gaybearhard4pussy:Muscle Bear ConfessionMatt and Ralph had just finished up their daily workout at t
gaybearhard4pussy:Muscle Bear ConfessionMatt and Ralph had just finished up their daily workout at their gay gym.Ralph had arrived a little late because he stopped to get a quick haircutafter work. He liked to get his buzz cut trimmed every 3 weeks but he wenta week early this time. The muscle bear couple enjoyed their status as oneof the hottest duos in town as all of their hard gym work paid off.Plus they were both very handsome men as well. Ralph at 48 was a bitbulkier than his husband. His thick goatee was reddish blond, as was thethick coat of fur on his chest, ass, balls and legs. Matt was 45 and alittle taller and leaner, with black hair that was beginning to grey at histemples and in his thick mustache. His body hair was not as dense as hishusband’s, but his treasure trail on his stomach was particularlyspectacular. The two men had been a couple for 15 years with their 10thlegal wedding anniversary approaching the next week.After their shower at their house, Ralph put on some cologne, which seemeda bit strange to Matt because they were in for the night. Still, he foundhis husband sexier than ever, and Matt leaned up against Ralph and moved infor a kiss. Matt loved the way their two thick mustaches felt rubbingagainst each other. Matt pushed his tongue into his husband’s mouth butRalph did not extend his own tongue to meet Matt’s, and then pulled hisface away from Matt’s.“I need a drink, babe,” Ralph said, walking towards their den. Mattfollowed and sat down on the sofa while Ralph made himself a double shot ofwhiskey and then handed a beer to Matt. Both men were just wearing tightboxers briefs. Matt’s hard-on that he got when he tried to kiss hishusband was slowly subsiding.After pouring and drinking another double shot of whiskey and then pouringanother, Ralph sat on the opposite end of the sofa from his husband.“Babe, we gotta talk,” Ralph said in a rough, deep voice.“Okay,” Matt replied a bit nervously, worried that something bad hadhappened at Ralph’s work or something.“Okay, babe,” Ralph started, “You know that new assistant of mine at work,that girl, Brandy?”“Yeah,” Matt answered, a little anxious since it apparently was aboutRalph’s job.Ralph continued, “Well, a week or so after she started working there sixmonths ago, Brandy told me, um, well, she said that she’d been havingfantasies of us together.”“About us?!” Matt exclaimed in surprise, although he had heard of straightwomen who fetishize gay men, especially on Tumblr.“No, babe,” Ralph said, “About me and her. About me fucking her.” Hedowned his third double shot of whiskey and rose to get another.“What the Hell?!” Matt said in disgust. "But you didn’t have her assignedsomewhere else?“ Matt knew that this girl Brandy was 22 and just out ofcollege. Ralph had always made it sound like she did a good job.Ralph returned to the sofa with his drink, saying, “No, babe, I justbrushed it off, laughed it off. I didn’t want to ruin someone’s careerover something like that.”Matt looked at his handsome husband and noticed that Ralph’s left left wastrembling. "So, then what’s wrong?“Ralph downed his whiskey and said, “Well, even though when she told me thatit was a shock, like, crazy talk, right after that I… well, I startednoticing her body. And, um, babe, I, um, well, I started to get hardlooking at her.”Matt’s eyes were almost bugging out in shock. He remained silent as Ralphcontinued.“I, um, started noticing the bodies of other girls right around then, too.And I, uh, started getting really hard for them.”“So,” Matt said incredulously, “you’re attracted to women?”Ralph exhaled, “Yes. Um, very much, it turns out.”Matt’s mind was spinning. He felt sick in his stomach as he thought of theimplications of Ralph’s confession.“So, you jack off about women?”“Yes.”“A lot?”“Yes.”“What? Daily?”Ralph nodded, “Yes.” He shuddered a bit and added, “All the time.”Matt’s voice rose, “What the fuck?!” His husband had just admitted that hewas attracted to women and secretly masturbated about them often!“Every day?” Matt asked angrily.“Oh yeah,” Ralph answered a little more confidently. "Usually a coupletimes a day.““Just about her? Or…”“No,” Ralph said with an embarrassed grin. "About lots of girls, even mewith group of girls.