please, don’t slam the door!02.04.14: guess who’s been listening to the frozen
please, don’t slam the door! 02.04.14: guess who’s been listening to the frozen soundtrack on loop again … *raises hand unashamedly* i feel very connected to elsa in a way (i’m an older sister, for one thing, and i sometimes do have anxiety attacks), and so i tend to draw her before anna, but the younger sister is also very dear to my heart. i’ve seen a lot of posts on tumblr that the “”“fight”“” between the sisters (aka For the First Time in Forever’s reprise) didn’t get as heated as it should. while on the one hand i agree that it would be cool to see them actually have it out, i much prefer the way the movie did it, because i’m unreasonably attracted to a story about sisters who never lose faith in each other. at every turn, they still believe the best about each other, and i think that’s really what saves them. i tried for a sort of lineless-ish way of doing it? also i’m trying disney’s big eye scrunched face style. it’s out of my comfort zone, but i think it came out okay. -- source link