Egyptian Religious CalendarToday 21 June 2019 - XIX day of Khenty-Khety, the tenth month of the Egyp
Egyptian Religious CalendarToday 21 June 2019 - XIX day of Khenty-Khety, the tenth month of the Egyptian Lunar Calendar (in the CDXX Great Year of Ra according to the Egyptian Civil Calendar).Summer Solstice: Glorious and Blessed Summer Solstice to everyone!!!(quotes from“Egyptian Religious Calendar: CDXIX-CDXX Great Year of Ra (2019CE)”. The book is available on amazon: By subscribing to “AMENTE NOFRE-MEMBERSHIP COMMUNITY” you will get a complete access to the daily posts of the Ancient Egyptian Religious Calendar and to our online courses in Egyptology, here’s the link with all the infos: )Religious Prescriptions:Favorable day“Do not go out at midday.” [c.c.]Religious Festivities:The XIX day of the lunar month is sacred to Imseti. It is the “Feast of Hearing His Words” and Iun-mut-ef is the God of the Feast.- Offerings by the chief of the singers, the performer of the ritual of the dismembering of Seth (thirty-day festivity, XXV day)[T. Behdet, c. Hathor]- Feast of the Conception of Horus son of Isis and Osiris (…) (twenty-seven days, XXII day)[T. Behdet, c. Hathor]image: the Leo Zodiac sign represented upon a huge serpent;detail from the astronomical ceiling (westernmost strip) of the Outer Hypostyle Hall of the Temple of the Goddess Hathor at Nitentóre (Dendera) -- source link
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