siryouarebeingmocked:generallemarc:nerdylilpeebee:bizarrolord: danguy96:garnetsfists:nov4-rocket5:ts
siryouarebeingmocked:generallemarc:nerdylilpeebee:bizarrolord: danguy96:garnetsfists:nov4-rocket5:tsff21:garnetsfists:No but this is 100% accurate about the 40 year old he-man stans who loathe Catra’s guts What makes it even better is that almost all of those people are guilty of crimes far worse than anything Catra EVER did. I mean, I get the point, but let’s not sugarcoat this, Catra DID try to collapse reality and blame it on Adora out of spite. The only person in the list there who’s crimes beat that out are Rick (and I absolutely hate Rick).And let’s also keep in mind that most of the other people in this list also got fates a lot worse than Catra as well. Vader’s dead, Walter’s dead and nobody cared, Joker’s locked up in a mental institution, Bojack’s in prison with most of the notable people in his life cutting ties with him entirely, Jesse destroyed his old life so much he had to flee to Alaska under a different identity completely (after escaping a group of White Supremacists), and Rorschach suffered a severe case of Ligma and not even his supposed ‘best friend’ cared much for his death. Patrick Bateman, Rick, and Omni-Man are the only ones here who’ve gotten off pretty much scott-free for their shit.Catra’s a pretty interesting character mind you, and her being redeemed could have been really interesting, but She-Ra’s one of those shows where the final season tanks a lot of what they had set up in the prior seasons. Catra spent 40 episodes being obsessed with Adora, and in the last 10 Catra is… still obsessed with Adora. All she really learned was that being abusive wouldn’t get her what she wanted and that not being abusive would get her what she wanted. Really, Horde Prime only exists because without him, you’d get a drastically different ending that doesn’t end too great for Hordak and Catra. Catra did not try to collapse reality lmfao she literally manifested a reality where everyone was happy but ofc a comic book bro would compare a teenage abuse victim to 50 year old serial killers and pedophiles gtfo >Everyone was happy Except for certain people, and they ended up knowing it was a lie. It’s confirmed she didn’t know or care what the portal did, and didn’t care it was destroying reality, as she tried to drag Adora into the void along with her just so she wouldn’t lose.Also, being a victim of abuse does excuse an abuser, or doing this:Or gleefully helping a dictator conquer the planet (who doesn’t get an excuse because of his abuse at Horde Prime’s hands):Also, like I said before, I’m bisexual and half-Cuban, and I know plenty of trans, gay, bisexual, black, Latino, and Asian people, among others, half of whom are women, who do not care for Catra. So, yeah, not everyone who dislikes her is a “bro”, whatever you think that means. Plus “people who like Catra” versus “people who like the aforementioned male characters” is a false dichotomy. There are people who like ALL villains/jerks regardless and find them interesting characters.But it’s still unfair for a villainous character to get a pass for their actions from the fanbase entirely because she’s a woman. It’s insinuating she’s not as evil as she would be if she did the exact same things while being a man. Catra WASN’T given a pass because she was a woman. She was given a pass because people actually paid attention to the plot, something anti-catra people ALWAYS seem to ignore. That image invalidates itself the minute it tries to synonymize the losers who think Rick is unironically cool with the people who were actually capable of looking past the media’s screeching to empathize with Arthur Fleck. “But, but, men suck!”Also, Joker was widely liked by men and women, he’s a literal poor abuse victim, and I’ve never seen a single person of any gender who empathized with Patrick Bateman, so this is even more blatant genderbaiting.Heck, from what I’ve seen in this thread, Catra is actually a lot like Vader, because she’ll do just about anything to protect her loved ones.EDIT: I like how OP implies any men who like those characters are childish and immature and shouldn’t criticize Catra, then blocked everyone who criticized her waifu or argument. And then reblogged herself so she could make fun of people’s profiles for horrible things like “liking guns” and “being Christian”. Strangely enough, she missed bizarrolord, who is openly bisexual. It’s almost like OP is a childish liar who made this whole post just for validation. Yeah, I’m not surprised. OP, you weren’t even old enough to cross the street alone during the fandom heyday of several of those properties. Which means you’re talking about their supposed fanbases secondhand, at best.And now you’re copeseething over criticism of a woke remake of a beloved franchise by a megacorp just because you, personally, empathize with a toxic character, which says more about you than the men you made up from stereotypes. Deep down, you’re exactly like the men you think you’re mocking. Neither of you are remotely as edgy as you think. Oh, wow, what a shock, she mocked my tags without any response to the actual post and the ways she was factually wrong.‘She-Ra’ and Catradora: If People Try to Murder You Maybe Don’t Date Them? People like Bateman because he’s a hilariously petty weirdo whose internal narration is super stilted and strange. I don’t think anyone wants to BE him. -- source link
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