tranarchist:clefable:whitepeopletwitter: Remember? Why y’all acting as if Hillary didn&rsq
tranarchist: clefable: whitepeopletwitter: Remember? Why y’all acting as if Hillary didn’t win the popular vote lmao like did y’all forget that???? People who didn’t vote literally had no effect on the election lmao like y’all just love blaming those who didn’t vote for all shit that’s happening just so you can feel better about voting for Hillary lmaoooo And let’s stop acting like these detention camps sprouted suddenly when Trump was elected lmao like they existed long before that!!!!!!!! And they would’ve continued to exist under Hillary “Just because your child gets across the border doesn’t meant they get to stay” Clinton!!! Remember when people didn’t vote because the supreme court in 2013 struck down the Voting Rights Act resulting in states stopping online voter registration and early voting, requiring voter id, closing a thousand polling stations in predominantly black areas… Remember when people didn’t vote in part because of an active propaganda campaign by a hostile power to make people in swing jurisdictions feel like voting wasn’t going to matter…Russia’s up to shit again. It is in their interest if President Orange Terror continues to have the power to send your country down the porcelain pisshole.And to some degree, you’re not wrong: Yes, you’re fighting an uphill battle in the next US election. The system is set up for you to fail. We were fighting one here in Canada in 2015, where the system is literally set up so the biggest minority wins (the whole point was to frustrate the will of the majority, if you read the early writings of those setting up the system), and our government was actively engaging in voter suppression (with ID laws, “phone bombs” - i.e., mass calling of confirmed non-supporters on election day to make it difficult to get out the door - challenging of voter registrations, scare tactics, and misleading robocalls and targeted online ads, where voters were directed to the wrong polling station) and preventing existing government institutions from doing their job in countering these activities (they de-funded and revoked the authority of Elections Canada to advertise to Canadians about our rights and about the correct polling station information). We were set up to fail. We won anyway. We won by getting out the vote in such numbers and with such strategic vision that it overwhelmed their attempts to suppress us. Did we win the best outcome? No. But what we did achieve was the ouster of a government actively hostile to gender, race, and religious equality. And that was a big win. I’d argue it was the best outcome that was possible. And we achieved it by energizing the vote, and drowning the government’s disinformation campaigns in correct information about how and when to vote, how and when to register, helping each other register, giving each other drives to the polling stations, and where appropriate, taking the government to court. To totally mangle a metaphor, you don’t win an uphill battle by taking your ball and going home. That cedes the fight to the other side, for free. Do you want to hand Trump control of your country for two more years on a silver fucking platter? Cuz that’s how you hand Trump control of your country for two more years on a silver fucking platter. You don’t win anything that way. You win by digging in and fighting harder than they think you can, slyer than they think you can, longer than they think you will. They don’t have to beat you, they just have to make you frustrated enough to give up, and you’ll beat yourself. So don’t give up.Look at it this way: Cynicism is cool, but cynicism enables those in power. Cynicism is cowardice in a fad hat. Cynicism keeps people down, keeps them supporting the status quo by default because “it’s not like anything’s gonna change anyway.” It prevents them from seeing that what keeps shit the same is that everyone’s too damn cynical and resigned to the status quo to demand change. Go ahead and be cynical if you want, but do it with the knowledge that cynicism gets fuck-all done. -- source link
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