“"Holy Fuck!” Matt yelled astonished. Then a realization sank in. "Wait,have you ever thought about these girls while we made love?“Ralph nodded his head and said, "Yes, I’m sorry, Matt.”“So, you HAD to think about fucking naked girls in order to cum with me? Isthat it?!” Matt asked, standing up in anger.“I’m sorry,” Ralph said sheepishly. "This… this attraction has justtaken me over and it’s all I can think about. I mean, it just feels SOgood cumming about women.“Matt sat down suddenly, dejectedly, and asked, "Have you been fucking anyof these girls, Ralph?”His husband sighed and replied, “No, Matt, but that’s what I wanted to talkto you about. I can’t deny my feelings anymore and I need to explorethese… heterosexual desires.”Matt looked at him blankly.Ralph looked at his husband and said, “I need to try having sex with a girlbut I don’t want to cheat behind your back. So, I need you to let me doit. Tell me I can try it.”Matt could not believe what his husband was asking of him. He downed hisbeer and cried a little. He and Ralph had fucked with other muscle bearcouples and single men from time to time but neither had secretly cheatedon the other. This must really mean something to Ralph for him to havecome to Matt with his request.After finishing his beer, Matt said, “Fine. Do it. Whatever.” He felt likethrowing up but thought that maybe Ralph would try out heterosexual sex andrealize it was just a fantasy, not something that he really enjoyed.“Okay! Thank you!” Ralph said not even bothering to hide his excitement.“Okay, well, I already texted Brandy and she’s going to be here in a fewminutes. Thanks!”Matt exploded again, “You’re going to fuck her HERE?!”“Yes, babe,” Ralph said in a mixture of excitement and confidence. "Ifigured you’d rather know everything about it. So, you can watch andeverything.“Matt felt like he was in a dream… a nightmare! He didn’t have thestrength to even reply but he got up and poured a double whiskey shot forhimself, downing it quickly before having another.Now he knew why Ralph got his hair cut a week early. And why he put oncologne!Suddenly, the doorbell rang and Ralph bounded to the door. He opened itwith a huge smile on his face."Hey, Brandy,” he said, white teeth beaming past his thick mustache as hesmiled at the girl entering the couple’s home.“Hey, Sexy,” she answered with a lusty smile of her own. She was blondelike Matt remembered from seeing her at Ralph’s office a few times. Shelooked like a typical “hot” college girl with a decent figure, Mattfigured. She was wearing a tank top and denim mini-skirt.Matt looked at his husband whose eyes were filled with lust, much to Matt’sdismay. Matt could even tell that Ralph’s 8-inch uncut cock was alreadyhard inside his tight boxer briefs. There was even a precum stain on them!“Let’s go!” Ralph grinned and led Brandy into the gay couple’s bedroom.Matt followed in a daze. Once in the master bedroom, Matt sat down on thechaise lounge.Without even looking at his husband, Ralph put his arms around the girl andpulled her close to him, up against his hairy muscled body. "Finally,“ heexhaled as he pressed his lips to hers in his first-ever kiss with a woman.Although Matt had enjoyed watching his husband make out with other men manytimes before, he was worried that he might vomit while watching Ralphpassionately make out with a girl young enough to be his daughter. But ashe watched Ralph’s and Brandy’s tongues wildly licking each other, Matt wasstupefied that his own cock was suddenly rock-hard watching that scene! Hetold himself that it was just seeing his handsome husband in any kind ofsexual setting that got his own cock so rigid so swiftly.Ralph’s hands reached up to cup Brandy’s tits while he was stilltongue-kissing her feverishly. Matt could hear Brandy moaning as hislover’s hands squeezed and caressed her round tits. Ralph then took offthe girl’s tank top and put his rough hands back on her bare breasts. Hethen moved his mouth first to one nipple and then the other, back andforth, licking and sucking at them in a frenzied manner. Matt found it soodd to see his husband’s thick mustache and goatee partially covering eachbreast as he licked on them, but also, so oddly, so very hot."Oh god, I’ve already cum three times,” Brandy cried out as Ralph sucked onher pointy red nipples. Matt was astonished at how his