misogynistowner:Chains in the kitchen will always make you feel better and be better for you freedom
misogynistowner:Chains in the kitchen will always make you feel better and be better for you freedom.Primping post I don’t think I will be forgetting these any time soon listentoyoursir. Friday primps are the best primps, because they are way more then primping. I get to see Sir this weekend, and all the small little thing I noticed over the week are getting fixed. Legs needed a more detail shave and some lotion, not to mention I got some pumice stone to help with my (very noticeably) dry and callused feet. This upcoming week is stressful, I have a major assignment due monday and friday, and two major exams on thursday, the moment I get home from Sirs, or maybe at Sir’s with Sir’s motivation I have to hit the ground running, but these primping tasks are forcing me to take the time out of my day to take care of me. Its nice, it’s relaxing, its turning out to be downright therapeutic. thank you sir, for this task -- source link