willastyrells: it-varys:greenchestnuts:aspookynightvaleintern:ilvalentinos:ateverbti:ilval
willastyrells: it-varys: greenchestnuts: aspookynightvaleintern: ilvalentinos: ateverbti: ilvalentinos: or a bitch, or a whore, or ________ (insert complaint you would never make about a male character here) The thing is that Jane wouldn’t be useless if they written her better. For now she is just a love interest for main character without any traces of being useful. She could be awesome, because she is smart, she’s great scientist. But no. In “Thor” movie she is just a bimbo who fall in love with main character after few days. FEW DAYS! Why? She deserves much more than being stupidly in love. Why people goes nuts about Loki and not about her? It’s simple. Loki is better written, he has his motives, he has plot just for him. They gave him much more time on screen than Jane. He is far more interesting because they have written him that way. So stop bitching about people who loves Loki and doesn’t like Jane. it’s hard to like her, when all we see is just a love interest. Bitch about how badly she is written. Tell it to the director, to screen writers. But don’t bash other characters. If you do, you’re just stupid like those who bash Jane. Sorry for a rant, but I had enough about “Oh Jane is so much better, bla bla bla”. She isn’t yet. She could be and it has to happen. But for now she ISN’T and that’s the harsh truth. saw this coming from a mile away cookie for u (OKAY NO i was going to just leave that here and do away with this but i CANNOT ABIDE walking away from a conversation - if i’m being generous so - things that jane does in thor drives into a STORM to gather data. despite the fact that she was expressly told not to by eric and darcy and probably shouldn’t have, but hey, the lady loves science. built her own equipment to pursue research of astrophysics, has her research taken away, arguably initiates the exchange with loki that thor has by driving thor to a GOVERNMENT FACILITY TO STEAL BACK A RENOVATION TOOL which makes thor realize that he has been abandoned and now must fend for himself covinces selvig to bring thor back, gets darcy to FAKE ID TO AFOREMENTIONED GOVERNMENT FACILITY oh, also by the end of the film she is still carrying on with her research - only now she has a multinational clandestine organization that will capitalize on and endorse her research with pretty much limitless funds and that’s just what she DOES. in a matter of days - funny you’re complaining about her falling in love in a couple of days and not the progress made on her research huh also kenneth branagh has also stated on several occasions that thor and jane share a mutual affection and immediate attraction. and even if she does fall in love with thor, that DOESN’T MAKE HER A BIMBO THAT MAKES HER A RED BLOODED WOMAN WHO WANTS TO CLIMB HEMSWORTH LIKE A TREE, AS DOES MOST OF THE WORLD. LOVE IS NOT STUPID BEING IN LOVE IS NOT STUPID IF SHE IS IN FACT IN LOVE BEING A LOVE INTEREST DOES NOT REDUCE ONE TO A LOVE INTEREST WHY ARE YOU NOT BLAMING THOR FOR BEING EQUALLY INTERESTED IN HER?? the answer is probably internalized misogyny on the other thing: you said loki has his own motivations and his own plot and jane… doesn’t? even tho the movie is framed as her story like LITERALLY. it’s a first encounter story and yes it’s called thor but the film opens and closes with jane and thor is JANE’S manic dream pixie girl, and arguably he is HER love interest because guess what jane mentions her motive in every single scene she is in behold: ‘we have to move quickly before this all changes!’/‘this is characteristic of an einstein rosen bridge’/'this is my life’/'they took all my research’. SHE LITERALLY SAYS 'SCIENCE’ IN EVERY SINGLE SCENE WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. THE SCENE WHERE SHE SEES THOR AS MORE THAN A WEIRD POSSIBLY CRAZY HOMELESS GUY IS WHEN THEY TALK SCIENCE I JUST. are you incapable of processing the fact that jane has other motivations than thor and the fact that thor actually isn’t her motivation but that astrophysics is? like, ‘she searches for you’ is code for ‘she’s still got the same goal it’s just that she’s certain now that there’s someone else on the other end’ are you capable of processing the fact that people other than loki have a motivation look, the point of the post isn’t to say that jane is better. (also i’d like to see and live where you say there are always posts about jane because that sounds like paradise) the point of the post was to say that EVERY CHARACTER IS INTERESTING IF YOU PAID ENOUGH TIME TO THEIR MOTIVATIONS AS YOU DID YOUR FAVES. the point was to illustrate the fact that she isn’t useless if you. think. about. it. and um, sorry. because ‘she’s badly written’ isn’t a ‘truth’. it’s an entirely subjective perspective that i… really don’t see any well backed up evidence for, much less from you. and even if she does fall in love with thor, that DOESN’T MAKE HER A BIMBO THAT MAKES HER A RED BLOODED WOMAN WHO WANTS TO CLIMB HEMSWORTH LIKE A TREE, AS DOES MOST OF THE WORLD. *dead* I wish I was tumblr famous enough to start a thing where people post copious amounts of gifs of Jane and start overanalyzing her behavior like “You see where she tosses her hair right here? Right in this very moment? That shows how much she loves SCIENCE.” “Without any traces of being useful” Janehate? Janehate is a thing? There are people who don’t like Jane? I don’t get you, Tumblr. such bullshit. use your goddamn eyes fandom YOU SEE THAT MOMENT WHERE SHE’S ABOUT TO LUNGE FOR THAT GUY’S THROAT? i’m only sorry i couldn’t find more gifs. does her having to be dragged away from the research that she’s spent most of her adult life proving read as “not developed enough”? her passionately defending the theory (FOSTER THEORY, THANK YOU) which she is ever closer to proving is “weak writing”? the moments where she is literally driving into storms and secret bases because of HER RESEARCH!!! “her motivations make no sense!!!1!! she’s doing it all for thor’s hot body!!!” like. she giggled when thor kissed her hand. HOW DARE!!!1!! i’m sorry for you if can only take your “meaningful characterisation” in angsty, white man form. -- source link
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