husband was able toso fully satisfy this young woman just by kissing her and licking on hertits.Ralph then looked the girl in the eyes and said, with his voice very hoarsewith lust, “Baby, I need to taste your pussy!”Matt’s eyes welled with tears hearing his husband say those words to hereven as his 7-inch cut dick was leaking precum. He couldn’t believe whatwas going on. He had never even got off on straight porn before, not evenjust the hot men in them. But now he was raging hard at the sight of hisgay husband taking off his boxer briefs in front of the girl he intended toeat out.Ralph’s 8-inch cock looked even bigger than Matt could remember, the hugemushroom head engorged with blood, the cum slit visibly leaking precum.Brandy had stepped out of her mini-skirt and was about to take off herthong when Ralph grabbed her hand and stopped her from removing it.“No, leave it on,” he said huskily. “I’ve fantasized about this formonths!”Matt felt sicker at that newest admission.Brandy laid down at the edge of the bed while Ralph kneeled on the floorin-between her legs. He put his face close to her thong-covered pussy andinhaled. "Oh fuck,“ he growled.Then Ralph pulled her thong over to the side, exposing her shaved andglistening pussy. Matt could see how wet it was from where he was sittingabout 5 feet away from them. He couldn’t believe how much his man wasturning her on!"Finally,” Ralph said, his eyes closed in bliss as he reached his wettongue forward and began licking the folds of Brandy’s pussy. Matt watcheda Brandy seemed to convulse in delight at his husband’s first taste ofpussy. Ralph then moved his tongue up deeper into the girl’s cunt, thebristly hairs of his thick mustache scraping against her clit as he ate herout.Matt could hear his husband moaning deeply as he ate that pussy; Ralphhardly ever made noise when they had sex! Matt could tell Ralph was trulyenjoying his first heterosexual encounter.Ralph’s hands were squeezing on Brandy’s tits as he made oral love to herwith his lips, tongue and facial hair. After almost ten minutes of Ralph’sclearly expert pussy-eating skills, Brandy started shrieking in ecstasy,exclaiming, “Oh god, I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” Ralph seemed to betonguing her cunt even faster and deeper, apparently reveling in pleasingthis girl so intensely.When Ralph finally lifted his face from the girl’s pussy, Matt could seethe individual hairs of his husband’s red-blond goatee soaked in pussyjuice, gleaming in the light. Matt also noted the look of supremesatisfaction on Ralph’s face after making Brandy cum so explosively.Matt’s own cock was leaking in his boxer briefs. He was also breathless atthe scene in front of him.Brandy grabbed Ralph’s massive shoulders and pulled his body on top ofhers. “Fuck me, Daddy,” she purred to him. Ralph’s rigid and leaking cockwas pressed up against her pussy mound, rubbing against the soft folds. Manand girl both moaned as the mushroom head of Ralph’s cock slowly pushed itsway into Brandy’s pussy.Matt was watching the heterosexual scene in front of him, in shock at howmuch it was affecting him, both his emotions as well as his desires. Hisdick was so hard it was painful in his boxer briefs. Randy was clearlyoblivious to his own husband being a few feet away, so Matt tore off hisboxers and started stroking his engorged cock.His husband was fucking a woman! A girl less than half his age! And Mattwas incredibly turned on by watching his husband’s heterosexual awakening!Once Ralph’s uncut cock was all the way inside the girl’s tight wet pussy,he began to quickly pump his cock inside her, rougher, deeper, wilder.Even as Matt realized that this was real for his husband, not a whim,suddenly his own cock started shooting off, blasting cum across the room,into the air. He had just cum while watching his partner of 15 yearshaving heterosexual intercourse for the first time in his 48 years. Matt’swhole body was tingling, coming down from his confusing but extremelysatisfying orgasm.Matt noted that Ralph, of course, did not notice Matt cumming at all. OnceBrandy had entered the gay couple’s home, Ralph’s complete attention anddesire was focused on her.Ralph and Brandy were tongue-kissing passionately again as his intensefucking of her pussy became faster and more raucous. The girl beganclawing at Randy’s