was dedicated to gymnastics. Restrictive diets, endless hours of cardio and time in the gym brought the girl into an almost constant state of exhaustion, wandering through life in an enervated daze.And she could not step a toe out of line, or it will be much worse for her. She can’t count the number of concussions she must have gotten from being beat upside the head after stumbling on a landing. Her pinky had been broken when she couldn’t get the uneven bar routine right- twice. And that is in combination with the regular ‘incidents’ when her father is in a bad mood. He was always good at hiding the marks, after all appearance is half the point of winning a competition. The prettier she was the more likely she would win medals. Lilah could feel the chains tightening around her, drowning her will to fight…to want. What was the point of anything, desiring anything, if she could never have it. Having to dampen her natural curiosity and ambitions in fear of displeasing him. She felt suffocated and broken, oddly enough those chains being the thing that kept her from fully falling apart. Keep your head down, just do the tasks in front of you. Go to sleep and wait for the next morning where it would start again. Praying that maybe you just wouldn’t wake up. Keep one foot in front of the other and you won’t stumble as much. Don’t look down into the abyss or you’ll loose yourself in it. She was forgetting what her own laugh sounded like. When was the last time she saw any light in her own eyes? So she existed…she just did that…existed. Why did she have to exist?It all fell apart for her father when she was 16. It had been a minor competition but would be the greatest victory of her monochrome existence. She had been ill, most likely a common cold or flu but due to her poor lifestyle it was hitting her harder than most. She blacked out on one of the turns on the uneven bars. She awoke mere moments later to burning in her side and a difficulty breathing, what she later learned was a broken rib. Everything felt underwater and muffled, but he could hear her father yell at her to get the fuck up, even if it sounded far away. She remembered the world turning as her body moved to obey the command out of habit. Lilah was barely on her feet before she was hunched over vomiting, the motion doing horrific things to her broken rib, sending a scorching burningburningburningI’mburning fire ripping through her chest. Was that screaming, she thinks she hears screaming but her eyes are blurry with tears and a red haze that starts to overcome it. Later she learned her eyes had turned bloodshot from her blood pressure spiking.She had never been more thankful to lose consciousness. She hoped that waking never happened with this blissful sleep…._______Lilah’s mother finally came clean under the pressure of authorities and CPS, though her fathers actions had very much sealed the deal with the witness’s presence. Lilah was removed from their care and put in foster care with a wonderful family. Her father was put in prison and her mother disappeared. She was guaranteed a restraining order the moment her father left prison. It took years of therapy and multiple missteps but as she became a young woman, she bloomed. Her curiosity was back, and she developed an open and friendly deposition. She became rather goofy, as if she had bottled all those years worth of joy and energy up, only to open it and experience it all at once. She was laughing almost every day now, her eyes practically glowed. She had a special love for life because she didn’t have one for a long time. She felt like Pinocchio when he was turned into a real boy and she would not waist one moment of it. There’s no strings on me. But similar chains will return…in another world and form._______________________________________Hey guys! that was Lilah’s backstory right up until she got transported to meet the Chain. I will be doing a piece on how she fell for each of our handsome boys and became desperate for each’s love. Then I’m doing on on the decent into madness. As you can guess the controlling behavior from the boys will ring the bell a little too close to home for her. And I want to add that she never told any of the Chain about her father. She calls her foster parents her parents. She keeps her father dead and buried in her life. I eagerly await your continued work! -- source link
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