“The greatest thing you’ll ever learnIs just to love….. and be loved in return.&r
“The greatest thing you’ll ever learnIs just to love….. and be loved in return.”(There will be more pictures soon!)The Moulin Rouge, an enchanting land of debauchery and jewels. A land of sinful pleasures and desperate longing dreams. When a poor young man, Patton, and his business partner Logan find themselves at the Moulin Rouge to try and land a business deal to put on their plays on the stage and make a name for themselves, they had no idea they were in for a sordid affair. From the moment Patton sees the red-headed Glittering Rose of the Moulin Rouge that is Roman, he is struck by love’s arrow and he would do anything to be with the enchanting young man. But the prostitute’s dreams are dependent on wooing the wealthy entrepreneur Declan, a shady man who is just as ruthless as he is skeevy. But Roman holds a terrible secret- he is desperately ill; he’s dying and can barely afford medicine. Wooing Declan might be his only chance of survival and his only shot at being on a Real Stage. Meanwhile Logan thinks Patton is being silly to pursue a prostitute when there can surely be no trust in a relationship like that…. right…..? Who would have thought he’d fall for the Moulin Rouge’s quiet and alluring Night Beauty Virgil. GIANT WORD DUMP UNDER THE CUT! (WARNING: there’s mentions of prostitution but not in detail so yeah)Roman: Glittering Rose of the Moulin Rouge and the most well-known and beautiful of the prostitutes. He is the most lusted after and plays the role well. He and Virgil are very close, more than friends but knowing romance isn’t an option for people in their position. His greatest dream is to make enough money to be on the big stage with Virgil; to be a REAL actor! But he is very sick and needs medicine and all of his money is going to that. He can barely afford it and still doesn’t have enough and his condition is getting worse. He feels the only way to get enough money to free himself and Virgil and afford medicine is by wooing Declan into providing money for a large stage production with Roman as the star. This should give him enough money to finally put the Moulin Rouge behind them. When he meets Patton it is by accident, confusing Patton as Declan and trying to woo him. Innocent Patton didn’t understand and Roman is quickly enchanted with how innocent and sweet Patton is and how open he is about professing his love. Roman thinks it’s cute but foolish. “You can’t fall for me because you can’t pay.” He insists. Patton does not listen; does not believe true love has to be paid for as it is something that happens naturally; he does not believe love you pay for is true love. He sings Roman a beautiful romantic song professing his love and Roman wants to love Patton back desperately but it is hard and Patton has to convince him that real love, True Love, is not just in the faerietales. He is so sweet and has clearly never been in love before and Roman can’t help but fall for him. They’re swept off their feet together in this beautiful romance, but Remy insists to Roman that this is his only chance- If he does not help persuade Declan to put on a play, he will never have enough money to get out of the Moulin Rouge with Virgil. So Roman hatches a plan to take one of Patton and Logan’s plays and put it on the stage. Patton is all too happy to write a play specifically for Roman and they have to keep their love affair quiet or Declan will de-fund the play out of jealousy.Virgil: The Night Beauty and best friend to Roman, also a little more than just friends but unwilling to go farther with his view of their profession. He is quiet and alluring but lost hope of having dreams years ago. He does not think he is worthy of real love and believes men’s love is all fake for the sake of getting off. He is melancholy but knows how to fake it. When Logan tries to tell Patton that falling for Roman isn’t good, the and Logan dance together and Logan’s attraction becomes very clear. Virgil likes Logan and Logan likes him in return. It’s chemical but more than that…… Logan is real and down to earth. He is a Good Person and would never touch Virgil without consent and oh dear he is falling for the bespectacled man. He doesn’t want to though, he feels he is tainted; unclean. He is no good for Logan. But Logan is just too kind and too real and when Virgil falls he falls very hard. Patton: Innocent, new to love and very very talented at writing. He never intended to make it to the Moulin Rouge, in fact the thought never would have crossed his mind if Logan hadn’t brought him there and insisted it would get their names out there even if it was attached to bad publicity as “any publicity is good when you are starting out”. Roman immediately captures his heart and he falls for him, singing him a love song to express his feelings. They fall together and he’s happy but Roman insists he has to woo Declan and Patton’s heart aches because he is jealous. He does not want to let Roman go through with this because he knows what wooing entails- it’s more than a simple bat of the eyelashes and a kiss on the hand. He doesn’t want Roman to be a prostitute any more…. All he wants is to take Roman far away from this place. Who cares if they have no money? They will find a way to make it work! Roman should not have to suffer this any more! Logan: Practical and refined, he’s Patton’s narcoleptic manager and the one who insists they go to the Moulin Rouge since no other place in Paris will allow them to put on their plays. He does not trust Patton’s judgement and openly questions what he’s thinking falling for a prostitute. He believes in the sanctity of a relationship and that surely falling for a man who sells himself for money cannot be trusted to truly love you back right? He just wants to protect Patton’s heart because