back and then his meaty hairy ass cheeks. Matt suddenlyworried that the other gay men at the gym would see the marks and knowRalph had been fucking a woman!Matt was watching Brandy’s breasts shake and move as his husband repeatedlythrust his cock deeper and deeper into her wet cunt. Matt caught himselfwondering exactly what Ralph was feeling as he fucked the young girlunderneath his hairy body. Matt’s cock had stayed hard even after cummingwhile watching his husband’s intense enjoyment of this girl’s body. Mattcould feel his nuts stirring again as he gazed at Ralph humping that girl.Ralph began moaning ever louder into Brandy’s mouth as they passionatelykissed, their tongues unable to part from the other. Matt realized thatRalph was cumming inside Brandy’s pussy while kissing her the whole time,completely focused on her mouth, her tongue, her tits, her body, as hiscock began pumping his white-hot seed inside her cunt.Matt was breathless watching his gay husband orgasming inside this youngwoman’s pussy. Matt admitted to himself that he’d never seen Ralph soengaged in the entire experience, so committed to pleasing his new femalelover… more committed than Matt ever remembered Ralph being about Matt’spleasure.Still, Matt knew he was just feeling sour grapes. He and Ralph had had awonderful fifteen years together so far, with a very healthy and mutuallysatisfying sex life… gay sex life.Matt knew from their fifteen years together that Ralph’s cock is verysensitive after cumming, so he likes to pull out and let it settle down,without any cuddling in the afterglow. However, even after a few minutesof cumming within Brandy’s pussy, Ralph’s huge cock remained inside thatcunt while man and woman continued their deep tongue-kissing with theirarms wrapped around each other.Ralph broke from their kiss finally, and moved his mouth to say roughly inBrandy’s ear, “Baby, that was the hottest damn fuck of my life!” which Mattoverheard, but Ralph was not trying to hide anything. Matt didn’t knowwhat to think except that it was clear that sex with this girl had clearlyenraptured his husband more than any sex the two men had performed witheach other over the many years.Ralph rolled off of Brandy’s body, and the muscle bear and the young womanlaid side by side on the bed, catching their breath. Brandy was rubbingher hand all over Ralph’s hairy chest, squeezing his nipples.Ralph appeared to be licking the pussy juice out of his `stache when henoticed Matt sitting naked on the chaise lounge.“So, um… yeah,” was all Ralph could say to his husband. It was clearthat the actual heterosexual experience was even more thrilling andsatisfying than Ralph’s many secret jackoff sessions about Brandy and allthe other women over the last six months.Matt didn’t reply. He felt like sneering in disgust at his husband’sheterosexual afterglow, but he couldn’t be angry about Ralph being honestwith him.Then Matt looked at the girl lying next to his husband. He saw that hershaved pussy lips were wet and shiny with her own cunt juices. Plus, itlooked like Ralph’s hotly-fired semen was beginning to leak out. Matt’shard cock spurted out a little precum.The thought appeared in Matt’s head and, without even acknowledging hishusband, he moved over Brandy’s body until his face was between her legs,just inches from her fucked-hard wet pussy.“Matt?” Ralph started to say but Matt ignored his husband and pressed hisown lips against Brandy’s soft pussy mound. The girl moaned softly as Mattpushed his tongue inside her cunt, grinding his thick black mustacheagainst her clit.Matt tasted the familiar flavor of his husband’s cum inside this girl’spussy as well as a different tangy flavor that he knew must be her own cuntjuice. At first, Matt was just thinking about what his husband’s seed musttaste like intermingled with a woman’s own orgasmic fluids. But now herealized her really wanted to tongue-fuck her! Despite his own heartbrokenfeeling over his husband clearly enjoying this young woman’s body more thanhe ever had Matt’s, Matt was filled with a burning desire to make Brandycum!Matt moved his tongue to Brandy’s clit and began flicking it like he’d seenin straight porn movies (that he’d told himself he never paid attention tothe women in). He kissed her clit and sucked on it and then plunged histongue deep, deep into her pussy, with