www.somniaromantica.com/blogCorona The world has changed rapidly. All measures possible are taken to
www.somniaromantica.com/blogCorona The world has changed rapidly. All measures possible are taken to reduce the pressure on healthcare and to slow the spreading of the virus down until we have found good medication and eventually a vaccin. The Netherlands is no exception, we are one of the worse hit countries. My husband, who works in mental healthcare research, works from home now. As the daycare is closed, our little son who turned 2 past week is full time at home now too. All public places are closed, so it is basically the three of us in our apartment with a good walk every now and then. He is doing great and we are all healthy and I feel very thankful for that. However, inevitably I have considerably less time to work. I can barely get to the amount time to make new pieces and keep up with social media and messages. Added to this my little business is very internationally oriented. 95% of all pieces ship to all over the world, about 2/3 to the US. All shipping restrictions of different contries are rapidly changing, sometimes by the day. As good customer service and guaranteed delivery are some of my highest priotities I have decided to put my shops on vacation mode for the time being. I simply can’t promise something today as I do not know what new rules tomorrow will bring. I will give priority to my family, to stay safe & healthy. But I won’t lay down my work and won’t dissapear! I will keep on making & designing new pieces and I stay in touch through social media, blogs and so on :) I wish you all the best. Stay safe, take care and keep your eyes on you loved ones and know this will pass! On to a brighter future <3 Marjolein -- source link