OKAY SO! Me and @pepplemint talked about a Haikyuu!! horse/equestrian au like. a year ago. But I’m
OKAY SO! Me and @pepplemint talked about a Haikyuu!! horse/equestrian au like. a year ago. But I’m thinking about it a lot and NOW I’VE SKETCHED FOR IT! Explanations and MORE ART!!(like a lot) under cut!!KarasunoKarasuno is a pretty small stable that used to be a ,ot bigger and well seen, but then the owner got old and hostpitalised for some time, and after that retired and never returned (old Ukai). His grandson (coach Ukai) is currently owning it, but isn’t very involved, more or less just a janitor/responsible for the buildings. There are only a few people with horses there. There is Daichi with his horse Suga. They are competing in eventing, and while they are actually pretty decent (Suga is very good allround, very trustworthy and together they are extremely stable) they never actually win. They tend to place at best 3rd, mostly just below medal place at 4th or 5th. Daichi has more or less become the boss of the stable, since he has been there the longest, and is the oldest there.There is also Noya and Asahi. Asahi is a horse left from the old stable, and belongs to Ukai originally. Noya is his rider though, and takes care of him. Asahi is a very nervous horse, easily frightened despite looking like one of those typically “big and calm” kind of horses. He is very sensitive to his rider, and tend to twist himself in all directions to answer to every little request they make. Or that he thinks they make. Noya is an energetic and seemingly careless rider, joining Daichi and Suga to the event competitions, but is especially into the terrain part! But despite his flashy style, he is actually an extremely stable rider, even more so than daichi, and can give clear yet subtle directions. Fearless as he is, he works great with Asahi (though he seems EVEN shorter on the back of the muscle mountain Asahi). Asahi had problems with the jumping, after failing a number of competitions, making him a nervous wreck as soon as they enter the manege. (They work through it together)Tanaka is a special one. He joins the others on competitions for fun, but he is actually more into voltige! Ennoshita is a wonder of stability and calm, and while they are decent in the events, where they really shine is when Tanaka gets to do summersaults on Ennoshitas back!Kiyoko is Daichi’s old pony, that he grew out of. She is very petite and calm, with a lot of dignity. Yachi eneters the Karasuno stables after encountering an escaped and lost Hinata, and as a thank you, Daichi offers her lessons on Kiyoko. Slowly, but surely, she learns to enjoy riding and being around horses.Yamaguchi is a horse that Ukai (the younger) recently bought. His previous owners didn’t take very good care of him, not so bad it was considered neglect, but he had no muscles, dull fur, was nervous around people and generally very shy. Tsukki had grown up with horses around him, as his brother had been competing in events. Tsukki adired him a lot, and was aiming to compete himself one day. Until. The Accident. Basically the horse his borther rode got scared right before a jump, and they lost balance and fell. Akiteru got the horse over him. In the end, nothing serious happened, the horse hadn’t really landed with his weight on him, and he ended up with a concussion and a broken hand. But Tsukkishima was left with a nagging fear. He gave up his dream. He passed by the Karasuno stables one day, and stopped to watch Kageyama work with Hinata. He ended up throwing some unwanted comments about Kageyamas hand with horses. Daichi was fast to snatch him, and basically told him to do it himself then. Before Tsukki knew it, he was standing there, working from the ground with Yama. After that, Tsukki had no intention of going back, but Yama is an honest horse that does his absolute best, and Tsukki kind of felt that. So he came back after all, and started working with overcoming his own fear, as well as give Yama a rider and caretaker he could trust.Kageyama was at a much bigger stable before, and is extremely talented as a rider. However, he cares very little for the horses outside of the riding, and takes very little consideration of the horse’s personal needs as he rides. He goes through horse after horse, but sooner or later it ends unsatisfyingly. The lack of trust, and bond between he and his horses simply makes it hard for him to make the hard, one-second-decisions work out in competitions. He seeks out the Karasuno stables in hopes to find a horse that will suit him only to find…Hinata! A very small horse (like aaalmost pony, the ground has to perfectly even when they measure him) but with a step and most of all jump that is more than promising. He was supposed to be a family pony, but