fangirltothefullest:Who Charms the Snake Charmer?Some Sympathetic Deceit being persuaded by a rather
fangirltothefullest:Who Charms the Snake Charmer?Some Sympathetic Deceit being persuaded by a rather ominous snake because I love the idea that he’s good but he does the bidding of the snake because it was persuasive, not knowing it’s dangerous and what he’s doing is wrong, only to learn that it is and approaching the snake with the desire to fix what he’s done, but of course the snake won’t have that so they argue. This is the result of that argument with the snake deciding to fix the problem by handling all those silly little thoughts and tucking them away nice and deep where he can’t access them.I blame @dailydeceitdoodles because their Hypnotized picture was definitely the inspiration for this.Physically Darker version below the cut (much more shadowed) Keep readingSO UH…. have a little fic to go with it….. (654 words, hypnosis,bad snake,deceit)“Letme go!” He twists and turns in the grip of the snake, feeling its large whitecoils wrap tightly around him, pinning his arms at his sides. He struggles topush past it, to drag it off of him, but he can’t make a budge in its tightgrip. “Ssssstop sssstruggling.” It hisses and he winces at the sound. Thehissing should give him comfort- it usedto before he knew the Truth. “Iwon’t do it, I won’t hurt them anymore; my job is to protect Thomas!” Deceitfeels the coils tighten again and he wheezes, scraping at the coils of its bodywith his gloved hand. It’s getting harder to breathe and he feels it flickingits tongue by his ear. “Why are you doing this?!” “Becausssse I musssssst….” It flicks its tongue again and Deceitshudders at how close it’s hissing in his ear. “You ssssssshould have lissssstened to me Dessssssceit….. but no, youhad to go and sssssee thingsssss in a different light……” The deceptive side is dragged to his knees as thesnake squeezes harder. He can feel his lungs burning, his chest trying toexpand and failing as he chokes on soft, shallow gasps. It is getting harderand harder to do anything but just focus on breathing. “I need a pawn.” The snake drags its tail over again and Deceitwheezes. “If you won’t lissssten to meand obey me freely… then I sssssshall have to make you~” Hegasps and tries to look at the sake but that is a mistake. Deep yellow eyeslock onto his and his breath barely hitches as he tries to gasp. His thoughtsscreech to a halt, transfixed on its gaze and his shoulders sag. “Thatssssssit……” The snake releases its grip and watches as his head slides easily toface the front. “No more of thosssssssepesssssky thoughtsssss……” Hefeels like he is falling, like he is caught in a never-ending downward spiral.He tries to focus, tries to think of everything he had wanted to say to theother Sides….. he was sorry… right? For… for doing… what… had hedone….? There is a soft fluffy haze filling his skull like his head is madeof cotton and the more the snake hisses, the less and less he can focus andgrasp reality as it dances before him. Hesits uselessly on the floor of his room, staring at nothing with eyes whosegolden glow matches that of the snake. Its coils have let go of his body butthey have instead taken hold of his thoughts and smothered them where he can not focus from that forced deep dive. “There’sssssssa good boy.” The snake nuzzles his cheek and he stays unmoving. “Now…. what wasssss it you wanted to asssssskmy little pet~?” Heknows his mouth is moving but the words feel automatic and programmed, like heis asleep in a body that is not his own, barely dreaming through a lens whereall happenings are glimpsed as if in a foggy dream, stranded from reality, sodeep and suppressed he can only see it by staring straight up into the singledot of light in the blackness of a void that surrounds him. “Nothing.” “Excsssssssssellent. And whatare we to do with thosssssse light sssssides that I sssssso dessssspissssse~?” “Destroythem.” “That’sssss my good boy.” “Thomaswill be ours.” “Indeed my little pet.Now…. let ussssss go. We have a Logic to sssssshatter…..” Hedrifts in and out lazily floating on water with no ripples. Each thought tooslow to process without effort. He can’t hear anything, can’t speak, andeach thought floats aimlessly like he does in that body of water that seems togo on forever. There is no light save for the one right above, and if helooks at it too long it hurts his eyes. Sleep……Heshould….. sleep……. -- source link
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