he cares deeply for him. His viewpoint changes dramatically when he meets Virgil, the beautiful quiet prostitute who is as opposite Roman as can be. Refined and snarky when he finally opens up, Logan is smitten and realizes that he’s fallen hard. When he approaches Virgil, the other insists he is no good for Logan and that everything Logan thinks about prostitutes must be correct. You buy his love or you don’t get it handed to you freely. Logan finds out from Remy that Virgil had fallen in love once and was heartbroken and left with nothing, leading him to this lifestyle where he met Roman. He feels like he can’t ever truly be in love but they fall together and Logan finds Virgil is anything but the untrustworthy man he thought prostitutes were. Once they come together they don’t let eachother go.Remy: A patron of the Moulin Rouge not for the sex but for the flashy performances, he always pays just to watch the displays of elegance. He provides the costumes they all wear and knows the prostitutes very well. Declan: the skeevy businessman, he has one goal and one goal only- to make Roman his. He agrees to putting on this play because he could watch Roman move all day. He wants to rake Roman from this place and make him his; buy his affections so Roman will be his trophy forever. When he finds out Patton and Roman are in love he becomes ridiculously angry and wants to cancel the play and leave. Roman has to convince him to stay- they NEED that money if he is ever going to get himself and Virgil out of this lifestyle. He makes a deal- spend a night with Declan and the play can continue. Roman reluctantly accepts and Declan showers him in diamonds and says he can keep them if he stays with him. He insists he’ll never want for money again and can do anything he wants. Roman wants to deny him but Declan purrs into his ear that he’ll have enough money to free himself AND Virgil from this place. How can he say no? He’s sick, he’s running out of time. If he doesn’t get money soon he’s going to collapse and die.His heart belongs to Patton but this could free Virgil and save his own life. So he spends the night with him and regrets every second. Declan thinks Roman is his but the next morning Roman is gone and has run back to Patton who is heartbroken and thinks Roman doesn’t love him any more. In a fit of saddened rage Patton tells Roman to leave and Roman is heartbroken. He goes back to the stage where he sees Logan and Virgil all over each other and realizes Virgil could leave with Logan. Logan has a clever head on his shoulders, he could make money in no time. Which means it’s only Roman alone….. and Roman is heartbroken and getting sicker. He loves Patton and he can’t bare to be alone and now that Virgil has found someone he feels like he’s been abandoned. So he goes back to Declan and promises that he’ll go with him when the play is over if it means he can leave this place. Declan is ecstatic and triumphant that his pretty decorative rose is finally his. This seals the deal to keep the play going and Patton comes back wanting to apologize but he sees them together and feels more and more betrayed and jealous by how often Roman is with Declan and how handsy Declan is being regardless if Roman looks “mildly” (very) uncomfortable.On the night of the play Patton has enough and confronts an ill and trying badly to hide it Roman and calls him a cheating liar and how could he use him like this, how could he treat him like this?! Roman tries to explain and desperately apologizes but he must go on stage and Patton follows him and their argument is seen as part of the performance. Patton descends the stage, leaving, feeling horrible and Roman is left weeping on the stage. He calls to Patton, sobbing desperately and sings him a soft song and Patton turns and recognizes it’s the song he sang to the other when they first met. They turn the song into a duet and he gets back on stage. Declan is furious and screams that Roman is HIS! HIS rose, HIS property! He tries to draw a gun on Patton to do away with him for good but Virgil sees it and blocks the way, getting shot. Logan is frantic, the audience is shocked and turn on Declan who realizes what he’s done and bolts, realizing he may have just murdered Virgil. Roman is at Virgil’s side immediately and holding him, terrified and shaking. Logan goes to Virgil and Virgil groans but he’s alive and the bullet didn’t hit anything vital. The panic of the moment though has Roman gasping for breath and he can;t breathe, he’s shaking, he can’t breathe! He gasps for air and Patton tries to help him up but he collapses, the fever he’s had all day getting much much worse. He needs medicine, he’s dying! Logan asks Virgil what he needs and Virgil tells him they can’t go to a hospital because they’ve no money and Logan and Patton pool what money they have left to take them. Virgil is patched up and recovering but Roman is very very sick still and the doctors will not let Patton in to see him. It takes three days but Roman recovers and he’s weak and can barely talk but he’s alive and Roman apologizes for everything. Patton says it was his own fault for being jealous and he should have trusted Roman. He then tells Roman that the play was so good that night that they sold out the house and they have enough money to leave. Roman cries hard at the shock. He had almost given up the idea of actually being free of that place. Patton holds him and tells him Roman, himself, Virgil and Logan are all going to leave Paris and find someplace new to start over and that neither Virgil or Roman would have to sell their bodies ever again. Roman could not be happier. He, Virgil, Logan and Patton could finally explore their love for one another without fear of having to be unfaithful for the sake of money. -- source link
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