wasn’t really suited for small children and peacful walks in the forest, so Ukai took him in. He is very young, and knows only the VERY basics. Daichi, who is in charge, tells Kageyama that he can work with Hinata before even thinking of other horses in the stable, and so begins their journey of a lot on ground exercises of trust and listening. Hinata has a lot of personality, and a very big will to jump. He also gets very distracted and jumpy at competition areas, but as soon as they enter the manege or track, he is 100% focus.NekomaNekoma is a much bigger stable, with long history and are well respected. They are known for creating competent equipages.Kuuro and Kenma both basically grew up in the stables, with their entire families there. Kuuro is a competetive rider, and focus mostly on dressage in the events. He has been riding since before he could walk, and could probably completely a dressage program in his sleep. Kenma, on the other hand, has no interest in competing. It’s “a bother”. He HAS still grown up with horses though, and due to his perceptive nature, and calm mind, he is excellent at raising new horses (”riding in” them) (I don’t know the english words for it). Kuuro constantly tries to give him credit when admirers come up to him, but very few can really believe that the horses’ talent would be because of that pouting kid.Kenma is currently in charge of Lev, a new horse with an amazing stride and height, but unfortunatenly no coordination or control of his exceptionally long limbs. And a mind of a huge lapdog. Kenma has a headache. Lev is often accompanied by the very very small pony Yaku, Kuuros childhood pony. Lev has, as he should, realised that Yaku is not to be argued with, so he is often brought along to keep the huge horse under control. Small horses can be fierce.Kuuro’s current competition horse is (DUNDUNDUN)Bokuto! Bokuto is actually not Kuuros horse. Aakashi, from the Fukurodani stables, is his actual owner. But Aakashi is like kenma not as interested in competition, and realised it would be to waste Bokuto’s enthusiasm and potential to just have him as a hobby horse. So Kuuro has him at the Nekoma stables and is the one in care of him. Aakashi visits on almost daily basis to coach them. Kuuro and Bokuto is the duo that just. Do things. Sledge in winter? Yes! Horse/rider dress up? Yes!! Is it really necessary to see if Kuuro can run faster than Bokuto? YES! Also Päpple gave me very important links to what they would look like competition wiseOikawaOikawa is an amazing horse from the Aobajousai stables. The stables are huge, clean, orginised and very well known. This is *class*. Oikawa was born there. Iwaizumi had basically grown up at the stables, since his dad worked at them, and was very loved and respected. So naturally, Iwaizumi helped him a lot, and because almost equally loved and respected. When he was 10-ish, he was assigned to raise and ride in Oikawa, as his first “own responsibility” (under very much supervision from his dad though) (they had no desillusions of what a kid could do). So they basically grew up and raised each other. Oikawa was very promising, but also with a temperament of few. He tended to constantly test his riders, and mostly did his own thing on competitions. If he thought that was the right way to the jump, then dang where they going that way. Then Kageyama came, and was assigned as Oikawa’s competetive rider. But Kageyama was not one to follow along and definitely not someone who naturally listened to his horse. So in a moment of frustration and pettiness, Oikawa sped up towards a jump, only to make a rough halt and throw himself to the side. Kageyama fell of helpless. It ended up being fine, and Kags thought Oikawa had been scared of something. Oikawa however, got a pretty bad limp from it. He was supposed to be sold pretty soon, as they do with their horses. The family decided to promise Iwaizumi to have first dibs on buying Oikawa as soon as he got better. As a thank you for many years of hard and good work. And horses that has had weak legs already before their career even started are usually not so poular. Just before the deal is sealed, Ushijima enters the scene. He had kept his eyes on Oikawa, and saw his potential. Ushijima offered a LOT of money for Oikawa. But the family was loyal to their promise, and Iwaizumi got him. Now the two of them compete, and are generally a very intmidating equipage.Bonus: Ushijima his a great rider, and has several horses that he rides, depending on the competition and situation. One of his horses is Tendou, an former trotter with a weird stride, until he actually starts working. He also have very big whites in his eyes, making him look. a little bit crazy. -- source link
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