his rough mustache hairs againrubbing against her trembling clit.As he made love to Brandy with is mouth, Matt began to taste more and moreof her hot pussy juice, realizing that he’d been successful in bringingthis girl to orgasm. He recognized a weird feeling of… pride inside athis newfound ability to please a woman!Matt stood up, pussy juice dripping from his thick mustache. His cock wasleaking again, more than ever. At that moment Matt knew that it was nothis husband at the girl’s side that was causing his rock hard erection: itwas the girl. It wasn’t the “situation” he was in: it was the girl. Mattrealized clearly that he was sexually attracted to a woman for the veryfirst time in his life. And it felt good!“Don’t stop now, Daddy,” Brandy said, causing Matt to shudder in lust!He laid down on the bed on the other side of Brandy and then pulled her ontop of him, away from Ralph. Her skin felt so good against his body! Thesight of her looking down at him, her long blonde hair falling down towardshim, made Matt hotter than he could remember ever being.Brandy opened her mouth and met his mouth, and Matt almost screamed at theintensity of pleasure that her tongue touching his gave him! The girl thenlined up her pussy with Matt’s 7-inch cock while they were kissing, and letout a passionate moan as she slowly slid down his rigid shaft.Matt’s hands were roaming Brandy’s body as his dick was going deeper intoher pussy, and then he felt Ralph’s hand on Brandy’s soft ass cheek, gentlypushing her down Matt’s cock.Matt angrily slapped Ralph’s hand away! He hadn’t interfered or “helped”with Ralph’s first time fucking a woman, so he was momentarily furious withhis husband for intruding on his own heterosexual cherry being broken.Once his cock was fully inside Brandy’s amazingly tight and wonderfulpussy, Matt began bucking and thrusting his hips upwards. Brandy sat up toride him, and Matt felt on her soft but firm round breasts… so differentfrom hairy gay men’s chests!He then moved one hand down to Brandy’s clit and began rubbing it with histhumb, giving her the pleasure he’d seen men give women in the straightporn movies he could no longer pretend that he never paid attention to.As he fucked her, Matt could feel Brandy’s fresh hot juices running downhis shaft, onto his hairy balls and thighs, and he knew she was orgasmingagain! Unable to contain himself, Matt proudly shot off his firstheterosexual cum inside this girl’s raw-but-still-tight pussy! He keptcumming and cumming, even though he’d already orgasmed a little earlierwatching his husband fuck this beautiful girl. But now it seemed to justkeep going on and on, much longer than any of his orgasms with Ralph orother men. Maybe that was just in his head, but that’s how Matt felt.He raised up and pulled Brandy next to him, his cock still in her cunt. Hefelt her tits and hot nipples pressed up against his muscular hairy chest.Matt kissed her deeply again, enjoying this amazing and explosiveheterosexual orgasm and its aftermath, knowing that it had changed the restof his life.After their lips parted, Matt looked into Brandy’s eyes and said, “Thankyou,” and then tongue-kissed her again for several minutes, reveling in thesensations that a man/woman kiss gave him.Then he and Brandy got up and he helped he put her clothes on. LeavingRalph on the bed by himself, Matt walked Brandy to the front door of thecouple’s home, kissed her again, and told her “goodbye.”Matt stood by the closed door for a few minutes, stroking his cock alittle, feeling the slick pussy juice on it, and his heart stirredremembering how it felt to fuck Brandy. He could even smell her on histhick mustache as well.He finally walked back into the bedroom he shared with his husband, to seeRandy stroking his own cock again, watching a girl-on-girl porn scene onthe widescreen TV across from their bed. Matt chuckled to himself alittle, realizing that Ralph must’ve been relieved to finally be out of thecloset with his heterosexual desire now.Ralph was so intently jacking off about the lesbian action on the TV thathe didn’t even notice Matt had entered the room.“Hey,” Matt said loudly, getting his husband’s attention away from thenaked girls on the screen.Matt sighed, and then smiled, and said, “We’re not gay!” -- source link
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