educationforwomen:Recently I stumbled across a wonderfully quote, ‘slutty is the new black&r
educationforwomen: Recently I stumbled across a wonderfully quote, ‘slutty is the new black’ which got me to thinking. Firstly, this is SO true. Those of a slightly older generation will probably have a good memory of what things were like in the 80’s and 90’s… In this country especially, girls didn’t dress like little fuckdolls when they went out at night. You didn’t see high school sophomores in microscopic shorts with their tits out. Girls didn’t go partying wearing stripper dresses and 6” heels. You were *shocked* if a girl told you she lost her virginity at 14… Now all of this is par for the course. It’s no big deal now if a pretty girl gets all slutted up every weekend and goes out and fucks 3 random guys while blasted out of her mind on Molly and Blow. Teenage girls have started to think about stripping as a perfectly reasonable career choice through college, and porn isn’t something that only seedy nasty women do anymore. Slutty really is the new black for a lot of girls, and I have a theory as to why… It’s all about the internet, and I’m not exaggerating on this point. I may have talked about this before (honestly, I sort of lose track), but I think people are underestimating the effect that pervasive and easily accessible porn is having on the moral attitudes of people who grew up (or are growing up) with the internet. It really is all about the accessibility of it all. If you go back before about 1994, you basically had only 2 options for porn - tapes and magazines. Both required you to go to a store and actually buy them from a real person, this was nerve-wracking enough as a guy, never mind the horrifying idea of doing it as a girl! At the same time, porn from the 90’s and before was pretty fucking tame too. Gangbangs were a shocking thing and all that cum play that you see now? Unheard of… Now? You can go online and find hardcore gangfucks of innocent looking girls who cry and beg and then get used like mindless fuckdolls. And you can find this in about 15 seconds, no matter what your age! Hell, you can go on tumblr and find instructions on how to dress, act and fuck like a sex-starved nympho all for a man’s enjoyment. Naked selfies and sluttily dressed shots of teen girls in mirrors are a regular occurence. So much has changed, and I swear it’s only getting worse. The women in their 20’s now grew up with the internet and with easy access to video and stories of girls being fucked and enjoying sex. The current crop of teenage girls is instead growing up with easy access to rough, degrading porn; to depictions of women as nothing but wet, tight and willing meat for gangs of men and to the idea that dumb, fuck-happy little whores are so much more popular than anyone else…. Just imagine how they;re going to be acting by the time they’re old enough to drink? Then think how girls who are just becoming teenagers now will be acting in 6 or 7 years. It boggles the mind, it really does. I think that in the next 20 years we’re going to see a pretty spectacular change in the attitudes to sex, male-female relationships and age… and people don;t seem to realise it’s coming. As for me, I think it’s *wonderful*. The more girls that realise how much fun they can have if they just shut up, dress slutty and open their legs, the better I think things will be for everyone. So much less stress for both men and women - women won;t have to think, and men won’t have to worry about having some place to empty their cum when they need to. There will be a realisation that young women need a LOT of cock to be happy, and that they really need to be trained by an older man so that everyone can enjoy their bodies more… And people will understand that seeing a pretty, innocent young girl dressed to fuck is really only natural. Then one day, ALL women will be like this ;) this really hits home. i am positive that the only reason i have the kinks and the mindset that i do today is because i started watching porn so young and nothing was there to stop me, a young impressionable girl full of hormones -- source link
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