alwaysbewoke:alwaysbewoke: alwaysbewoke:nerdaucity: blackourstory:alwaysbewoke:ubercrabby:UGH
alwaysbewoke:alwaysbewoke: alwaysbewoke:nerdaucity: blackourstory: alwaysbewoke: ubercrabby: UGH SHUT UP AND STOP CRITICIZING OUR GENERATION FOR WHAT CHOICES OUR FUCKING ANCESTORS MADE. NO WONDER IT NEVER ENDS. OUR RIGHTS ARE ALL EQUAL NOW, SO LET IT DIE. BE KIND TO DECENT PEOPLE, AND FUCK EVERYBODY ELSE. THERE ARE SCUMFUCKS IN EVERY RACE, COLOR, AND CREED.. THAT PART IS UNAVOIDABLE. the fuck are you talking about?!?! you’re LIVING in a privilege life BECAUSE of the shit your “ancestors” did. systems your “ancestors” put in place that’s affecting black lives today (bofa/countrywide to pay $335 million for predatory lending practices against african american and latino borrowers; employers prefer white felons over blacks with no criminal record; job applicants with white-sounding names were 50% more likely to be called for interviews than were those with black-sounding names; white people will support harsher criminal laws if they think more black people are arrested; drivers treat white pedestrians better than black pedestrians) and you want black people to just be quiet about it?! dafuq?! white people always want blacks to be silent about the truth because they want to enjoy the bliss of their ignorance in peace. they want to enjoy their privilege in peace and not give any thought to the people who were stepped on, enslaved, raped and murdered so they can have it. not only back then but now. not just overtly but the subtle ways too. and they surely don’t want our words to reveal that underneath that obama tee, they’re really just as racist as their “ancestors" and deeply desirous of and invested in maintaining the current racial stratification.” ^ Boom. . You guys are honestly the reason why white nationalism is on the rise. You guys are the reason the left has lost it’s fucking mind. You guys are the reason people are getting sick and tired of black people. I’m black, and I’m tired of black people. There is no “white privilege”. There is only your individual merit to pull yourself above whatever squalor you were unfortunate enough to be born into. If there was white privilege, there’d be nothing but rich whites and poor blacks. Funny thing is, there used to be a decent conversation to be had about “white privilege”, the idea that there are LITTLE things that give white people an edge in society. But you guys have so utterly poisoned the discussion with anti-white hatred, no one wants to listen to your bullshit anymore. Make no mistake, you are the minority. A vocal minority, but most black people don’t believe in your bullshit. Most black people don’t have time to sit here and cry on the internet about how they’re being oppressed, because they aren’t. No one is oppressing black people, except for black people. You aren’t allowed to criticize black communities or call anyone out on their bullshit. White people aren’t coming into our areas and killing us with gang violence and drugs, getting our fathers taken away, raising these fatherless children who just do the same shit and disrupt the community, making it unsafe, turning around and getting our schools defunded because they couldn’t give two shits about it. AND then when you point this bullshit out, you get called a coon. A white boy. An oreo. Well, if that’s what it takes to save us from ourselves, I guess I’m a fucking coon, but I’ll be fucked if I’m going to let you idiots ruin the next generation of black minds by spewing this nonsense that their potential is inherently lower in society because of white people that died in the last century. Get over it. None of us here were enslaved. None of us here are living in poverty due to the decisions of someone else. Wake up. for the coonery is strong in this one.and make no mistake coonery like this whch aligns itself with white supremacy, white privilege (which every bit of research proves is in every corner of life but okay coon you can proceed) is also what powers white racism. like mlk said negroes are human, not superhuman. like all people, they have differing personalities, diverse financial interests, and varied aspirations. there are negroes who will never fight for freedom. there are negroes who will seek profit for themselves alone from the struggle. there even are some negroes who will cooperate with the oppressors. these facts should distress no one. every minority, and every people has its share of opportunists, profiteers, freeloaders and escapists. the hammer blows of discrimination, poverty, and segregation must warp and corrupt some. and yes you’re a coon because i linked actual research and you’re pretending like it was just the dribble of an eight year old. yes you are most certainly a coon because you dare act as if black people shouldn’t stand up for themselves and call out PROVEN institutional racism because it hurts white people’s feelings and causes them to act out. that’s like blaming an increase in rapes on rape victims coming out and rightfully accusing their rapists. it’s batshit backwards logic of, yes, a coon. yes you are most certainly a coon because you employed the wrong direction fallacy where you turned a cause into an effect and an effect a cause. as if black power movements and fights for liberation did NOT come about as a result of white racial hatred and oppression. as if structural white violence against black and brown was NOT the impetus for a strident oush for equality. white nationalism is not new. it’s a newish phrase for what it is at its core has always been at the core of white america: racism. however the coon that you are would not be capable of seeing that.yes you are most certainly a coon because your “if there was white privilege, there’d be nothing but rich whites and poor blacks” continues willfull ignorance of the difference between racism and classism. that there are poor white do not negate that there is white privilege .you are most certainly a coon because you pretend the evidence in those links are from centuries ago with no affect on the present. yo ass saw a link showing that a bank preyed on black home owners and you don’t think that shit has a lasting affect on black wealth, black neighborhoods, black schools, black families, black children and more? you should stick to just posting porn and shit son. this conversation is too big for your kind. again…the coonery is strong in this one.there are few things worse than black coonery. smfh. and it’s always these porn blogs too. @mdsdy-blog no because coonery knows no gender. such as the coonery of thinking the issue is that their “ancestors did a thing we’re still mad about” (and btw the way “ancestor” means their parents haha) but not “your ancestors did a thing, you’re benefitting greatly from that thing, you’re continuing that thing (just under a different name and with a slightly different look), and you’re still actively and purposefully harming us all while trying to gaslight us with bullshit like ‘bootstrapping’ and ‘victim mentality.’ but i understand tho, the coonery is strong in you too. I will never NOT be disgusted by Black ppl more concerned about protecting white feelings than actual Black lives. Never. ^ That part. -- source link
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